Author Topic: Trying to Promote Himself, and Lying About It  (Read 1218 times)


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Trying to Promote Himself, and Lying About It
« on: October 25, 2021, 12:12:28 PM »
This one was a bit comical. That's why I'm posting this; I thought you all might enjoy it.


Dear Sir:  I have developed an approx. 5000 plus word article concerning our God-given mental faculties! It involves a neurosurgeon performing an actual brain surgical procedure on an epileptic patient, whereby he also evaluated how our mental faculties actually work! His research showed that we do have a nonmaterial mind//material brain interaction system! Very very credible and I see you disagree with Psychology also concerning our mental problems of life! ( Which I also do)  Please email me as if you may be interested reviewing my article! I do have some Creation ministries with my article on their websites also! Take care in the Lord,  Darryl

No, I'm not interested. I mean, I wrote an almost 400-page book on the subject, and I have other books for different topics I'm working on right now, so I don't know why you thought I would interested in it. Are you just trying to promote yourself? It sounds like it. That's not what my ministry is for, nor is that what I was called to do for the Lord Jesus Christ. I thought I would do you the courtesy of being straight-forward so we don't waste each others' time. Have a great day. *detective emoji*

Dear Sir: I received your reply to my request and why are you jumping to conclusions about me when you do not know anything about me and my motivation? If I was trying to be what you say- I certainly would not go to all the trouble and also would be expecting to profit from my article! My hope is to give credence to Christ's creation of mankind, in particular, as to how we communicate with Him. Also if you have already published a book on the subject--I was not aware? Please do not judge people so quickly and of course a person trying to get an article published must show why it is credible, which may imply what you may consider being pushy??  Take care in the Lord,  Darryl

Three points:

1. So you question my conclusion (i.e. to cast doubt on it), but then you do not offer any reasoning contrary to that conclusion. That verifies that I hit the nail on the head, and now you're trying to stand on pretense to save face. That alone means I am cautious of you.

2. Just because you're not selling something (as far as I know) doesn't mean you're not trying to promote yourself. Promotion is not exclusive to sales. That excuse will fool some people, but not me, and those who are trying to promote themselves are exactly the kind of strangers who "go to all the trouble" to write these kinds of quick, impersonal letters to me. I've been working in this ministry for over 12 years now; you think you're the first person who's tried this with me?

3. You were not aware that I published a book on the matter (which is free-to-read on my website), which means you did not even bother to take a few minutes to check out what I'm teaching. That means you don't even know if we agree on the Gospel of Salvation, which is FAR more important, and so that's just flat-out laziness on your part. I'll take a guess here: You saw some thumbnail for one of my videos on some social media, read the title (i.e. Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil), jumped to conclusions about what I do and teach (which you hypocritically accused me of doing), and wrote to me without checking out any details first.

That sound about right?

Like I said, I'm not interested, and I definitely do not like working with people who are not going to at least show me the courtesy of being honest with me. Again, I hope you have a great day. *detective emoji*

Hello again,  I have never met someone as coarse as you seem to be regarding your judgment of mankind! There is no pretense either as you  are so sure about!! Of course, underlying thoughts sometime creep in that are not Christ-like in any believer’s life.  My situation concerning writing an article stems from a situation way back in my earlier life, and that is the reason why I have spent so much time with this subject! You again appear to be a the final judge, whether you believe it or not! Certainly I am not perfect and only with God’s grace am I even alive today. Concerning checking out your website, I did see enough to be convinced that you are on the right track concerning psychology,etc., as that is one of my main grievances, which is against modern day counseling theory and practice. Are your rough edges wise or not—I really do not know? ( possibly yes and maybe no?) I get your message anyway, which basically is good, but is there not a more kindly way of putting it??  Take care in the Lord,  Darryl Sletten  PS- Concerning salvation, I believe according to what I did notice on your website that you are a saved person, as the subjects, "and how you covered them”, are only covered by a believer in Christ!  Also no further discussion between us is necessary, as I did learn to be more careful concerning motivations for whatever project I may be trying to accomplish in the Lord.


This one is not rocket science. I have receive so many of these types of letters over the years. What you need to ask yourself (from your own perspective) is this: Why would a stranger write any of you out of the blue, tell you they have a document they wrote, and ask you if you are interested in it?

Maybe we could rephrase that. Ask yourself this: How many reasons can you think of that YOU would write a complete stranger and ask them if they are interested in reading a document you wrote? Darryl thinks he's being REALLY smooth, but it is like watching a five-year-old try to excuse his way out of admitting he took a cookie from the cookie jar.

I would have had no problem with this if he had just been honest and straight-forward with me. So many people are scared to just come out and declare their real intentions. I have no problem with someone speaking the truth about their intentions, I only have a problem when they are caught hiding their true intentions, and then try to convince you of a more noble intention after the fact. (Because, as I've said before, the road to hell is paved with those things.)

The amazing thing to me was that this guy did not spend ten seconds looking into what I teach on the subject of psychology (let alone what I teach on the Gospel of Salvation), and yet, he expected me to be fully invested in reading his 5,000-word document. It's interesting to note that our email exchange alone was about 10% of the length of his essay. The fact that he didn't even know that I had written a book on the subject was a major red flag that he only wrote me to promote himself because I guarantee that the moment he read that, he probably felt embarrassed, and now that I think about it, perhaps I should have asked him to send me the document just so I could see it because I would suspect it was lazily written.

There's not much chance of that now because he's already entered "HOW DARE YOU!" mode. You can clearly see that from the "how dare you judge me!" final response he gave. He tells me he's not standing on pretense, but he went from friendly to enemies in a matter of two short exchanges this morning, and he thinks he's really believable.

My situation concerning writing an article stems from a situation way back in my earlier life, and that is the reason why I have spent so much time with this subject!
So what he did here was attempt to try and make me feel bad for what I said to him, implying that he only wanted to send me his document because of his tragic history. If that was the case, he would have said so because I have received letters from people like that, and they do not communicate the way this man does. No, he wanted to promote himself, and now he's trying to offer up something to persuade me that this was not the case. Frankly, his history with psychology had nothing to do with what we talked about, and I guess he thinks that if he struggled with something a long time ago, that means he is absolutely not trying to promote himself.

Concerning checking out your website, I did see enough to be convinced that you are on the right track concerning psychology
But he didn't know I had a book? How did he check it out? What else did he look at? You might say to yourselves, "maybe he listened to one of your audio teachings," but at the beginning of each one, I point to the book on the website. Frankly, I think he's lying somewhere, I can't figure out where it is. (Notice that when I said he probably just saw a thumbnail, he didn't deny it.)

PS- Concerning salvation, I believe according to what I did notice on your website that you are a saved person, as the subjects, "and how you covered them”, are only covered by a believer in Christ!  Also no further discussion between us is necessary, as I did learn to be more careful concerning motivations for whatever project I may be trying to accomplish in the Lord.
I'm baffled on this one. I don't understand that first sentence. Trying to interpret this, he believes what he noticed that I am saved as I covered salvation is only covered by believers? I can't make sense of that.

The "no further discussion" comment means "don't talk to me anymore." That's no problem because I had no intention of replying to him any further after my second letter. I knew he was going to be upset, but I wanted to make things clear for him so he didn't waste his time.

However, his last comment was very interesting if you read it carefully. He said he learned to be more careful concerning motivations for what he's doing. Why would he have to be more careful concerning his motivations if I was wrong about what I told him he was doing? ??? Food for thought.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18