Author Topic: Germ Theory (virology)  (Read 354 times)

Under Duress

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Germ Theory (virology)
« on: November 28, 2022, 04:42:10 PM »

In 2012 I had some information come across my desk that was basically a presentation of germ theory being a fraud from its inception. I remember listening to the detailed description of the experiments conducted by Dr. Milton J. Rosenau in 1918 that concluded transmission of the "Spanish Flu" was not observational via airborne pathogens or contact with bodily fluids (including ingesting them).  The experiment was conducted in a very controlled way with (if my memory serves me correctly) 300 subjects and they were not able to transmit the disease to any of the healthy people.  That seemed very peculiar to me and as I began looking into this information more,  it seemed so unreasonable,  as the conclusions of the presentations showed that viruses do not even exist,  let alone cause disease.  At that point I dismissed it all because we can observe what appears to be sicknesses spreading from one person to another.  So it seemed to be out of touch with reality.

8 years later....I knew that we were absolutely NOT in a pandemic,  as bodies weren't dropping dead all over the place and the censorship of scientists and real health experts had gone into overdrive while textbook propaganda was in full swing.  Within a few months it was estimated that 3-4 Billion messages had been launched throughout every form of media possible,  instilling fear into people's minds.  I had already been aware of uncensored platforms and also controlled opposition,  so this wasn't my first rodeo. Seeing that Papayas,  goats, Coca-Cola and even mangos were "testing positive" for SARS-COV2,  I looked into the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) that was being used to diagnose CONVID19 and quickly found that Kerry Mullis (the Nobel prize winner that invented PCR) was a vocal critic of Fauci and his attempts to use PCR to diagnose disease. Kary Mullis stated, emphatically that PCR cannot diagnose disease.  It can't tell you if your sick and it can't tell you what causes sickness.  That's just not what PCR does and that's not how it works.  In a very long and interesting interview,  Kerry Mullis explained how he discovered that there was no evidence that even came close to showing that HIV causes AIDS and in his interview he dropped a few names of others that had been completely destroyed by the establishment educational facilities and scientific circles for questioning the HIV=AIDS hypothesis.  One of those people was Dr. Peter Deusberg,  a microbiologist that had dedicated his life to exposing the fraud . His name was dragged through the mud and he was blacklisted from the universities and publications of the scientific journals for merely questioning the narrative.  Well,  that led me down the road of researching even further and in my research I had discovered that both Canada's and Ireland's health departments were ordered by courts to present proof that SARS-COV2 had been Isolated and purified and was shown to be the cause of COVID19.  Simple request, right? I mean,  they subjected 187 nations to draconian lockdowns, mandates and orders,  surely they had proof that this cooties bug exists, right? WRONG! Both health departments conceded to the highest courts of the lands that no such proof exists and that SARS-COV2 had not been Isolated (in the commonly understood term of "isolation") and no scientific studies have been conducted to show the courts that SARS-COV2 causes COVID19. 
Virologists have a different definition of "isolation" than what any layman would think it to mean.  However,  the thing that struck me was that they had no scientific literature that shows any proof of the existence of the most dangerous cooties infection the world has ever seen...(insert sarcasm). I want to laugh at this point, but it's not really funny when I consider how many lives have been sacrificed for this global takeover.  It's heart breaking!

Armed with this information,  I began going back to that information I dismissed in 2012 and low and behold! It was not as far fetched as I thought it was.  Turns out that in the entire history of virology there has never been any controls that have Isolated and purified a virus,  showing it to do anything at all! The nanomicron (or nanometric) particles that they say are viruses,  are actuality dead protein matter that doesn't even have a full genome. They actually looked oddly similar to particles of cells, once they die and begin to break down. 

This brings more questions than it does answers,  so I was wondering if anyone here has gone down this particular arena of research to learn about the fraud behind virology and its direct ties to vaccines/inoculations.

I learned that Loui Pasteur was funded by Rockefeller wealth to create a demand for his pharmaceutical products and that Pastuer's colleagues criticized his work as being void of the scientific method.  Same with Robert Koch (the inventor of the Koch's Postulates).

I have been sending people to and specifically to Dr. Mark Bailey and Dr. Sam Bailey who are in New Zealand and have a regular weekly podcast/vlog where they interview some very astute people in the fields of science.  These doctors do not claim the faith of Jesus Christ.  They actually seem to lean toward the New Age philosophies,  so that part had been a huge disappointment to me,  yet they source the information they present so that the listeners and viewers can look at it themselves. 

At the risk of sounding as crazy as I thought Andrew Kaughman was in 2012, I will say that I do not believe in viruses anymore. 

Also, scriptures do not have any cautions for airborne pathogens,  that I've ever found and I've been reading and studying God's words for over 30 years.  There does seem to be precautions to take for what is likely bacterial  infections,  with the running of water over the skin and clothing and the unclean elements that must needs be cleaned.  There are also spirits that cause infirmity and spirits are observed with electro magnetic frequency detecting technology.  Which brings me to a variety of hypotheses regarding the health of man,  the benefit of God's words applied in our lives through faith,  as well as having a rich source of nutrition in natural foods that the Lord has made...all of these add to the health of the body and sicknesses are much more likely to be caused by deficiency in minerals,  vitamins,  amino acids, proteins, microbiome populations,  coupled with environmental toxins .

Whew! That was a mouthful!
It's usually futile to try to discuss facts and critical analysis with someone that is enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance