Author Topic: How I came to Christ  (Read 5660 times)


  • Pillar of the Community (Forum LVL MAX)
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  • Posts: 1538
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  • First Name: Jeanne
  • Belief: Other
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Melbourne, Australia
Re: How I came to Christ
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2020, 08:37:11 PM »
Thank you, Tim, for clarifying that. I know I was definitely confused and had no clue what Josh was trying to say until you and Chris explained it more. It makes a whole lot more sense now.

Josh, none of this has anything to do with anyone either liking you or not liking you; approving of you or not approving of you, and everything to do with concern over your soul. The only concern we have is to make sure you are truly born again and saved according to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Nobody here is deliberately trying to twist your words to try to find fault with you; what you actually said is what condemns you. It's just that none of us here want to see you be included in those to whom Jesus says 'I never knew you; depart from me ye that work iniquity.'