Author Topic: New Member  (Read 3858 times)


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New Member
« on: June 19, 2021, 10:53:12 PM »
Hi my name is Dylan I first found this ministry on youtube. I first came to repentance at 18 and Im 28 now and I always wondered what I went through actually was because I didnt realize repentance was the word used to describe that. I wasnt raised in church but one week I went after my wifes brother also one of my best buddies died. What I experienced that day was nothing short of supernatural I heard the preacher but its like I also heard another voice revealing my sin to me for the first time and I felt so guilty. I actually thought someone was messing with me I said to myself theres no way. I felt as though someone in the crowd knew my sin and somehow everyone knew exactly who I was. I went back the next week and I cant remember if it was that week or the week after I wept like never before and I asked God for mercy. Later down the line I had greatly backslid and I claimed not to be a believer anymore and that continued for a couple years until I went into madness and the Lord brought me to humility yet again. I went back to the church I was at before and found out it was basically a cult and left but it was kind of an out of the frying pan into the furnace scenario because I started buying into the Anderson cult. Anderson was the first one that turned me on to eternal security and was one of the main reasons I listened to him. I thought i myself was evidence of eternal security because if you can lose your salvation I definitely wouldve lost it by now. I listened to him for a while until I asked God to show me the truth. Lets just say my prayers were answered because God revealed to me Andersons doctrine is trash. Once I started realizing almost every doctrine he has is wrong I tried to go to others with the same type of doctrine till realized all of the people in the new ifb basically praise anderson as a pope and never go against his doctrine finally I typed Steven Anderson false teacher into the youtube search bar and Chris Johnsons video popped up and I think at that point he had just got done finishing the wolves in costume series. So I listened to it and I saw the repentance teaching and that made total since to me as I always wondered why alot of other people didnt have that same grief and sorrow I had when I first believed and even during my time I claimed not to believe I would lay awake at night thinking about that moment and I would know I was in rebellion because that moment to me was undeniable proof that God exists and the bible is true. Anyway ive been listening for a while and I need a community as ive been out of church for a while and mean that as both church buildings and an actual church.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2021, 11:09:28 PM by dmac »


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Re: New Member
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2021, 11:52:42 PM »
That's an interesting story. God was really looking out for you that whole time. I'm sure you'll have a lot of interesting things to talk about, considering how much doctrine you have heard and analyzed, and seen the truth in God's Word.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: New Member
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2021, 12:14:23 AM »
Yeah Chris but I gotta be real with you I dont feel as though I do nearly enough as I should and I feel as though if someone examined my present lifestyle from the outside you wouldnt find much evidence that im a Christian. Sometimes I examine myself  and I see a lack of care and love for people around me and all i wanna do is get home from work and distance myself from the world and play video games with my unsaved friends online. I feel as though no matter what approach  I take to try to share the gospel I end up going in my own strength and failing miserably. Its something that has weighted heavily on me for years and pretty much everytime ive had a bit of sanctification God has basically had to force my hand because im so stubborn which praise him for that but I dont think ive given anything up in my life willingly.

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Re: New Member
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2021, 12:33:35 AM »
I take to try to share the gospel I end up going in my own strength and failing miserably.
As long as the gospel you are sharing is biblically sound it doesn't matter how you feel about it or wether you think you've failed.
Give people the law of God and tell them how salvation works. It's as simple as that.

If you are are uncertain how to articulate those things pray for help, keep reading your King James Bible, and foster fellowship with the saints.
You are in the right place for those things.
Nehemiah 8:8 KJV — So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.


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Re: New Member
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2021, 01:48:41 AM »
Yeah Kenneth I feel insincere when i ask God for help sometimes though. like deep down i just wanna take the easy road instead of doing my job. Dont get me wrong i wanna be sincere and theres no greater joy than seeing someone saved but i hate dealing with people. I have no patience and i dont know how to actually want to change. It sucks though because i know what the Lord has done for me and how much patience hes had with me and i grieve over this daily but its been years. When i first got saved i loved giving the gospel now its just something i do every once in a while half hearted.

Rowan M.

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Re: New Member
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2021, 05:50:24 AM »
Hello Dylan, and welcome from a fellow-newbie.  :)

There are elements of your testimony that I find quite relatable, especially the struggle between living the way you know God wants and indulging old habits such as video games. Also the difficulty of witnessing (I too have failed spectacularly when trying to operate in my own strength!). However, one thing that encourages me in reading your posts is that there is a humility there. You're not trying to make excuses or justify yourself. You appear to be under conviction over some things, and that's good. One of the most fundamental differences between true Christians and false converts is that the latter are proud. Even the "nice" ones have pride that will manifest if they are directly rebuked over sin or false doctrine. Many false teachers, even ones who appear to teach a lot of truth, can also be distinguished by an arrogant and prideful spirit. Now sometimes even saved people can exhibit a little pride sometimes. We have two warring natures within us - the "old man", the corrupt flesh, and the "new man", our spirit that was renewed when we were born again. This is a major reason why we struggle so much.

Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. (Romans 6:6)

If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. (Ephesians 4:21-24)

But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all. (Colossians 3:8-11)

For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. (Galatians 5:17)

Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul (1 Peter 2:11)

The "new man" is subject to the Holy Spirit and seeks to obey the Word of God, while the "old man" is subject to the lusts of the flesh. And because, at this time, we still have our corrupt flesh, those nasty old lusts are still there. Sometimes, the "old man" will gain the upper hand, and may express himself with a bit of pride. However, a true convert will recognise the pride (whether through personal conviction or godly reproof from other Christians) and repent over it, whereas a false convert will be blinded by their pride and have no repentance.

The way to get the victory over the "old man" is to abstain from fleshly lusts, as Peter mentioned. Paul says we need to deny them (calling them worldly lusts), which amounts to the same thing: For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world (Titus 2:11-12) For example, the "old man" might say, "Oh look, my favourite sitcom is coming up. I want to watch that and amuse myself". The "new man" on the other hand may respond, "That's not a very good way to redeem my time, I should do some Bible study and renew my mind in the Scriptures instead of filling my mind with that worldly rubbish". So you get this conflict, because the "old man" will fight like mad to get his way. And there might be days, especially if you're feeling really low (tired and/or depressed), when you end up watching the sitcom. And other days when you deny that old lust and do what you know the Lord would have you to do. Can I just say on this point that when you deny yourself old pleasures, the power they have over you tends to diminish. For example, a while ago, I had a conviction to give up a TV programme that I knew I shouldn't be watching. It was a bit of a struggle giving it up, because I reasoned that it "wasn't that bad" and was "just a bit of light relief". But there were things in that show that I knew were not pleasing to God. So I finally obeyed the conviction I had and stopped watching it. And once I had done that, I was amazed to find that I didn't miss it at all! It was a struggle to stop watching, but once I took that step of obedience, whatever hold it had was just gone. However, that doesn't mean I might never be tempted to watch it again. Although of course, being tempted and giving in to temptation are two very different things.

Over the years, I have listened to my share of bad preachers, although I never got into Steven Anderson. One thing that has always struck me about Anderson though is the immense pride and arrogance he exhibits. That alone is a major red flag for me, although there is certainly much wrong with his doctrine too. He preaches some terrible heresies about repentance, Israel and homosexuals (falsely claiming that they are incapable of repentance and so can't be saved). And while the homosexuals falsely redefine hatred to mean any preaching against their sin, Anderson really does hate them. He says they should all be killed - that's real hate right there. But that stems from the pride in his heart. He thinks he is better than them. True Christians on the other hand understand what a wicked sin homosexuality is, but don't esteem themselves better than homosexuals (or anyone else, for that matter, except perhaps when the old man's pride rears its head). The fact is, we have all sinned against God. We're all deserving of Hell. We all need to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. We haven't all committed the same sins, and some have done worse evil than others, but before God, we're all just as guilty. Were it not for the wonderful grace of God, we would all be joining the unrepentant homosexuals in the Lake of Fire, and we would deserve to be there just as much as them. But sadly, Anderson doesn't get that, and unless he truly repents and is born again, he never will. Incidentally, one preacher I used to really be into was Jason Cooley. His doctrine is nowhere near as bad as Anderson's, but he has that same arrogance about him. And I can remember others, like Greg Miller (a devoted Ruckmanite) who were also very prideful. So they're a couple of people to be marked and avoided like Anderson.

Anyway, welcome again and I hope this has been encouraging. The Christian life is a daily battle. You might get a wonderful victory one day, then have a terrible defeat the next. So I have every sympathy with the struggles you're experiencing. I have them too. But every day, try to practise denying those evil old lusts. Say, "No, I will not do what my flesh wants, but what God wants". Saying it and doing it are sometimes two different things, as I know only too well, but when you fall, repent, confess to the Lord and seek His forgiveness, then get up and keep going. One last thing: because being a Christian is the result of a new (spiritual) birth, you have to grow just like when you were a little kid. You didn't learn to walk or talk overnight. It was a process that took some time. Likewise, the Christian life is one of constant learning and growing. Sometimes, there will be a few "stumbles and fumbles" along the way. More than a few, actually! But it's all part of the new life. Speaking of stumbles, if I have said anything amiss here, I'm sure others will correct me, and in that case, I'll be doing some further learning of my own!
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Re: New Member
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2021, 01:01:47 PM »
When i got into andersons doctrine i just came out of being completely backsliden. I fully believe Christ drove me to complete and utter madness I wasnt quite at the point of eating grass like cattle but i was totally bonkers. After that i went back to my old congregation and shortly left after the preacher said something along the lines of "Salvation is like Jesus paid 99 percent of the bill and we have to pay the remaining 1 percent with our works" which i knew was heresy. I even told some people in there that salvation is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast and they told me "i wish that were the case" not gonna lie I laughed when they said that. I looked up once saved always saved as i never actually heard what that was about as i only heard about it from people that thought if you believed that your going to hell and thats when anderson popped up and i clung to that for a while because i thought everyone that doesnt believe once saved always saved were just a cult. I mean i personally to this day believe in eternal security but i dont think thats the deciding factor of whether or not someones saved because really no matter what someone believes if they come to repentance and believe on Christ theyre still saved. Anyway I really liked anderson as i thought of him as a comedian along with being a preacher because i have a strange since of humor. I never really bought into the gays have no hope thing but for some reason thought it was funny how over the top his stance on it was. like its pretty obvious romans 1 isnt taking about homosexuals themselves but anyway i had alot to repent over when i came out of that. The interesting part about the 2 different cults ive been apart of is although they both were on opposite sides of the spectrum and they would both think the other one was going to hell they basically believe the same sort of thing. Both of these cults believe as the pharisees do. They believe they have the truth and everyone else is wrong.


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Re: New Member
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2021, 03:48:30 PM »
Sorry the last reply was to you Rowan. Thanks for replying also i dont think the games i play are a bad thing just the balance between amusing myself and actually doing good works and also my conduct when im playing the games like getting pissed off and things of that nature.

Rowan M.

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Re: New Member
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2021, 06:25:49 AM »
Thank you for your further replies, Dmac. I'm just going to address the second and shorter one first, because it contained an instance of what I would consider cussing. That is something that we should avoid:

But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. (Colossians 3:8 )

It would be better to use a more neutral term like "angry" or "frustrated". Using cuss words is against the forum rules, but more than that, it sets a bad example to others and can cause confusion in Christian and non-Christian readers alike, because the use of plainly unholy language by someone who is supposed to be of Christ is jarring.

Granted, the word you used is not the worst, and it does appear in a small number of places in the KJV (in its original sense of "urination"). However, in modern times, it tends to be used in a slightly vulgar way, so unless you're quoting any of the verses with the word (in which case, you obviously couldn't avoid typing or saying it), I think it's best to not use it in your regular communication.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying a little down time now and then, and I do sometimes like to fire up one of my driving games at night to unwind a little. But there are a couple of verses in 1 Corinthians that apply to things like video games:

All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. (1 Corinthians 6:12)

All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. (1 Corinthians 10:23)

The word expedient means things like fit, suitable, proper, useful or profitable. So to apply this to video games, there is no law against them in the Bible, or against games in general. But we still have to consider whether a particular game we like is expedient. The phrase "I will not be brought under the power of any" speaks directly to addiction. I am not under the power of the driving games I play, but I certainly was under the power of the American football and soccer games that I gave up. Are games edifying? Not especially. Maybe a game with a Biblical focus (for instance a trivia quiz to help you better memorise passages) could be somewhat edifying. But some (only really a small number) may be expedient in terms of serving a legitimate educational purpose.

Psalm 101:3 tells us to set no wicked thing before our eyes, which immediately rules out a substantial number of video games with their witchcraft, demonic creatures, immodestly-dressed characters and so on. Not every video game has obviously wicked things in it. But even those that don't may engender wicked behaviour. For instance, a lot of video games are centred around online competition. This creates pride issues. Either you get puffed up if you win, or angry (due to wounded pride) if you lose. Many of them encourage covetousness, because you're always chasing particular prizes and so on.

When it comes to shooter games, I think one question that you should consider is: are they edifying? I find it difficult to imagine how a shooter game would be edifying, because it's full of violence as a general rule. Is it edifying to fill your mind with images of killing, not to mention blood and gore, even if you're only killing animated characters? Do shooter games pass this test? Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8 ) Then too, there's the anger the games generate in you at times. I used to get angry playing my football games (mainly due to frustration at losing, or irritation with faulty gameplay), and it was not healthy at all. If something is likely to cause you to commit a particular sin, is it really a good thing for you to keep exposing yourself to temptation?

It may seem like I'm giving you a bit of a hard time here, but that's not my intention. My main aim with all this is just to encourage you to consider your activities in the light of Scripture. Judge them spiritually rather than carnally. (See 1 Corinthians 2:15.) I do try to do that with my own games (the few that I still play). Do I like them and do they bring me enjoyment? Yes, but that's only carnal judgement. Spiritual judgement includes asking questions like: Am I under their power? Are they edifying? Are they expedient in terms of being useful in some way? Do they contain wicked things that I shouldn't be setting before my eyes? Am I redeeming my time wisely when playing them? Also, are they generating any pride, or anger, or other sinful behaviours? When we judge things carnally, we're only concerned with what pleases our flesh. When we judge things spiritually, then we're thinking about what is pleasing to the Lord. Spiritual judgement also means seeing the bigger picture.

So anyway, those are some thoughts on your smaller post. Now for your larger post!  ???

Firstly, I would agree that what the preacher in your old church said was heresy. What kind of church was that, anyway? It sounds like you grew up around people who believed in not only works salvation, but conditional security. The doctrine that you can lose your salvation is heresy that should be steered well clear of. Of course, there are some who fall away, but they were never saved to begin with.

They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away. (Luke 8:13)

"These have no root" is what is key there. It means they were not born again. They were false converts. The "falling away" doesn't refer to the occasional slip-up, or even a period of backsliding, which can happen to us all, but a complete departure from the faith. Like when someone who may have professed Christianity for a while suddenly comes out and declares that they are now an atheist. Such a person was never saved. Therefore, they had no salvation to lose. We cannot earn salvation by works, nor can we keep it by works. We ARE KEPT by the power of God (1 Peter 1:5). We don't keep it by our own efforts, any more than we could be saved by our own efforts. Salvation is by grace alone, and the eternal nature of it is by grace as well.

I would think that belief in eternal security is a pretty big deal, actually, especially because, as I said above, it's a question of grace vs. works. That said, when people first come to Christ, they can certainly have a few wrong beliefs. But it shouldn't be too long before the Holy Spirit straightens them out on some key doctrines. If someone who has been a Christian for five minutes believes in conditional security, I would be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt (though I would try to set them straight). But if someone has been a Christian for several years and still believed it, I would be extremely concerned for their soul.

Regarding Steven Anderson as a "comedian", there is nothing wrong with a little bit of humour or levity in a sermon once in a while. However, if a preacher is entertaining you more than edifying you, there is a problem. If a sermon is more of a performance, then there is a pretty high likelihood that the preacher is more concerned with his own glory than the edification of his hearers.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say that Romans 1 is not talking about homosexuals. If you mean the chapter taken as a whole, I would agree. The chapter is addressing all manner of unbelievers. It is describing the spiritual decline of those who reject God. However, some specific verses in that chapter ARE talking about homosexuals:

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. (Romans 1:26-27)

That is one of the most explicit condemnations of homosexuality in the New Testament. But again, the chapter taken as a whole is talking about far more than just homosexuals.

What you say about cults believing they have the truth and everyone else being wrong is spot on. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6), and His Word is truth (John 17:17). That is where truth is found, not in any specific church. But what cults do, in their pride, is say THEY have the truth. This makes them become lifted up in their hearts, and the same is true of the members (if you think you're part of the "one true church", it can make you VERY puffed up). Rather than love those who don't agree with them, they usually despise them as inferiors. It is also true that the Pharisees were a lot like that as well. Certainly not attitudes that we should be having! Christians should always be aiming to win souls to Christ, not a church or way of thinking.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2021, 06:30:44 AM by Rowan M. »
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Re: New Member
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2021, 09:09:17 PM »
Nah i dont think your giving me a hard time. Your right on with video games competitive nature causing pride absolutely. I do have fun on the game most of the time but i wish i could just enjoy it all the time instead of getting mad over it.
        Regrading my first church i attended, I didnt grow up religious i started going there at 18 and thats where i first heard the law and got saved. Yes it was 100 percent a works based salvation belief system some members even believed in things like baptism is the second part of salvation. I even laughed at one of my buddies who went there when i asked him straight "do you believe if you dont keep the sabbath your going to hell?" he said yeah. It wasnt adventist but pretty close.
        Anyway When i first repented for my sin i wept bitterly like i never felt before but after i felt as though a weight had been lifted and i was on cloud nine for several days. I want to point out i knew absolutely nothing about the bible at the time besides im a sinner and Christ died for sins and that experience of repentance stayed in the back of my mind forever. Now after several weeks i went back to Temple Christ Messiah that was the name of the church building and i learned that i can lose my salvation this was new to me because i thought Im all set. I also learned i need to get baptized to finish my conversion and once again i thought to myself and even said to the members "i thought i was all set" anyway i brushed it off got baptized and believed the doctrine of on again off again salvation. At first i was very active in trying to lead others to Christ as i knew he was the only hope. a year or so went by and it dawned on me these people believed that if you dont confess you sin daily and you end up dying you could end up in hell. Once again i bought into this for a long time and fell into deep depression because i knew for sure i would never make it to heaven. My wife who grew up in TCM also believed this but ill let her tell her own story when she gets on here. Anyway eventually i started reading the bible for myself finally but with the mindset of a works based faith which can also be described as completely hopeless which is also the word i would describe myself during this time. I thought that TCM was the only place i could go as everywhere else was wrong as ive been trained to believe. Finally i snapped as there was no way i was gonna make it to heaven. I ran from God for years and i claimed to no longer believe in him. I called myself an atheist and tried to convince myself evolution was true so i could prove to myself i have nothing to be afraid of but it sounded like mumbo jumbo to me. I smoked heavy amounts a pot and did everything within my power to try to forget about God. I always remembered my repentance experience and some nights i would tell God "I know your still there but i dont know what to do im doomed no matter what so what does it matter?" I eventually got to the point where i just exploded and started lashing out against alot of people i knew that i came in contact with until i went about a week without eating and slept about an hour a day. It was kind of a blurr to me what happened during this time but lets just say it wasnt a fun experience. Anyway after i started returning to normal i kinda got hit like a ton of bricks with the reality of the situation. What i was doing was rebelling against God and i realized what was going on for the first time in a while.
          I returned to TCM but it was short lived because at this point i was coming to terms with the fact that this is a cult and there were actually other viewpoints on the bible besides what they believed. I looked into once saved always saved which is what the preacher there always railed against and i started watching andersons channel and the once saved always saved position made since to me and also got me thinking that perhaps there is hope. I started getting into theyre doctrine but i was more critical then when i was going to TCM. I read the bible all the way through for the first time and held the position for a while that all you gotta do is believe once saved always saved and youll be saved. The thing i still wrestled with was how come nobody ever mentions that grief and sorrow they felt when they first believed i thought it must not be the same for everyone but i just didnt understand how someone cant be grieved like i was when they realize what they are. I listened to Andersons story of how he was saved and it went like "When i was 5 my mother did the acceptance prayer with me" which im paraphrasing but thats essentially how it went also a thing that stood out was he said something like "When i first believed I didnt really have alot of sin because i was only 5 years old so im not judging others or anything but i havnt really done much wrong compared to others" thats not an exact quote by the way but it the point of it is there. A year of listening to "Its Not Steve its PASTOR!!!!!" and "Your a reprobate kill yourself" kinda stuff went by.
          By the way i should add wasnt saying i was right by finding him funny i just used to laugh at the shock value of what he was saying but i was wrong for actually not thinking that saying stuff like he says is not wrong. Anyway i started listening to other people in the new independent fundamental baptist church movement and particularly took a liking to Manly Perry as he was more humble but i soon realized no matter what they would never go against andersons doctrine even when they knew he was wrong because they look at him like a pope. I started seeing alot of flaws in theyre doctrine. One of the biggest bits they sell is the reprobate doctrine which in turn is whatever anderson believes is the mortal sins whether that be homosexuality pedophilia and things of that nature. He preaches romans one is solely about homosexuals and no one else and that chapter explains homosexuals are unsaveable  because he links the word reprobate back to Jeremiah 6 30 Reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected them. He explains the word reprobate means they unsaveable. Long story short i saw Chris Johnsons youtube videos exposing anderson and it just kinda confirmed everything i already knew about the guy but Chris had the scripture to back it up as everytime i read the bible at that point was with someone elses doctrine manipulating the way i read it but Chris just kinda put it plainly and the scripture itself clearly proves this guys not saved in fact you could say hes a reprobate as he likes to call people.
           After that i found the repentance audio and right away the entire bible made since to me and explained why i looked at the experience that took place when i first repented as such a prominent event in my life. anyway thought i would give more details as sometimes i dont really explain things well.

Joshua JZB

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Re: New Member
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2021, 11:45:06 AM »
Hello Dylan!

Thanks for sharing your testimony as well as the further details in your other posts, I enjoyed reading then. Very interesting about your experience listening to that preacher and the voice that was revealing your sin. Was the preacher preaching directly on sin?
I had a kind of similar experience before I was saved. Similarly I was in a cult church building for a while, but one time there was preaching on idolatry and I remember being overcome with unjust anger, as deep down I knew I was particularly guilty of it and needed to give them up. Though I didn't repent until several months afterwards. But I find it interesting that I was convicted majorly even though the preacher was leavened as with yours.
Reminds me of Philippians 1:18,
What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.
seems God still makes use of false preachers to convict sinners. 
in fact you could say hes a reprobate as he likes to call people.
Very good point, ironic and sad.

For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth. - Psalm 74:12


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Re: New Member
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2021, 05:40:22 AM »
Joshua Yes the preacher was talking about sin and it wasnt an audible voice but it was like a voice reveling my sin to me I remember not even hearing the preachers voice like half way through it was like a voice was speaking over him to me showing me that pretty much everything about my life was sin and my whole life was displayed to me. Its funny because the first week i went i started realizing this but i thought it was some sort of trick being played on me to get me to join a cult or something and immediately i thought someone knew me and told the preacher about me or something but know one really knew me that well and it was just strange to me that i was so deeply affected and i couldnt explain why. I had to go back and hear more and I think it was the third week i went back that i just fell on my face. About the last thing you said about false prophets being used to convict sinners. I agree. Im sure theres born again believers in any denomination even in catholicism usually far and few between but im sure theres some. All i know is i heard the law at that church building and whether the preachers saved or not i doubt but i hope he is and i hope some of the people there are too.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2021, 05:48:23 AM by dmac »