Author Topic: Hello, seeking conversation and rebuke.  (Read 3183 times)

Tristan David Smith

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Hello, seeking conversation and rebuke.
« on: May 15, 2018, 10:27:09 AM »
Hello there, my name is Tristan David Smith, i guess i'll jump right in then.

When i was young(7-10)(poor memory of time) i remember living near a hospital that burnt down a few times,
and it was then one day that my mother told me about God, specifically about jesus dying on the cross for my sin, when i asked what this was, i was told that God says that i broke his laws and the punishment was death and going to hell, i was frightened and said to God i'm sorry, my memory on this is poor, but what i do remember is that i was sorry the way a child is when you make your parents angry, and confessing jesus christ, that he was God's son and that he took on the punishment i deserved, from there i spoke to God regularly asking him to teach me about himself so i could get to know him.

Then reading the bible about Solomon i asked God for understanding & that every day i lived that he would teach me something(he has never failed me, for as you know he is faithful) and he has done so, little by little.

The is much i would say but it would be burdensome for you, one thing i found is that God taught me to question things and instilled in me a dislike of things that have no explanation(e.g i have disliked the catholic "church" from pretty much the first time i heard of it, being the only one in class who asked what gave them the authority to change sabbath from saturday to sunday), another of the first things i learnt was that i must love God more than my friends and family.

As a child i had a different approach to things, namely that from about 7-12 i would avoid playing with the other kids instead preferring to observe them or where permitted just read the bible, i was not socially awkward so much as it really bothered me that people did things based on how they felt about it, and broke off friendships on a whim, i did not like how they changed so readily(in their thoughts and attitudes).

i have spoken a lot here about myself and perhaps given an implication that i am without fault, so let me end this by saying that i hated my life for the things i did and thought then, and i still hate it, as paul(i think) said i see another law in my members working against the law of my mind.


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Re: Hello, seeking conversation and rebuke.
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2018, 11:29:03 AM »
It sounds like you've been listening to our new teaching on repentance? :)

I understand and can relate to much of what you have said. My wife doesn't get on here much because time doesn't permit her to do so, but she would tell you that she has struggled in faith simply because she was saved as a young child as well, but this new teaching on repentance has actually strengthened her faith, knowing that she has been chastened by the Lord (Rev 3:19), she has been brought to repentance, and believed on Christ for the remission of sins. God promised us in His Word that if we come to the foot of the cross with a repentant heart, He will never turn us away.

Last week, I listened to someone teach, and sadly, I heard him say, "Everything God does is just." I strongly disagree, and if the Bible says that, I'm willing to be rebuked. God is just, don't misunderstand, but mercy is not the same as justice. If God were just in everything He does, then we would all end up in hell, so I'm glad that He grants us that mercy instead of justice.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18

Tristan David Smith

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Re: Hello, seeking conversation and rebuke.
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2018, 12:15:00 PM »
I have been listening, i was gladdened to see it show up on my notifications yesterday, because i vaguely recall you mentioning a rewrite of it, yes i have struggled, but listening carefully to that teaching and reading scripture i now realise that the things shown to me and the things i came to understand are not by the natural man, and shamefully i admit that what i have often seen as obvious is not really so to someone who is not saved, and i was not kind in my responses when issues arose.

Regarding the everything God does is just statement you mentioned, last night i was trying to tell a confused friend of mine that the reason its called grace is because we deserve to die, but it is God's grace and merciful forbearance that is the reason he still breathes, i told him that we get saved and then do works, but no work can save us, i specifically pointed that out because he was starting to listen to islamic teachings, he has said he will drop it now, i can only hope and pray that God gives him acknowledgement of the truth.

Dee Babbitt

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Re: Hello, seeking conversation and rebuke.
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2018, 04:16:30 PM »
Welcome, Tristan, and thank you for sharing your testimony.

Reading your comments and those from others here on this forum, makes me appreciate what a wonderful place this is...and how wonderful to have other like-minded Christians with whom we can gather with and encourage one another.