Author Topic: (CORRECTION) Christmas and Semiramis/Tammuz/Nimrod  (Read 1231 times)


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(CORRECTION) Christmas and Semiramis/Tammuz/Nimrod
« on: November 26, 2021, 11:25:37 AM »
I recently rewrote the Christmas article into a full length book.

In doing so, I eliminated a large fraction of the teaching, and it was specifically on the subject of Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz. It turns out, the entire thing was false.

When I first wrote that teaching, I was working another job to make ends meet. I did not have as much time to work on my writing as I have now, and over the years, I've gained more experience. So now, with better experience, and full-time in ministry (thanks to the Lord God for to the donations of a handful of you out there every month who help us out), I was able to investigate my references a little closer.

When I originally wrote on that subject, I had a variety of sources, but what I did not realize at the time was that everyone of those sources pointed back to ONE source, and they were all pointing to the EXACT SAME source. That source was a pamphlet called "The Two Babylons" written in 1853 by a Scottish Presbyterian theologian named Alexander Hislop.

I checked out Hislop's pamphlet (which has been republished into books many times), and there are NO sources, eyewitnesses, or any other documentation I can find in it to prove his points. He literally makes up the story as he goes, and there is NO EVIDENCE to back up the claims.

So what a bunch of authors do is take his book, repeat his false information because it makes them sound smart, and then they start making money from sales. If you don't believe me, do the research for yourself. Look up any books that talk about the Semiramis/Tammuz mother/son sexual relation in Babylon, and you will find that the author does one of the follow:

1. Provides no references.
2. References back to Hislop's 1853 "The Two Babylons" pamphlet.
3. Provides references to others book that also reference "The Two Babylons."

(Previously, I was in category #3, and I got fooled because I did not look closely enough.)

Please do not misunderstand; "MYSTERY BABYLON" in Scripture (Revelation 17) is still paganism started in Babylon, separated by languages (where we get so many names for the pagan gods and goddesses), and then perverted by the Catholic Church into a demonic fusion of Babylonian witchcraft with the Bible. Nothing has changed on that subject, but I wanted to correct the details on Semiramis because I can't go back and change the old audio I had on the subject; so please be cautious when listening to my old Christmas audio teachings--I will be doing new ones in the future when we get around to it.

Thanks for your patience as I work on these older projects to correct, edit, add to, and polish them.
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Pilgrim Mike

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Re: (CORRECTION) Christmas and Semiramis/Tammuz/Nimrod
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2022, 01:17:46 PM »
Thanks for that. Not too many people would take the time out and make those corrections. God bless.


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Re: (CORRECTION) Christmas and Semiramis/Tammuz/Nimrod
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2022, 08:16:57 AM »
Thank you for the correction  :)
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