Author Topic: Hello everyone!  (Read 6728 times)


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Hello everyone!
« on: October 01, 2020, 07:03:31 AM »
Hi everyone! I'm Andrew I have a long story leading up to my conversion, so my apologies in advance for the lengthiness :).

So I grew up in a "Christian setting" since I was an infant and was always exposed to God in some shape or form growing up so I considered myself good. That was until about 7 years ago when I was in my early 20's and my life wasn't resembling that of a Christian... The Lord really started to make Himself known in my life and let me know that the way I was living was NOT biblical at all... There was one night I was at work and I was having the usual filthy conversation with my coworker (prior to my conversion I had a very filthy mouth), and one night while working the Lord put in my head James 3:10-11 and that sunk in deep, and every time after that if I cursed I would think about the James verses and just felt miserable... fast forward a year or so and I got involved with a woman who was no good for me and things were done and sins were committed... and she said something during the sin that also sunk in which at the time I really didn't think anything of it, but now it makes me sick to my gut every time I think on what she said...

Fast forwarding about 2-3 years later and I started working at UCLA and I was promoted to manager for the Catering service they have there. And one day one of my employees started talking to me about God and what not and she invited me to go to Hillsong with her. Mind you this is still prior to my conversion so I had no idea just how wicked and false Hillsong is... but I agreed to go with her and I was instantly sucked in to their enchantments and spells and on my first visit I saw there were people taking photos. (I am a photographer by the way), and I went up to one of the photographers and asked if I could be a photographer also, and they took me to the back and I spoke with the woman who was head of the photography team and she said yes, and on my 2nd time there I was now one of their photographers. During my short 9 month stay there the Lord Jesus let me see a lot of what happens behind the scenes. I can confirm that those people are HEATHENS. Continuing, the Lord Jesus also moved me up the ladder of photographers quite quickly because I was one of the 3 main photographers at Hillsong LA until about 6-7 months in I got re-assigned to Hillsong OC where I was essentially main photographer... I will skip the details of the small events I shot for because they were all the same... loud obnoxious music, a bunch of fake dead worship, a social gathering to talk about all things EXCEPT the Lord or His precious word, and advertising of the brand. It was at their "conference" when I had enough. The conference was when all the big name TBN goons gathered and "enriched" the customers with their diluted prosperity preaching for 3 days. So on my 1st day of shooting it was essentially prepping day, they would set up all the bookshelves in the foyer to set their garbage books, set up the stage, give everyone the run of show, so on and so forth. And I remember looking at the books that they were placing on the shelves, and I asked my co-photographer, where are the bibles at? I lie not when I say this, out of ALL the shelves and stands (there were many) only one shelf had bibles on it, and they weren't even the right one... The 2nd day was even more interesting because it was the day when the show actually started. So since I was photographer I had access to everywhere in the venue. As one of the hirelings was talking on stage, tell me why Joseph Prince was escorted into the auditorium by the Yakuza? There was legit about 6+ men in fitted suits encircling Joseph Prince as he entered the auditorium and I remember turning to another photographer that was near me and asked why Joseph Prince a "man of God" needed to be escorted by the Japanese mafia into a venue that was occupied with other Christians? I was perplexed beyond measure... the day didn't get much better, as I went backstage to turn in the photos I took, one of my co-photographers asked me "did you see it?" and I was like see what? And she said "Justin Bieber just told those two people over there to be goal posts and he ride through them on his chair..." I was at a loss for words at that point... the thoughts that flooded my mind were "how are these people Christians...?" and "what is going on here?" At that point I was really starting to feel miserable because I was looking to be taught how to know God and grow closer to Him and I was not being taught that. The 3rd day was it. I and my team of photographers had the "day off" and we were sitting in the audience waiting for things to begin. They had this segment called "Revelation" and it was a gossip segment, and on stage were sodomite men prancing around in unicorn suits! With flashing strobe lights, and beach balls... That was it, I had it with the wickedness that was going on, I rose up and left. The following sunday I told them I was gone and left the cult.

A sunday after I left Hillsong, I and my mom went to a church building and after the pathetic experience at Hillsong my hopes were on the floor because I still didn't feel that peace that surpasseth all understanding... so as we were singing hymns, I remember just breaking down in tears, not because the pianist was an expert, but because I was done... I was overwhelmed because my life was a wreck filled with sin and I still didn't know God personally or understand His word and knew that Christianity was more than just going to "church" on sunday... so as the services started a woman started preaching because the pastor was in another country... I remember I told my mom, "I'm not coming back." So over the following 2-3 weeks I was scouring the internet listening to multiple and various preachers looking for salvation, because deep down I knew I wasn't saved, I was hoping that believing God exists would get me to heaven, but the Lord Jesus made sure I didn't think that for long because I was still in great fear about going to hell, and I had absolutely no peace in my soul... So I came across Jack Hyles, and was listening to a sermon he was preaching, and I said ok he sounds ok... I then went to YouTube to search more of his sermons and came across a video exposing him made by Bryan Denlinger, and I was outdone and frustrated because I just came across the man! So the Lord Jesus prompted me to watch Bryan's video and within the first few seconds I noticed something different. Bryan actually had a bible in his hand open, and not just any bible, but the King James Bible. And I instantly took note of that because it's rare to find a preacher using the perfect inerrant word of God for English speaking people in these last days (this was also before I knew about the bible version issue, I thank the Lord Jesus I never had any of those wicked Roman Catholic perversions). And he was talking about salvation, and I was all ears, and then he continued on and said something about the real gospel, and my eyes jumped out of my skull! I said within myself this man just talked about the gospel from the bible, so I continued listening and he said turn to 1 Corinthians 15 verses 1-4. I paused the video and grabbed my bible and turned there and I read those blessed 4 verses and I froze. And I sat there, and I re-read them again and started crying! This was the piece I was missing! During the 7 year lead up to that moment I had no idea what the biblical gospel was (yes I heard it broken up and taught at different times, but I never connected that that was what I put my faith in to save me) and when I heard it, it all culminated. It all connected, and I cried out in tears to the Lord that I was sorry for my sins and that I believed that Christ died for my sins, was buried, and rose again the third day, and to help me and have mercy on me, and I felt that peace that surpasseth all understanding because the Comforter was giving to me and I was saved!

Since then for these past 3 years I have been re-learning EVERYTHING I thought I knew, learning new things, studying out all matters, and nurturing my personal relationship with the Lord Jesus... Being a Christian is NOT easy, and living in this exceedingly sinful anti-christ world is very vexing and does not help... please pray that the Lord Jesus continues to give me strength, wisdom, and understanding to live a fruitful and pleasing life in His sight according to His word and that I get plenty of victories over this body of death!


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2020, 11:20:50 AM »
I appreciate your thoroughness in your writing.

If you were willing to give me a more detailed testimony about Hillsong, I might use it in my book. I'm currently in the process of writing a book on exposing the "Christian" music industry, and depending on how much details you provide, I might add your testimony to it if you are willing. I would need times and locations to go with it. If you were willing to post it in full detail publicly on this forum, that would be best, but if not, I would take a private email.

That's up to you if you want to or not, and again, I will not guarantee that I will use it, but it may help others who read it.

What gave you desire join up with us?
« Last Edit: October 01, 2020, 11:51:43 AM by creationliberty »
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2020, 03:08:56 PM »
Hi Andrew

That was an excellent read and another good exposure of the nonsense that goes on out there with regards to "Christian" music and also the usual junk that goes on in the church buildings with their usual Sunday rituals. 

And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2020, 06:46:07 PM »
Hi Andrew,

I am new to this forum as well. I too have experience in strange "churchianity," and I used to listen to music from places like Bethel, Hillsong, Elevation, etc. They may have some talent, but they are definitely leading people down the wide path of destruction because their music is one of their biggest draws. Hymns and psalms are much better and a lot of them align better to the calling of Christians--to meekness and gentleness. I can't even stand to listen to the other music anymore. I believe that a good, doctrinally sound hymn can have a profound impact. I just reread your post and noticed you said that you were in tears as you were singing hymns... that makes sense to me (I've experienced that). Do you believe that was the first time God brought you to repentance of your sin? Did you know what repentance was at that point (grief and godly sorrow)?

What teachings (if any, I don't want to assume) have you read/listened to that got you interested in joining the forum? I hope that this is a good and edifying place for you to be, and I appreciated reading your post.

"Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better." (Ecclesiastes 7:3)


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2020, 06:53:56 PM »
I appreciate your thoroughness in your writing.

If you were willing to give me a more detailed testimony about Hillsong, I might use it in my book. I'm currently in the process of writing a book on exposing the "Christian" music industry, and depending on how much details you provide, I might add your testimony to it if you are willing. I would need times and locations to go with it. If you were willing to post it in full detail publicly on this forum, that would be best, but if not, I would take a private email.

That's up to you if you want to or not, and again, I will not guarantee that I will use it, but it may help others who read it.

What gave you desire join up with us?

I only went to one main event, I was only there 9 months so I was primarily at the same couple of places, and I've been trying to put it to rest, because it makes me sick thinking about it all... but I don't really remember/knew anyone's names because people weren't that friendly or approachable. Majority of them had superior attitudes because I would say about 90%+ of them were legit paid actors and other forms of entertainment industry workers... I do remember though when I would make them, before show we would have "prayer" and there would be the main guy saying the prayer, but next to him would be a woman "speaking in tongues"... I fully believe now she was cursing and putting a hex on both us and the audience. Because the same thing would happen when I would shoot during praise. There was this one old woman that during the whole 30 minutes of praise would have her hands over her face, with her eyes closed, mumbling very loudly and swaying back and forth. And when she would start to do it the "venue security" and the heads would crowd around her and surround her, and every time I would try and get a photo of her they would stand in between and/or give me dirty looks... so I also believe she was hexing and cursing the audience as well... I would also stay for the mic checks and rehearsals, and most of them didn't even know the lyrics to the song! I truly believe they are there just to get experience for their career paths... I'll think on it more and let you know what else I remember concern them.

But yes, CCM is wicked and all it does is appease the flesh. I thank the Lord Jesus for talented brethren of the past that wrote beautiful meaningful hymns, like sister Fanny J. Crosby, a woman that was blind AND deaf, but had 500x more of an understanding of God than a person that can do both and professes to be saved, she puts even me to shame listening and singing some of her hymns! And the Lord Jesus led me to your site peradventure to provide details on the true face of "Christian" music, and because I saw the video you made exposing Edward Pfeinnger (I can't spell his last name xD!) and the spirit you did it in was in meekness and lowliness, and these two traits in genuinely saved Christians are unfortunately slowly vanishing... I've noticed many brethren have become back biters, railers, name callers, and are most times straight up rude... The Lord Jesus tells us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves (Matthew 10:16), make no friendship with an angry man lest we learn his ways and get a snare to our soul (Proverbs 22:24-25), to revile not again (1 Peter 2:21-24), to come at people in the spirit of meekness (1 Corinthians 4:20-21 & Galatians 6:1), and to speak evil of no man (Titus 3:1-3). Also I have read a few of your articles on basic doctrine, especially dealing with repentance... It grieves me to the bones that some people genuinely believe that repentance is a work and is not needed for salvation... even though Jesus clearly told us in Mark 1:14-15 to repent AND believe the gospel... and also how they have distorted and twisted the word to mean something that it's not... and thou knowest how to gird up thy loins and stand firm for what is Scriptural. So it's that constant balance of not being too sharp and not being a doormat either, all why holding onto our integrity and striving to please the Lord Jesus...


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2020, 06:55:43 PM »
Hi Andrew

That was an excellent read and another good exposure of the nonsense that goes on out there with regards to "Christian" music and also the usual junk that goes on in the church buildings with their usual Sunday rituals. 

Rituals is the correct word.


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2020, 07:12:40 PM »
Hi Andrew,

I am new to this forum as well. I too have experience in strange "churchianity," and I used to listen to music from places like Bethel, Hillsong, Elevation, etc. They may have some talent, but they are definitely leading people down the wide path of destruction because their music is one of their biggest draws. Hymns and psalms are much better and a lot of them align better to the calling of Christians--to meekness and gentleness. I can't even stand to listen to the other music anymore. I believe that a good, doctrinally sound hymn can have a profound impact. I just reread your post and noticed you said that you were in tears as you were singing hymns... that makes sense to me (I've experienced that). Do you believe that was the first time God brought you to repentance of your sin? Did you know what repentance was at that point (grief and godly sorrow)?

What teachings (if any, I don't want to assume) have you read/listened to that got you interested in joining the forum? I hope that this is a good and edifying place for you to be, and I appreciated reading your post.


Hello Ellie :). And oh yes, they have the talent because they are actual paid actors as their real jobs outside of the "church" venue. And yes, as I replied to Christopher hymns are one of the ways to praise the Lord Jesus spiritually. We see the disciples sang hymns (Matthew 26:30), and Paul instructs us to speak to ourselves, teach, and admonish one another in psalms, hymns, spiritual songs (Colossians 3:16 & Ephesians 5:19-21). And I actually still come to tears when I learn a new hymn, because they are sincere and honest. And no, I first felt repentance when I was in the wrong relationship with the woman I committed the sin with, I broke down hard and cried because I knew what I was about to do was sinful and wrong, but did it anyway... And then years later when I finally heard the biblical gospel, the Lord brought back to memory those things and it added to the already then grief and sorrow I was feeling due to everything that was happening at that time.


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2020, 07:22:35 PM »

What teachings (if any, I don't want to assume) have you read/listened to that got you interested in joining the forum? I hope that this is a good and edifying place for you to be, and I appreciated reading your post.


Sorry, I forgot to answer this question. I saw a video Christopher made about Edward Pfenninger and the spirit that it was made in brought me here. And I read the teaching about repentance, because this is a simple understanding that is being warped and skewed and forsaken and many people are believing in vain because of it.


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2020, 09:27:47 PM »
Hello Ellie :). And oh yes, they have the talent because they are actual paid actors as their real jobs outside of the "church" venue. And yes, as I replied to Christopher hymns are one of the ways to praise the Lord Jesus spiritually. We see the disciples sang hymns (Matthew 26:30), and Paul instructs us to speak to ourselves, teach, and admonish one another in psalms, hymns, spiritual songs (Colossians 3:16 & Ephesians 5:19-21). And I actually still come to tears when I learn a new hymn, because they are sincere and honest. And no, I first felt repentance when I was in the wrong relationship with the woman I committed the sin with, I broke down hard and cried because I knew what I was about to do was sinful and wrong, but did it anyway... And then years later when I finally heard the biblical gospel, the Lord brought back to memory those things and it added to the already then grief and sorrow I was feeling due to everything that was happening at that time.
That's very strange to hear how many are paid actors. I honestly didn't think it was that many. I know that there are celebrities (like Justin Bieber) that are affiliated with it but that is interesting.

Yes, while I was still attending church buildings sometimes I would be almost sobbing while singing the hymns. Sometimes I honestly found it strange that I never saw other people doing the same (if I remember correctly). I did see people cry during the emotionally charged songs at the charismatic gatherings I went to but I can't remember an instance during hymns at the Baptist church I attended. I always thought it was because of my tendency to get emotional in general, but I now understand that it may have also been because many people hadn't come to true repentance and faith so they did not get emotional when singing about God's kindness and mercy because they didn't receive or understand the fullness of the gift of grace. Not to say that it is necessary to cry every time you sing a hymn, of course, I just found it strange that I can't immediately recall one instance of seeing anyone else cry during them at the Baptist church.

And oh okay, I understand now. Thanks for answering, I was just curious. A right understanding of repentance is very important and it's something I came to a recent understanding of, thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ leading me to the teaching Chris did on it after I read other articles on the site.
"Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better." (Ecclesiastes 7:3)


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2020, 12:29:20 AM »
That's very strange to hear how many are paid actors. I honestly didn't think it was that many. I know that there are celebrities (like Justin Bieber) that are affiliated with it but that is interesting.

Yes, while I was still attending church buildings sometimes I would be almost sobbing while singing the hymns. Sometimes I honestly found it strange that I never saw other people doing the same (if I remember correctly). I did see people cry during the emotionally charged songs at the charismatic gatherings I went to but I can't remember an instance during hymns at the Baptist church I attended. I always thought it was because of my tendency to get emotional in general, but I now understand that it may have also been because many people hadn't come to true repentance and faith so they did not get emotional when singing about God's kindness and mercy because they didn't receive or understand the fullness of the gift of grace. Not to say that it is necessary to cry every time you sing a hymn, of course, I just found it strange that I can't immediately recall one instance of seeing anyone else cry during them at the Baptist church.

And oh okay, I understand now. Thanks for answering, I was just curious. A right understanding of repentance is very important and it's something I came to a recent understanding of, thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ leading me to the teaching Chris did on it after I read other articles on the site.

At first I was kind of surprised as well... but now not so much ahaha! And yeah, some people don't cry during singing in non-charismatic church buildings, but I do ahaha, mainly only when I'm learning the hymn, after I've sang it a couple of times I stabilize. And amen, praise be to the Lord Jesus that you've come to the truth :)! Also, repentance doesn't stop it is a continual thing until we're with the Lord Jesus and He wipes away all tears form our eyes! (Revelation 21:1-5)
« Last Edit: October 02, 2020, 12:32:06 AM by ndrw »


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2020, 11:02:26 AM »
Hi Andrew,

I enjoyed reading your testimony. I haven't heard this much detail about Hillsong, so it was really awful to see just how much they are deceiving people. The amount of songs of theirs I recognize singing when I was younger is astounding. They really have infected every where with their music.

Your persistence to find the truth is very familiar to all of us. Your comment on having to relearn everything is just like the expression to going through the wringer that I often have used. Every time I found something else out I often exclaimed at God "I've been wrong about that too?!" and have that heart dropping, sickening feeling and then proceed to seek God's forgiveness for my complete stupidity and ignorance. God's mercy is so great to have the patience to wait for our stubborn selves to come to the truth.

I used to listen to some of Bryan Denlinger but on some things he is very off on, so I stopped listening. A lot of youtube ministries have a lot of truths to learn, but there are also some false doctrines mixed in.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2020, 11:07:09 AM by MeganIA »
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2020, 01:52:29 PM »
Welcome, Andrew! Thank you for sharing the details of your testimony. I found it very interesting to read about Hillsong. I don't know much about them other than their music is very popular among church-goers. I fell into the "Christian" music trap for a short time, but have always preferred hymns. I'm thankful I didn't spend too many years listening to it. Sadly, most people think they are edifying because they mention God or Jesus, but fail to look further. It really just reflects the same lazy attitude false converts have around doctrine and scripture. I think we have all experienced deception to some degree so you are not alone.


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2020, 01:58:06 PM »
I saw a video Christopher made about Edward Pfenninger and the spirit that it was made in brought me here.

I'm curious to know if you listened to the whole video and what you agreed or disagreed with about what was discussed. I'm glad that some people are watching that video and hope that it is a sufficient warning to stay away from Edward's false doctrines. Is it something you just stumbled on or do you know of Edward and his ministry at all?


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2020, 07:47:38 PM »
Hi Andrew,

I enjoyed reading your testimony. I haven't heard this much detail about Hillsong, so it was really awful to see just how much they are deceiving people. The amount of songs of theirs I recognize singing when I was younger is astounding. They really have infected every where with their music.

Your persistence to find the truth is very familiar to all of us. Your comment on having to relearn everything is just like the expression to going through the wringer that I often have used. Every time I found something else out I often exclaimed at God "I've been wrong about that too?!" and have that heart dropping, sickening feeling and then proceed to seek God's forgiveness for my complete stupidity and ignorance. God's mercy is so great to have the patience to wait for our stubborn selves to come to the truth.

I used to listen to some of Bryan Denlinger but on some things he is very off on, so I stopped listening. A lot of youtube ministries have a lot of truths to learn, but there are also some false doctrines mixed in.

Yes, it is very unfortunate... and yes! I always just shake my head in grief and shame at learning what is false and/or what I've been doing/believing falsely. And amen yes He is long-suffering beyond our comprehension! Praise be to the Lord Jesus for His long patience with us! And yes, the "pre-trib rapture" is one of those things of which he really needs to re-study, because I myself am currently re-studying and re-examining the whole thing, and no longer believe in the "pre-trib rapture" because there's no evidence for it at all in the Scriptures, and the verses that support Matthew 24:29-31 are wrested to support a "pre-trib rapture"...


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2020, 07:53:18 PM »
Welcome, Andrew! Thank you for sharing the details of your testimony. I found it very interesting to read about Hillsong. I don't know much about them other than their music is very popular among church-goers. I fell into the "Christian" music trap for a short time, but have always preferred hymns. I'm thankful I didn't spend too many years listening to it. Sadly, most people think they are edifying because they mention God or Jesus, but fail to look further. It really just reflects the same lazy attitude false converts have around doctrine and scripture. I think we have all experienced deception to some degree so you are not alone.

Yes, I thank the Lord Jesus I wasn't trapped up in it that long either. And yes, hymns are greatly edifying and praise worthy to the Lord. And yes... not everyone that mentions God or Jesus is sincerely praising or worshiping Him. It would be so helpful if people would understand this... and oh yes, I definitely know I am not alone, this is what grieves me :-\...


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2020, 08:00:04 PM »
Hi Andrew, it was great reading through your posts! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for pulling you out of Hillsong.

Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? -James 3:10-11

That is awesome to hear that the Lord used these verses to convict you of your filthy language, which began to draw you closer to Him and seeking the truth. 

I also got caught up in the Charismatic Movement. A couple of the mega churches I attended did endorse Hillsong music and also brought in Brian Houston and Christine Caine to speak. When I left my last church in Dallas August of 2017, I researched a lot about the deception of Hillsong. The music is huge in drawing people in, as you know.

Bryan Denlinger was also someone I saw on YouTube right away after leaving the church. My eyes were opened up to the truth about the KJB, but I did notice he was off on some things (like Megan also mentioned) and stopped watching his videos.

There was this one old woman that during the whole 30 minutes of praise would have her hands over her face, with her eyes closed, mumbling very loudly and swaying back and forth. And when she would start to do it the "venue security" and the heads would crowd around her and surround her, and every time I would try and get a photo of her they would stand in between and/or give me dirty looks... so I also believe she was hexing and cursing the audience as well...

The swaying back and forth reminds me of Heidi Baker and others involved in the new age "christianity", which is definitely demonic... I'm sure you are correct about that lady likely "hexing and cursing the audience". 

I've noticed many brethren have become back biters, railers, name callers, and are most times straight up rude...

When you say "brethren" here are you referring to false converts (those that proclaim to be christians, but have not been born again)? The parable of the sower talks about this (Matt 13, Mark 4, and Luke 8). Chris also has a great teaching on False Converts, which is one of my favorites. If you haven't looked at that teaching, I'm sure you would love it.


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2020, 08:04:04 PM »
Sorry slight error on my post. The bottom portion of my post wasn't supposed to be included in the quote (last three lines) and I'm not sure how that emoji with the sunglasses showed up. LOL! It was supposed to be Luke 8.


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2020, 08:28:27 PM »

I'm curious to know if you listened to the whole video and what you agreed or disagreed with about what was discussed. I'm glad that some people are watching that video and hope that it is a sufficient warning to stay away from Edward's false doctrines. Is it something you just stumbled on or do you know of Edward and his ministry at all?

I did not get to watch the whole video, but I do know the argument of the Godhead vs. the Trinity. And Ed does believe in multiple gods, but sometimes I am unsure of what Ed believes because the longer his videos are the more confusion there is... also his multi part series speak for themselves...

The concept of the trinity is Roman Catholic in origin. They state in their Catechism: Section 2 Chapter 1 Article 3, 251 "In order to articulate the dogma of the Trinity, the Church had to develop its own terminology with the help of certain notions of philosophical origin:..." the Lord makes it clear that philosophy spoils us (Colossians 2:8). I've observed with many people that believe the trinity is that they do not understand the concept of the image of God which is: body, soul, spirit. God has a soul = the Father, a spirit = the Holy Spirit, a body = Jesus Christ, and these 3 (body, soul, spirit) are 1 (1 John 5:7 & Colossians 2:9). Mankind also is made in the image of God as men and women both have body, soul, spirit (Genesis 1:26-27). 3 members that are 1. I have no idea how God can work in His soul, Spirit, and body all at the same time and be in different places everywhere all at the same time. He's infinite I'm not, but I believe it and know it to be true.

And I was searching for Ed's profile at the time, I forgot what for... but Christopher's and your video came up and I watched a little bit of it, and knew what was being talked about.


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2020, 08:50:25 PM »
Hi Andrew, it was great reading through your posts! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for pulling you out of Hillsong.

Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? -James 3:10-11

That is awesome to hear that the Lord used these verses to convict you of your filthy language, which began to draw you closer to Him and seeking the truth. 

I also got caught up in the Charismatic Movement. A couple of the mega churches I attended did endorse Hillsong music and also brought in Brian Houston and Christine Caine to speak. When I left my last church in Dallas August of 2017, I researched a lot about the deception of Hillsong. The music is huge in drawing people in, as you know.

Bryan Denlinger was also someone I saw on YouTube right away after leaving the church. My eyes were opened up to the truth about the KJB, but I did notice he was off on some things (like Megan also mentioned) and stopped watching his videos.

There was this one old woman that during the whole 30 minutes of praise would have her hands over her face, with her eyes closed, mumbling very loudly and swaying back and forth. And when she would start to do it the "venue security" and the heads would crowd around her and surround her, and every time I would try and get a photo of her they would stand in between and/or give me dirty looks... so I also believe she was hexing and cursing the audience as well...

The swaying back and forth reminds me of Heidi Baker and others involved in the new age "christianity", which is definitely demonic... I'm sure you are correct about that lady likely "hexing and cursing the audience". 

I've noticed many brethren have become back biters, railers, name callers, and are most times straight up rude...

When you say "brethren" here are you referring to false converts (those that proclaim to be christians, but have not been born again)? The parable of the sower talks about this (Matt 13, Mark 4, and Luke 8). Chris also has a great teaching on False Converts, which is one of my favorites. If you haven't looked at that teaching, I'm sure you would love it.

Amen, and till this day those verses are still what convict me of my language, but now along with 1 Corinthians 15:33, James 3:5-8, & Ephesians 4:29. And yes, music is a very powerful influential tool Satan uses, that many people are naive of. And since learning about New Age occultism that's why I believe she and the others were hexing people to further seduce them. And there are some genuine brethren out there that have unfortunately become quite angry and prideful... I pray the Lord Jesus softens their hearts and humbles them of their pride because the teachers and preaches of the word are that much more accountable because they may not realize it, but they are the examples for the flock, and a prideful angry example is not the one to give.


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Re: Hello everyone!
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2020, 08:53:07 PM »
Hmm, seeing how it happened to Shannon as well, I think when we input a colon before an "8" it puts the sunglasses emoji. Perhaps it's a bug?