Author Topic: (DONATIONS) We Now Accept Bitcoin/Crypto-Currency  (Read 1547 times)


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(DONATIONS) We Now Accept Bitcoin/Crypto-Currency
« on: May 03, 2021, 06:36:23 PM »
We now can take crypto-currency donations if that is your preference; visit the donation page for those options:

I am not here to provide anyone financial advise, but there are some changes happening in this country, and fiat currency (i.e. the dollar, USD) is going to implode soon, as the process has already begun, and the stimulus checks that Americans have received recently is only covering up that implosion. They cannot cover it for long, so Lorraine and I have made contingency plans for the future; one of them being crypto-currency, which more people and businesses are beginning to use, and it is a much more secure currency that is backed by real money.

There are two ways to donate crypto-currency. The first is directly, wallet-to-wallet, and the public key for my wallet is available on the website now:

The second method is through NowPayments, which is a service that allows you to pay wallet-to-wallet, OR you can donate USD (or EUR), and NowPayments will translate your money to BTC, and will donate it to our wallet. Here is a link to that:
Donate Crypto-Currency to CLE

I spoke with a rep from NowPayments, and here is what he said about the transaction fees:
In short, it's 4% for cash-in operations (this includes ~3% Visa/Master Card fee) and 1% for cash-out operations. When it comes to cryptocurrency transactions, our fees are .5% for monocurrency payments (BTC-BTC) or 1% for conversion (i.e. ETH-BTC).

So sending us donations by mail is based on the fee of your mail service.
Sending by Paypal is at least 4.1%.

Please keep in mind, Lorraine and I still have to pay for things using USD because not enough businesses have gotten on board with BTC yet. That is starting to change now, but it has not quiet reached that point yet. So please keep in mind that, for the time being, if you donate USD to us, it is still more beneficial to send it via Paypal, and the reason for that is because if Lorraine and I transfer funds out of our BTC wallet to USD, we have to pay another transaction fee, which means we will lose more money on transaction fees in the end, than if you had sent it to us via Paypal.

That will likely change in the future, but for now, that's the way things are. However, if you already have BTC, and you want to send us a BTC donation, NowPayments offers that service for only a .5% transaction fee, which is a pretty good rate.

For those of you who don't understand any of this yet, it's okay. As I already said, we are preparing for the currency transition that will be happening in the U.S. over the next 1-4 years, and as it happens, we will be ready.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2021, 12:37:44 PM by creationliberty »
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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    • Creation Liberty Evangelism
  • First Name: Christopher
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  • Location: Indiana
Re: (DONATIONS) We Now Accept Bitcoin/Crypto-Currency
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2021, 12:38:22 PM »
(I got everything figured out for the most part, and I rewrote the original post to avoid confusion... See Above.)
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18