Author Topic: Hi, I'm Hakim from Germany  (Read 1982 times)

Hakim Mohamad

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Hi, I'm Hakim from Germany
« on: July 01, 2018, 01:18:04 PM »
Hi everyone,
my name ist Hakim and I'm from Germany.
I'm from a multicultural background with my Mom being German and my Dad being a non- practicing Muslim from Syria.
I found out about Jesus in 2013 (realized how He payed for our sins  with His blood) yet until 2015 I couldn't believe that this Grace was also for me because I was entangled with all kinds of wickedness, cowardice and bad habits that I couldn't break free from. But in early 2015 I got saved and I got baptized, after I moved to another town and was removed from my old Environment, which was a true blessing.
I don't want to bei sanctimoneous. I do still struggle with some issues and occasionally stumble, but when I sin, it grieves me and tears me down, because I know that that's what caused Jesus' suffering and death on the cross.
I joined an independent congregation where I got baptized and that I'm still a part of. It's Not the typical one-pastor institutionalized churchbuilding, but we have elders and every man who is allowed to participate in the breaking of bread could in theory preach, and every other man has the duty to test the preaching on basis of the Bible and correct if some error ist taught.
I came to this Forum because I've been watching Christopher's YouTube Channel for about two years. I used to be in a German forum to discuss christian topics and search for answers to my questions regarding the Bible, but due to legal issues regarding a new EU privacy law that made it too complicated and uncertain to maintain a Website for someone who isn't or can't afford a lawyer, it got closed down. That's why I registered Here.
So I hope i can have a good time here.


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Re: Hi, I'm Hakim from Germany
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2018, 07:21:21 PM »
Nice to meet you, Hakim! We have another lady from the UK here who also has an interesting background. Her father was Muslim and her mother was a Jehova's Witness. You'd have to ask her how that happened...

What part of Germany are you in? I was stationed at what used to be Hahn Air Base for two and a half years back in the eighties, and lived in Raversbeuren and then later, Traben-Trarbach.

Hakim Mohamad

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Re: Hi, I'm Hakim from Germany
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2018, 08:18:52 AM »
Hi Jeanne, I now live in a small town called Obertshausen, which is about 8 miles southwest of Frankfurt am Main. But originally I'm from an area called Ruhrgebiet maybe you've been there occasionally.

Hahn Air Base.. that's interesting. I've never been there but I know that it was converted into a civil Airport in the 90s and ist now called "Frankfurt Hahn". I always wondered why they would have named it like that, since it is more than 80 miles away from Frankfurt and Frankfurt does already have Frankfurt International Airport.


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Re: Hi, I'm Hakim from Germany
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2018, 04:04:31 PM »
Hi Hakim

Welcome to the forum.  I hope you become a long term member here.  This really is an excellent community of Bible believing Christians.
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


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Re: Hi, I'm Hakim from Germany
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2018, 02:08:11 AM »
Gruse Hakim, welcome !
we are neighbours:-)
Very glad to see you here. Pray the Lord will strengthen your faith.

Severius Brandusa

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Re: Hi, I'm Hakim from Germany
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2018, 10:44:20 AM »
Thank you for sharing how to Lord Christ Jesus has led you away from the teachings and ways of the world and into His wisdom and knowledge. May the LORD our God bless you continually and protect you from all evil devices.