Author Topic: "I'm a minister!"  (Read 2432 times)

Kenneth Winslow

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"I'm a minister!"
« on: March 04, 2022, 08:23:14 AM »
For anyone who's interested in seeing on video what we often read about in the "Wild emails" section of the forum, this one is for you.
This "minister" from Dallas, Steve Duncan, couldn't seem to help himself, and waisting his families time, just to puff himself up at Michael and I while we were preaching the gospel in Gatlinburg the other day.
I knew this guy was just going to be a waste of time so I turned away from this prideful fool after a couple of minutes to continue the preaching. However, after quite a while my voice was getting tired but this guy was still debating on how we were "doing it wrong" and I wasn't "loving enough".
Nonetheless I thought you guys might appreciate seeing how this kind of person acts out on the street.
I expect some of you will find it interesting...or nauseating.
Nehemiah 8:8 KJV — So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.


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Re: "I'm a minister!"
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2022, 09:57:06 AM »
The first problem is that he seemed almost incapable of letting anyone else get in a word. That is a telltale sign of a man who is not used to not having an influential authority over others.

The second problem, notice his body language. He was in your faces, with his finger in your faces, putting his hands up in your faces to silence you, even though you guys were listening to him. That's major red flags right there of a con artist, that's all about preeminence.

Maybe I missed it, but you didn't tell him he was a drunk; I thought you just said that drunkards don't love anyone but themselves, and he took great offense to that, likely because he was with his children, and his children know that he gets drunk. (I'm guessing at who the other two people were who were with him; seemed like his children.)

We haven't even gotten to Scripture yet, and there's already a lot of problems. At the start, he asked what Galatians says, and I would have taken him right to 3:24, which says that a man is brought to Christ by the hearing of the law.

Then he denies being prideful, when he won't let you guys get two words out of your mouth. HA HA HA HA!!

I went back to get the quote, and you said "Drunk people don't love anyone but their own flesh."
You NEVER called him a drunk, but he got prideful and didn't listen.

Great preaching, and great job continuing to preach despite the distractions. I'm terrible about distractions, so it was very impressive to me. But what was mind boggling is that this guy just kept arguing and arguing and arguing, and yet, he claims he's not prideful... HAHAHA!!

I'm laughing so hard right now... at 22:00 min, his wife was telling him, "alright, let's go," hahaha!! He was so prideful, his wife had to try to shake him back into reality.

You were right, he was ashamed of himself, which is why he wouldn't leave. Oh, his daughter's face... 22:31... she did NOT want to be there for that, and her mom is looking back at her with the same face, that's saying, "*sigh*--that's your dad."

You answered him well on 2Co 7, but he just came up with this excuse that they were trying to keep the law. If they had been trying to keep the law, then Paul would have addressed them on that problem and NOT their sin because they would not have sinned in the manner which they did.

This guy was SO desperate to justify himself, and I bet it is on one of two things (or both).

1. He drinks, and he wanted to justify that.

2. He was not willing to stand on a street corner and preach to people, and you embarrassed him in front of his family.

So it's either drunkenness, or pride, or both. Personally, I think its both, but we'll never know. The devil always like to send his ministers to distract you guys from what you're doing. ::)
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: "I'm a minister!"
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2022, 09:26:13 PM »
I liked how you kept on preaching regardless of his whining pride in the background

2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.