Author Topic: Hello, everyone. New member. Testimony  (Read 3155 times)


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Hello, everyone. New member. Testimony
« on: May 31, 2021, 12:57:36 AM »
I am posting here as required, but I also felt the need to get a few things off my chest as well.

I BELIEVE I was born again back in 2010 when one day I cried out to God for things I did in my past. I had no knowledge of the Law and the fact that I broke it so horribly, which makes me question whether I was saved, but I was humbled into crying out to God in a desperate plea knowing I couldn't look anywhere else but to Him. I wasn't aware of much about the Bible except that God sent His Son Jesus to die, be buried and ressurect 3 days later for the atonement of sins so I basically placed my faith in that and nothing else as a wretched sinner.

Something marvelous happened soon after. I flipped on my TV and saw a tornadic storm headed for my family's home and I prayed to God and asked for Him to stop the storm, and within 30 seconds, the weatherman came back on and said the storm stopped.

This instantly sold me on the reality of God.

So, I started reading my dad's NIV Bible (corrupt I know, KJV is my main Bible now) and came to learn about Jesus and His ministry as well as other parts of the Bible too but soon I ended up going back to the world and just wanted to live a life of sin as a teen.

However, despite my life in wickedness, there was an inner pull for me to come back to God and serve Him and I tried a few times to come back but to no avail.

Enter 2017. I'm sure a few of you are familiar, but there arose a conspiracy movement named Qanon in which Trump was supposed to be the person to vanquish the Deep State once and for all. I was thrilled! And also, Qanon claimed to be of God so my spiritually was renewed, albeit a false sense thereof. I was placing my hope in this and the NWO to be destroyed. But in the back of my mind this conflicted with biblical doctrine and prophecy.

However in 2020, I was led to realise that Qanon was a scam, and it was a punch in the gut. But, it was the catalyst needed for me to finally come back to Christ. So with a renewed sense of faith in Christ, KNOWING now for sure I had nowhere to look, I got serious about Him and God began a process of chastening last summer, in which I felt a newfound sense of grief for my sins and the things I was doing. I was in a music project for 3 years and left that out of conviction. I cut my friends. Cut my drugs and stopped glorifying conspiracies over God in what was a chastening process I will never forget. I was into trutherism as I call it and was seeking out wisdom in heretical books such as Enoch and the Cepher. One day my wife and I decided to go to a casino to gamble and I prayed to God to help us win so I may buy a Cepher. Well needless to say, God answered my prayer by making us lose horribly and much worse than anticipated. But this turned out to be the exact thing needed to get me to finally start reading the KJV collecting dust on my shelf. I can name other things that happened during this pruning process, and it was grievous as Hebrews 12 says, but it was well-needed. My inward values changed drastically too, as this past year has been the most drastic change of my life. I truly don't mean to make this about me, I say all of this to bring glory to God and His regenerative nature when we walk in the Spirit and in newness of life. It's truly amazing what God does.

So I started contending for the Gospel on my IG page. And I got into a NIFB church and got baptized which I will get into.

So I found the NIFB and was absolutely mesmerized with Anderson's preaching and loved his documentaries in various topics.

I found a NIFB church close to my area and attended. However, after a few months I stopped attending for what I believe is now being revealed to me through your website as well as people I fellowship with online.

I found your article on repentance and it resonated with me back in January but I wrote it off and boiled it down to be a semantics issue. As you know, Anderson teaches metanoia.

Also btw the Bible has transformed for me since I learned the true meaning of repentance and came out of the metanoia deception many people preach. This theme is present all over the Bible and it's impossible to unsee it now. Glory to God for that. If you are open, I am more than happy to show you some connections I have made that I believe will be of great value to your repentance teaching. I'm very eager to share with people who understand and hope to edify all here with what the Spirit has shown me.

Well, anyways, some friends of mine came to me a month ago showing me that repentance means grief/godly sorrow. Mind you, these friends are also NIFB. So I presented the critical question of how serious it is that Anderson is wrong about repentance and the possibility of creating false converts. Even as of now, they have dismissed at and even as of today, have changed their minds on repentance and now believe they were wrong, very soon after I pressed this issue even further. I suspect this to be an issue of cognitive dissonance of them having to face the possibility of Anderson being wrong.

So now I am starting to see the lengths people are going to align with Anderson and it truly grieves me to see things happen this way. Jesus said the path will grow narrower as you are led closer to the truth. It pains me to type all of this as I face this reality at this moment in time.

So this past week has been a grieving process of me stripping away my friends as well as the realization of the possibility that God led me to leave my NIFB church in order to prepare me for this reality.

So enough about my life, this is all to give glory to God and the work He has done through me and I truly appreciate the fact that He gave me the humility and openness to to sift through the many deceptions I have been in throughout the past year including Qanon, Hebrew Roots, Apocrypha/Cepher, NIFB, etc.

And I also want to thank your page for teaching the true definition of repentance. I honestly feel a bit overwhelmed at how much I potentially have to go back and relearn, but it is totally worth it and I hope to see you in heaven one day, brother.

Glory toGod


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Re: Hello, everyone. New member. Testimony
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2021, 01:00:53 AM »
I also apologize in advance for the wall of text as well as grammatical errors throughout. I am on mobile so the format when writing was difficult to work with. But I hope you read this and get something out of it, if only to demonstrate the glory of God.

Feel free to admonish me where you may believe I am wrong on something I said.

I am open and willing to learn.


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Re: Hello, everyone. New member. Testimony
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2021, 08:57:07 AM »
I BELIEVE I was born again back in 2010 when one day I cried out to God for things I did in my past. I had no knowledge of the Law and the fact that I broke it so horribly, which makes me question whether I was saved, but I was humbled into crying out to God in a desperate plea knowing I couldn't look anywhere else but to Him. I wasn't aware of much about the Bible except that God sent His Son Jesus to die, be buried and ressurect 3 days later for the atonement of sins so I basically placed my faith in that and nothing else as a wretched sinner.
The law is simply the knowledge of sin.
Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
-Rom 3:20

However, the law does not need to be first known before being saved. Perhaps I have not made that clear enough in what I have taught. Rather, the knowledge of sin needs to be known before being saved, and that can come from one's own conscience without first reading the law.
For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
-Rom 2:14-15

So while specific reading of God's law was not a requirement for salvation, your testimony still confused me because you said that you cried out to God in a desperate plea... but a plea for what reason? Why plea? What were the tears about? That's what I didn't get from what you said.

Enter 2017. I'm sure a few of you are familiar, but there arose a conspiracy movement named Qanon in which Trump was supposed to be the person to vanquish the Deep State once and for all. I was thrilled! And also, Qanon claimed to be of God so my spiritually was renewed, albeit a false sense thereof. I was placing my hope in this and the NWO to be destroyed. But in the back of my mind this conflicted with biblical doctrine and prophecy.
There is no Qanon. There is Q, and there are Anons. The term "Qanon" was created by some people that do not have a good understanding (i.e. because there are a lot of pagans and cultist involved in it), and the media picked it up and ran with it.

However in 2020, I was led to realise that Qanon was a scam, and it was a punch in the gut.
If you believe that Q was fake, then it's possible you were looking at the wrong things from the start. There are many false flags in the Q movement as well, so I don't think you understand what's happening right now, but I will keep reading your post first.

But, it was the catalyst needed for me to finally come back to Christ. So with a renewed sense of faith in Christ, KNOWING now for sure I had nowhere to look, I got serious about Him and God began a process of chastening last summer, in which I felt a newfound sense of grief for my sins and the things I was doing. I was in a music project for 3 years and left that out of conviction. I cut my friends. Cut my drugs and stopped glorifying conspiracies over God in what was a chastening process I will never forget. I was into trutherism as I call it and was seeking out wisdom in heretical books such as Enoch and the Cepher.
Well, you have to be careful about that too. The book of Enoch, for example, is referred back to in Scripture, but Enoch is not written under the inspiration of God. Therefore, it is not be put on the same level of Scripture, and should not be called the Word of God, even though there may be some prophecy in it.
And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
-Jude 1:14

But if one just focuses on Scripture, they should be fine. And yet, I see a lot of churchgoers constantly running after extra-biblical things, rather than just learning the doctrines of Jesus Christ.

So I started contending for the Gospel on my IG page. And I got into a NIFB church and got baptized which I will get into.
Not everyone comes from the same background as you, so you have to explain the abbreviations you are using.

I found your article on repentance and it resonated with me back in January but I wrote it off and boiled it down to be a semantics issue. As you know, Anderson teaches metanoia.
I don't know what that means. We do not tend to follow worldly phrases and terms they use for all their false beliefs; we just tend to stick with Scripture.
For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.
-Rom 16:19

Also btw the Bible has transformed for me since I learned the true meaning of repentance and came out of the metanoia deception many people preach. This theme is present all over the Bible and it's impossible to unsee it now. Glory to God for that. If you are open, I am more than happy to show you some connections I have made that I believe will be of great value to your repentance teaching. I'm very eager to share with people who understand and hope to edify all here with what the Spirit has shown me.
Well, that depends. You may have noticed that you did not get any replies to your post very quickly, and the people here usually do that when they are cautious of someone. I have to confess, I am cautious of you too because I am uncertain about some things based on what you wrote. It sounds like you have been trying to jump into things too quickly your entire life, so maybe this time you can slow things down a little bit, and let's take things one step at a time.

Jesus said the path will grow narrower as you are led closer to the truth.
You see, that a good example of what I was just talking about; that is, how I am unsure of you. Where in the Bible did Jesus say, "the path will grow narrower as you are led close to the truth?" I can quote Jesus Christ here:
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
-Mat 7:13-14

This is one of the reasons I am cautious of you is because it seems like you are interpreting Scripture out of your own experiences, rather than just looking at the Scripture for what it says. Don't misunderstand; I am not rejecting conversation with you. I am just proceeding with caution, and I believe I am not the only one here thinking the same thing.

So enough about my life, this is all to give glory to God and the work He has done through me and I truly appreciate the fact that He gave me the humility and openness to to sift through the many deceptions I have been in throughout the past year including Qanon, Hebrew Roots, Apocrypha/Cepher, NIFB, etc.
I agree that there are deceptions in all those things.

And I also want to thank your page for teaching the true definition of repentance.
That also may have been one of the reasons no one has responded yet. If you wanted to write me a letter, there is a contact page on the website. However, if you want to address the community on the forum, you should address the community on the forum.

I honestly feel a bit overwhelmed at how much I potentially have to go back and relearn, but it is totally worth it and I hope to see you in heaven one day, brother.
That is also one of the reasons I think others here were cautious of you. Having to go back and relearn something is not what gains one entrance to heaven; that would be works doctrine. It's just a bit confusing because you said at the beginning that it was Jesus Christ alone. There are some things here that do not add up, and I am not attempting to strip you of your eagerness to learn and understand, but those things need to be mingled with patience as well.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Hello, everyone. New member. Testimony
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2021, 07:46:09 PM »
Hey Seth. Glad you came out from Steven Anderson. There are many problems with the guy and I hope more people stop listening to him.

I looked up what "NIFB" is and I think you are talking about "New Independent Fundamental Baptist" denomination. Is that correct? I've never heard of that one.

I BELIEVE I was born again back in 2010 when one day I cried out to God for things I did in my past. I had no knowledge of the Law and the fact that I broke it so horribly, which makes me question whether I was saved, but I was humbled into crying out to God in a desperate plea knowing I couldn't look anywhere else but to Him. I wasn't aware of much about the Bible except that God sent His Son Jesus to die, be buried and ressurect 3 days later for the atonement of sins so I basically placed my faith in that and nothing else as a wretched sinner.

I was also curious about what you were crying out to God for when I read this. Can you tell us more about that?

I honestly feel a bit overwhelmed at how much I potentially have to go back and relearn

There was a time after I had gotten saved where I listened to several people that taught a lot of false doctrine. It all sounded good, for the most part, but I slowly learned the errors that they were teaching and when I started studying the Bible on my own and checking what people teach more thoroughly, that's when God opened my eyes to a lot of the deceptions. So I imagine there are a lot of things you want to go back and relearn.


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Re: Hello, everyone. New member. Testimony
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2021, 01:25:03 PM »
Well, he got logged in a few times after we wrote these responses. He did not say anything. It's now been three days since he last logged in. I guess I'm not sure what the point of all this was. It seemed like he wanted to talk to us, but now it seems like he doesn't? ??? I guess I don't understand.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Hello, everyone. New member. Testimony
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2021, 02:57:47 PM »
I hope he does come back. I was interested in hearing his answers to the points made and questions that were asked.

Seth, if you do come back and see this then I urge you to judge yourself according to these words you wrote to us. I understand if you needed time to think about your response, but I hope that what you said here was truthful as you will be held accountable for your words.

Feel free to admonish me where you may believe I am wrong on something I said.

I am open and willing to learn.

We simply want to know more about what you said to clarify some things. Before welcoming someone as brethren, we need to be sure of your testimony of salvation and your beliefs to make sure that they align with the doctrine of Christ. I hope you understand this and that you will come back and chat with us. Or at least explain why you have changed your mind about it.
"Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better." (Ecclesiastes 7:3)


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Re: Hello, everyone. New member. Testimony
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2021, 10:30:51 AM »
So, a couple months ago, I had to transfer all my "unlisted" YouTube videos to "listed," otherwise, YouTube was going to delete them. These are videos I used in a bunch of my articles and books. It made it look like I uploaded a lot of new videos, when I didn't do that at all. One of them happened to have the comments opened. I must have forgotten to lock it, and I noticed it when I was searching for something in my older videos because I'm doing research on what I am writing at the moment.

This guy, Seth, left some comments. Now, the reason I am posting this is to, once again, prove to you guys WHY we do things the way we do them here. Here are his comments from that YT video, which, for context, is about a man being unlawfully arrested by a police officer:

After a new visitor logged in and shared his heart,  wanting to find fellowship,  instead he found error filled pharisees falsely judging every word that he texted and was under immediate attack from a gang of wolves (as is the common tradition in your forum) Christopher Johnson has this to say "Well, he got logged in a few times after we wrote these responses. He did not say anything. It's now been three days since he last logged in. I guess I'm not sure what the point of all this was. It seemed like he wanted to talk to us, but now it seems like he doesn't? I guess I don't understand."

Let me help you idiot! You're a F****g ***hole to every single person that comes there looking for fellowship.  How dense can you be? 

It's really no mystery at all

Was the officer's name Christopher? That would not surprise me

This video is much like how you treat anyone that comes into your forum.  You literally do exactly what crooked cops do and you can't even see the irony in it.  Bravo turd

Now do you see why he did not come back here? If we had just welcomed him into this community without ever questioning the strange things he was saying, how much trouble and grief would he have caused here?

A scorner loveth not one that reproveth him: neither will he go unto the wise.
-Pro 15:12

We don't get to see what happens behind the scenes a lot of times, and so we have to use our discernment to understand a matter and be vigilant to judge between good and evil, between sound doctrine and false gospel. If we don't, then we are just inviting leaven into the church, and it is important for Seth to understand that there is a clear line of distinction between him and the church, between his beliefs and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We tried to explain to him the truth, he rejected it, and you can see the truth of what is in his heart much more clearly now.

But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
-Mat 15:18

I hope that helps others in the future understand why we do what we do.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Hello, everyone. New member. Testimony
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2021, 04:05:34 AM »
And these people don't even see that it is just as much concern for THEIR salvation and to make sure that they know the full truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it is to keep leaven out of our own community. This Seth guy clearly showed by his comments on the video that he is NOT of Christ, so naturally, he would reject fellowship with true born again Christians. He likely has never encountered real Christians before and is only familiar with church-goers who neither know nor care what a person's true spiritual state is.

Pilgrim Mike

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Re: Hello, everyone. New member. Testimony
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2021, 09:31:11 PM »
I just read this whole page. I just wanted to thank everyone for asking questions and hopefully I'll be asked more which I'm sure I will. It's totally understandable why you do what you do. When people ask me questions it helps strengthen my faith and helps inspire me to read and study more.