Author Topic: (UPDATE) The Biblical Understanding of Fasting  (Read 1761 times)


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(UPDATE) The Biblical Understanding of Fasting
« on: November 18, 2020, 08:58:30 AM »
I wanted to make an important health note in my teaching on fasting. Here is the update I made today:

It should be noted that some people who fast have a problem with producing a lot of stomach acid during the fast, and I know this from experience because I am one of those people. Please do not confusing this with someone who randomly vomits during their fast because that can be normal. I have spent days (without a break) nauseous, heaving, and vomiting during a fast without any idea what was happening to me, so if anyone reading this has experienced such a problem, I would offer three suggestions because vomiting too much can be dangerous if the acidity gets into your blood stream. (i.e. You will begin to vomit uncontrollably and may end up in the hospital.)

1. Do not drink water in large portions all at once. When you drink water, sip your water in small doses consistently throughout the day. If you drink a large amount of water all at once (which I used to do), then your stomach will feel like it is full, and when that happens, your stomach does not know it is only filled with water, and therefore, it will automatically produce more acid to digest food that is not there, making your nauseous.
2. Drink hot water instead of cold water. Sipping on hot water can help warm your already cold body, and it will help to relax your stomach. You may also want to consider sipping chamomile tea (which is almost entirely water), which is daisy-like plant that has been traditionally known to calm the body and somewhat reduce nausea.
3. Take calcium antacid tablets. I would only use this as a last resort, but there are some people who have intense vomiting reactions from fasting because of the acidity in their stomach, and under that circumstance, it is better to be safe. The calcium will help neutralize the acid in the stomach. Just take one, and only use as needed.

Another sign of acid build-up in your stomach is if you have a horrible taste in your mouth. In my experience, it has made water extraordinarily difficult to drink because drinking it makes it taste like vomit. Under those circumstances, you may be exerpiencing a surplus of stomach acid, so just listen to your body and watch for the signs.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: (UPDATE) The Biblical Understanding of Fasting
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2020, 06:15:48 AM »
If what you wrote was copy/pasted from the article, then there are a few typos that need to be corrected (I'm pretty sure I already sent you the corrections for the rest of the article):

It should be noted that some people who fast have a problem with producing a lot of stomach acid during the fast, and I know this from experience because I am one of those people. Please do not confusing confuse this with someone who randomly vomits during their fast because that can be normal. I have spent days (without a break) nauseous, heaving, and vomiting during a fast without any idea what was happening to me, so if anyone reading this has experienced such a problem, I would offer three suggestions because vomiting too much can be dangerous if the acidity gets into your blood stream. (i.e. You will begin to vomit uncontrollably and may end up in the hospital.)

1. Do not drink water in large portions all at once. When you drink water, sip your water in small doses consistently throughout the day. If you drink a large amount of water all at once (which I used to do), then your stomach will feel like it is full, and when that happens, your stomach does not know it is only filled with water, and therefore, it will automatically produce more acid to digest food that is not there, making your you nauseous.
2. Drink hot water instead of cold water. Sipping on hot water can help warm your already cold body, and it will help to relax your stomach. You may also want to consider sipping chamomile tea (which is almost entirely water), which is
a daisy-like plant that has been traditionally known to calm the body and somewhat reduce nausea.
3. Take calcium antacid tablets. I would only use this as a last resort, but there are some people who have intense vomiting reactions from fasting because of the acidity in their stomach, and under that circumstance, it is better to be safe. The calcium will help neutralize the acid in the stomach. Just take one, and only use as needed.

Another sign of acid build-up in your stomach is if you have a horrible taste in your mouth. In my experience, it has made water extraordinarily difficult to drink because drinking it makes it taste like vomit. Under those circumstances, you may be exerpiencing experiencing a surplus of stomach acid, so just listen to your body and watch for the signs.

As a side note, I frequently get migraines when I fast, which ALWAYS makes me sick to my stomach. Another thing that can help with nausea is to put a drop or two of either peppermint or ginger essential oil into your water. Both of these oils are known for helping to relieve an upset stomach.

As a side note, I frequently get migraines when I fast, which ALWAYS makes me sick to my stomach. Another thing that can help with nausea is to put a drop or two of either peppermint or ginger essential oil into your water. Both of these oils are known for helping to relieve an upset stomach.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2020, 06:23:03 AM by Jeanne »