Author Topic: KJV Bible for kids  (Read 3219 times)


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Re: KJV Bible for kids
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2023, 05:22:33 PM »
In the early days of Israel, the Israelites were told to teach their children all of the precepts of God.

Leviticus 10:11 King James Version
And that ye may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the Lord hath spoken unto them by the hand of Moses.

Deuteronomy 4:10  King James Version
Specially the day that thou stoodest before the Lord thy God in Horeb, when the Lord said unto me, Gather me the people together, and I will make them hear my words, that they may learn to fear me all the days that they shall live upon the earth, and that they may teach their children.

Deuteronomy 11:19  King James Version
And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

etc etc

So the children were to have been taught it just as it was from an early age. 

In the New Testament we read what Paul wrote, and he was writing directly to the children and that was because they were going to be the ones reading it.

Ephesians 6:1 King James Version
Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

Colossians 3:20 King James Version
Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.

The parents likely would have been using Paul's letters along with the Law as the material they were using to teach their children how to read and they wouldn't have had altered versions for the teaching.  Back then creating scripts was likely quite a task and so there was no point creating different scripts for the children only to then have to get the errors out of their heads (and their own) at a later time when they were to read and learn the correct manuscripts.

Children are way better at learning than many people give them credit for and with correct material provided they will easily get their head around what is being taught just as an older person will.
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


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Re: KJV Bible for kids
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2023, 10:24:25 AM »
I tabled the matter before our home church group yesterday (Perhaps I should have done that to begin with,) and we had a round table discussion about it. We’re still looking into it, but what we’re leaning towards at this point is that the King James bible can’t be made into a kid’s version without either adding to, or taking away from. This can be accomplished through foot notes or pictures, and the ones we’ve looked at so far do just that. Children are targets for deception, and we can’t be too careful.
As far as me seeking fellowship what I’ve experienced with this thread isn’t the sort that I’m in need of. I’d respectfully withdraw from the forum, but I see no way to do that which, I don’t understand.

Bill, I think I need to clarify something because I have your very first post here on the forum:
Hi all! My name is bill, and im looking forward to some fellowship with like minded believers. I don’t have a church to attend. Ive tried many, and all were diametrically opposed to biblical standards. I need fellowship, and that’s why im here. I was born again at 21 years of age. Since that time I’ve spent 22 years in the US Navy, and retired in 2003. Since retirement I’ve been in and out of church after church. It’s been a harsh realization for me that All were 501c3 buildings with the state as their god. I look forward to sharing, and growing here.

This... is really weird. Now, I can only piece together things that you have said, so I don't have a clear picture. You said you were saved at 21, and "since that time" you have spent 22 years in the Navy. You retired in 2003. That's going to put you in your 60's (in age) right now, is that correct?

So, that would make you an over 40-year veteran Christian. And here's what's strange, this is from a post you made called "Mat 16:18"
Not for one second have i ever believed Christ’s church was built on one man, but can someone educate me as to what Jesus is referring to when he uses the word “rock?”

If you told us you had gotten saved a few weeks or months ago (or maybe just a few years ago), none of this would be weird. However, if what you told us is correct, you are 20 years my senior in life, and furthermore, 20 years my senior in Christ (allegedly, I don't if that's true or not). I am a 20-year veteran in Christ, and you are supposed to have 20 years MORE than me! These are questions that many of us here should be asking YOU, not the other way around. If this information is correct, you have spent decades as a "Christian" while having NO CONCERN for understanding God's Word, because a lot of what you're asking us are pretty basic... so, I really don't know what to say here.

All I know is that what you are saying about your personal testimony, and what you are saying in basic conversation with us, are not correlating.

What you said that the church you are attending told you about the KJB... that is correct. I agree with them. However, that leaves a baffling problem for me... if you are already assembling together with a church of like-minded believers, who you can sit down with face-to-face, then why did you come to a website forum looking for fellowship with like-minded believers? None of this makes any sense. ???

Someone asked you for details on your introduction thread because you didn't make things very clear in your first post, and here is what you wrote:
Hi! So far, every subject/teaching I’ve read about here speaks to me. I like the fact that things are discussed/taught here i never hear about anywhere else. The truth certainly isn’t popular in our time.
Im not exactly sure how i discovered creationliberty. I just came across it while reading about things. Maybe i was lead here!
I grew up in a fairly large family on a large farm in Indiana. I had a fairly troublesome child hood. Like most do I suppose. After graduating high school i began to question what life was about. I knew there had to be more to it than what i was doing. I guess you could say that I became painfully aware that my life had no meaning, or direction. I began to search, and met an old time backwoods preacher, and speaking with him made me curious. So, i began to read and study the bible. Suddenly, it was revealed to me that the world is an arena where good and evil are being played out. I began to understand that God was in control of it all, and that my life could have meaning, and purpose. My old life passed away, and all things had become new.

Did you realize that, in your introduction posts, you didn't even mention Jesus Christ? There's nothing here to indicate to us that you ever came to repentance (i.e. grief and godly sorrow of sins) and faith in Christ. Therefore, the only thing I would recommend to you on the way out is this:

Why Millions of Believers in Jesus Are Going to Hell

Take that to your Bible study group and go over it together; I think it would be useful. I have an assortment of emails from you outside of this forum, and I don't have any documentation to show any of your testimony in Jesus Christ. Personally, I am not sure you've ever been born again, which is why I'm recommending that short book.

I hope the Lord Jesus Christ blesses you and your family as you depart.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2023, 11:41:31 AM by creationliberty »
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: KJV Bible for kids
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2023, 07:22:20 AM »
“Did you realize that, in your introduction posts, you didn't even mention Jesus Christ? There's nothing here to indicate to us that you ever came to repentance (i.e. grief and godly sorrow of sins) and faith in Christ. Therefore, the only thing I would recommend to you on the way out is this:”

Did you realize that you conveniently ignored my next comment? Was that an accident, or are you being less than sincere in your effort to call my Christian authenticity into question before your group? Either way there’s no harm inflicted on me. Anyone with critical thinking skills can draw an accurate conclusion as to what’s going on in this forum. I asked a simple and sincere question regarding a KJV for kids, and it’s hijacked while you lurk in the shadows. Strange indeed!

 I admonish you to consider Psalm 139 23-24. David (one of the most devout men of God in human history) is looking inward and asking God to affirm that his will is inline with God’s purpose. I admonish you to do the same.

Good fortune to you on the rest of your earthly life’s journey. Now, you can add me to your trophy wall of the “banned!”
Share your Christian testimony. Use words if necessary.


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Re: KJV Bible for kids
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2023, 08:49:04 AM »
Did you realize that you conveniently ignored my next comment?

Your "next comment" on your introduction thread? You mean this?

Hi! So far, every subject/teaching I’ve read about here speaks to me. I like the fact that things are discussed/taught here i never hear about anywhere else. The truth certainly isn’t popular in our time.
Im not exactly sure how i discovered creationliberty. I just came across it while reading about things. Maybe i was lead here!
I grew up in a fairly large family on a large farm in Indiana. I had a fairly troublesome child hood. Like most do I suppose. After graduating high school i began to question what life was about. I knew there had to be more to it than what i was doing. I guess you could say that I became painfully aware that my life had no meaning, or direction. I began to search, and met an old time backwoods preacher, and speaking with him made me curious. So, i began to read and study the bible. Suddenly, it was revealed to me that the world is an arena where good and evil are being played out. I began to understand that God was in control of it all, and that my life could have meaning, and purpose. My old life passed away, and all things had become new.

I would love it if you would help me find where you even mentioned Jesus Christ just once (in case I missed it), or, if you can't, help me understand why you just lied to everyone on the forum about your "next comment?"

Was that an accident, or are you being less than sincere in your effort to call my Christian authenticity into question before your group?

I'm just quoting you. Are you asking because you want legitimate answers, or are you asking useless rhetorical questions because you're angry?

Either way there’s no harm inflicted on me.

Who are you trying to convince, you or me?

Anyone with critical thinking skills can draw an accurate conclusion as to what’s going on in this forum.

I agree. Well said.

I asked a simple and sincere question regarding a KJV for kids, and it’s hijacked while you lurk in the shadows. Strange indeed!

Wait, I thought you just said that you weren't harmed by anything, and now there are people here "hijacking" you while we "lurk in the shadows?" I have no idea what direction you're going with this post because, based on what you said earlier, you were leaving, and now you're back to write this... so I don't know what's going on here. However, what I do know is that you haven't responded to any points I made to you so far; you've only gotten angry.

I admonish you to consider Psalm 139 23-24.
Wait, hold on a second:
BILL: "there’s no harm inflicted on me"
BILL: "I admonish you"
admonish: to warn or notify of a fault; to counsel against wrong practices
So... admonished for the harm that was NOT inflicted on you? I don't understand this. Was there a wrong done to you, or not? If so, what was the wrong? Was it that I dared to question you?

Nonetheless, let's go take a look at Psalm 139 to see what you're talking about:
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
-Psalm 139:23-24

Okay, so what point are you trying to make here? I would ask you to be bold, and try to be specific in your accusations instead of using vague implications.

David (one of the most devout men of God in human history) is looking inward and asking God to affirm that his will is inline with God’s purpose. I admonish you to do the same.
Bill, I simply told you that your posts are weird (i.e. meaning that it does not match the conversation we normally have with Christians), and that your testimony had nothing to do with Jesus Christ. I haven't seen any testimony of your understanding of the law and your sin, and repentance for the remission of sin, nor any mention of Christ, not in your emails to me, nor on this forum.

You simply said you got awakened to "an arena where good and evil are being played out" and that "God was in control of it all," and I am informing you that, according to Scripture, that is NOT how a man is saved. If a man believes he has been saved by God according to a false gospel, how would I be "inline with God's purpose" if I did not inform him that he believed in a false gospel?

Will you response to that, or will you ignore my points like you did with my last post?

And your response to me is that I am not doing the will of God because I dared to question you, and yet you say: "there’s no harm inflicted on me" However, your words are exactly the kind of knee-jerk response you get from someone who feels like they've been harmed in some way.

Good fortune to you on the rest of your earthly life’s journey. Now, you can add me to your trophy wall of the “banned!”
Banned for what? Is there some rule you broke? Or are you just trying to victimize yourself and act like you're a martyr because someone dared to question your testimony? I simply pointed out to you that the things you say are odd (i.e. not congruent with that which we normally see from Christians), and it has been like this for quite some time now. I've been patient with you, which is why I haven't said anything directly until now.
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
-Gal 4:16

If you are supposed to be (according to your testimony) a 40-year veteran Christian, do you think you're setting a good example for us right now? I'm genuinely curious to hear your response.
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
-Mat 7:12

For everyone else reading this, it is for this reason that I wrote this short (free-to-read) book:
Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18