Author Topic: COVID-19 VACCINE  (Read 11404 times)


  • Born Again Christians
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  • First Name: Chris
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« Reply #40 on: November 05, 2022, 02:49:13 PM »
I think it's quite telling that towards the end of 2022, (in Australia at least), the push to get that cursed needle have dropped off to next to nothing. QR tracing has been abolished in almost every store I've seen, nowhere near as many job adverts saying "jab mandatory", mask mandates lifted in many places including domestic air travel, and apparently certain types are asking for "covid amnesty" or some such thing, over their treatment and mandates imposed over the last two years, and of course it's all been going this way since the "Russia/Ukraine" incident (I don't believe anything about the official story there because all most main media sources ever stated was "Russia bad!").

If the push in media has suddenly become unimportant, then it's not hard to see that it was all a ruse to begin with, the jab does nothing (except harm,) and the people who were left to die either from suicide or push into poverty thanks to the lockdowns died for nothing and too many would have died without Christ. :(

Interesting thing you might already know Rowan, but Jacinda Ardern appears with Justin Trudeau on the "promising young new comers" (or a page to that effect) listed for promotion on the World Economic Forum.

Greetings from across the Tasman Sea by the way :)
Romans: {11:3} Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life. {11:4} But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to [the image of] Baal.

Rowan M.

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« Reply #41 on: November 08, 2022, 05:16:28 AM »
Trans-Tasman greetings to you as well, Chris. :)

Pretty well all restrictions in NZ have now been lifted. We're more or less back to pre-COVID life, although face masks are still required in pharmacies I think. But there are otherwise no more mandates. However, the MSM here continues to quite viciously attack our freedom movements (who oppose vaccine mandates and other draconian restrictions or laws). They keep spinning a narrative of far-right extremists with an agenda of racism and misogyny. The whole thing is patently ridiculous. Many leading figures in our freedom movements here are either Maoris, women or both. Two recent documentaries amounted to little more than vindictive propaganda. One was called Web of Chaos, which was recently broadcast on one of the TVNZ channels (probably TVNZ 1), while the other was called Fire and Fury, which was produced by media outlet Stuff. On Web of Chaos, they described women into home baking, knitting and braiding their daughters' hair as being susceptible to far-right extremism! (Well, they were specifically saying that far-right groups use these sorts of things to lure unsuspecting women to their cause, but the problem is that it taints all women into these things with the same brush. It also looked very suspiciously like an attack on traditional femininity, except that yoga was mentioned as a potential danger sign, and actually the freedom movement is quite popular with New Agers.) And of course, people "identifying as Christians" were also deemed Very Dangerous. I didn't watch either of these, but I've seen clips and read a reasonable amount about them. One of our more prominent groups is called Voices for Freedom, and it came under particularly heavy fire in the Fire and Fury documentary. However, interest in VFF spiked 400% after the doco first aired! So it ended up being pretty good free publicity for them!  :D

I have heard about Jacinda Ardern being closely allied with the WEF, along with Justin Trudeau. They have been two of the more oppressive leaders during the pandemic. I believe the new British PM Rishi Sunak is another WEF man. Incidentally, the Labour Party here has just been having its annual conference, and the Deputy PM Grant Robertson had the nerve to call Jacinda "Dr Ardern, Medicine Woman" because of the supposedly great job she did.  :o
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth (John 17:17)


  • Born Again Christians
  • Sojourner (Forum LVL 2)
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« Reply #42 on: November 12, 2022, 11:10:54 AM »
We're living in the age of buzz words aren't we. Even if anyone did think that Arden was really deserving of that term it wouldn't make any sense because as far as I know she had absolutely zero to do with developing that poison anyway, if she did, she wouldn't stop virtue signaling about it. Schwab though will hopefully get a reminder that he and his buddies are not in absolute control if we aren't all "Owning nothing and being happy about it" by 2030.

I guess the best thing to do would be to pray that these people have the blinders taken off, their empathy cranked up to 11 and see first hand the damage that they caused from all of this. My brother lived in Victoria during the whole thing and it took a heavy toll on his sanity, at one point I got worried that I'd never see him again, but then again, if the reports of the people are the top of everything are true, they don't see us as being human, they think they're "living gods" on earth and see the gen pop as nothing but insects. They'll get a reminder that we are one day, hopefully not too late to be saved, I mean I know God doesn't differentiate between "quality" (so to speak) of sin, and I'm already dreading having to give an account for some of the things I've done, but to stand before him with that much blood and pain on your hands...I can't even fathom that.

What I still get headaches trying to figure out though, is that no one is calling anyone to account for the broken promises..."2 weeks to flatten the curve" turned to 2 years in places, "Vaccination is your choice" (PM Scott Morrison) turned into "you don't have to take it but you can't do anything without it"...accounts of otherwise young and healthy people suddenly collapsing and dying like someone just threw their breaker switch isn't being questioned, a vaccine that changed effectiveness (according to the MSM) virtually weekly to the point where apparently you had to take it to protect other people, was never second guessed by most...and people are still saying this is real, the politicians handled it well and there are still so many who stick almost militantly to the "rules".

Also strange thing I saw, most of the PCR testing sites looked like mobile medical tents on a war field (I noticed a lot of them have closed up now) but there are SPECIALTY c19 vaccine clinics that were opened in a lot of retail and office spaces and as far as I can see, they're still active. Someone shelled out a lot of cash for this, and if I could speculate for  a bit, I keep hearing that someone wants to send the west into 3rd world anarchic status, and I guess one way to do that would be to get the countries into such crippling debt that either countries declare bankruptcy or another country invests in them...and the worrying part is the two potentially biggest governments that could invest in other countries would be either The Vatican City State (even back in the 70s one author, Avro Manhattan said that their wealth was so formidable that it defied any rational assessment,) or China...which the more and more I think about it, does share some symbolic similarities with The Great Red Dragon spoken of in Revelation...although that's just a hunch at best.
Romans: {11:3} Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life. {11:4} But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to [the image of] Baal.