is a renovation of the old article called "How to Play the Greek Game" because I had to fix a lot of things and try to explain it in an more easy-to-understand way, as well as add in a lot of Scripture I didn't have in it before. Again, very few people have read this, and not very many want to understand it because it would force them to actually have to study God's Word, instead of having it interpreted for them. If you all see teachers who use the "original Greek" scam, you ought to sanctify yourselves from them because, most likely, they don't know how to study the Word of God at all.

In case you don't understand the "demotivational poster" I put with this, that's a "Monopoly" game board over the space called "Boardwalk." A boardwalk is a dock that is built over the water's edge off the coast, and so in the game, "Boardwalk" is a piece of property to purchase, but the speech bubble above indicates that one of the players is making the claim that "Boardwalk" means you had to "walk the plank" like on a pirate ship. Technically, "board-walk" could mean that, but in the context, it doesn't. So the player who is accusing the other of having to walk the plank says, "Okay, I'll go get the concordance and show you the original Greek!" To which the other player respond, "Fine, go get your concordance, but it doesn't mean I lose a turn because I had to walk the plank." Which is why, at the bottom, it says that context is what is important, not what a Greek grammar dictionary says.
I think that was one of my more "difficult-to-understand" demotivational posters, and I hope that helps everyone get the joke.