Author Topic: Theodore Valentine Does NOT Have a Free Ticket to Sin  (Read 10313 times)


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Theodore Valentine Does NOT Have a Free Ticket to Sin
« on: May 29, 2020, 05:27:11 PM »
While I was working on my book, Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind, I had brief contact with a man named Theodore Valentine, who is well-known on YouTube for exposing the deceptions of Kent Hovind in a ministry he calls "Lies of the Devil."

He happened to read the section I wrote rebuking him for his false and railing accusations against Kent, right before I published the book. The following letter includes some responses to a previous letter I had written him concerning some other matters, so if the beginning seems confusing, that is why. I wanted to let you all see this letter, mostly because of the fact that Theodore wrote this letter from an email address that he immediately deleted after writing me. As you will see, he knew ahead of time he was deleting this email account, so why did he not write me on another account instead? Something seem fishy about this.


"Kent Hovind Wolf in Sheeps Clothing" is a documentary I did that has more detail you are wanting. I may make part 2 now that all this new information is coming out, we will see.

I don't want to get in an argument with you via email. You left a comment on one the kent videos about an ex-construction worker exposing Kent - you insinuated that the ex-construction worker's definition of repent was mine and that I was teaching something false.

I've always taught that repentance is a deep sorrow of your sin(s) and that it renews your mind toward Christ and believing the Gospel, the burial and resurrection of Christ and to live for Him. I made that clear in my reply to you. I figured you misheard the video so I overlooked it.

Then you made a 2nd comment in a video and said I was making railing accusations about Kent, and that I was lying about stuff and about taxes (that you actually agree with me on - to pay them so we do not offend the government).

Then you wrote an article saying things about me that weren't true (you will read about that in the paragraphs below).

I do not intend to make this email long but just want to hit on a couple points and maybe you may reconsider your thoughts about me and some things you have written about me (and if you don't, that is okay, I'm not upset, I was disappointed about it but I am over it - I have run
across a lot of Christians who don't call me and just insinuate things about me - and that's fine, God is in control of everything and God knows my heart.)

I have several people calling me to do interviews about Kent. Many lived at DAL for months and are confirming everything I have said about him regarding his ministry. It is even worst that I could imagine and shows how evil the man is.

I was doing some research for background video/evidence for the interviews and saw your article about Kent and found my name was used. I skimmed down to the bottom where you say some things that are not true (again, wish you would have called me).

I know Kent way better than you and most people. Kent is a psychopath. I know his mannerisms, how his mind works, etc. Only because God showed me these things. I have been through a lot of rough stuff in my life and can pin-point these people and read them very clearly (not I, but Christ in me showing me these things and getting me through the rough stuff).

I couldn't pin-point Kent right away because he is the worst of the worst and because he is spiritually manipulative it is an extra layer of deception.

1 - Kent is a Jesuit? Baal Worshipper? - I never said I believe Kent is a jesuit. I don't believe that. I made it out to be questions because the information needs to get out to the "conspiracy" people Kent attracts. I know his audience and I need them to see the information. In fact, I got calls from people who saw it and called me to thank me for the info and that they were no longer going to visit his place. Its about the information getting out there where Kent says he took a vow of poverty, yet wants all of "his stuff" back. And that Ernest Land, Kent's
CEO, admits he uses Baal's money to build the Kingdom of God. It's to show their hypocrisy.

2 - Kent's Dad Taught Him How to be a Thief. Kent remembers what his dad did to his brother for a reason.... And he is using the same tactics on Christians..... You even admit what Kent's dad did to his brother was strange....... Enough said.

3 - Railing Accusations? The witnesses that are coming out are confirming what I have been saying for years is true. I am not accusing Kent of anything false. I'm not viciously accusing Kent. I dont' have to respect a thief who acts like a Christian to make merchandise of people
and to tear their skin from off their bones Micah 3:2

4 - I watch a lot of movies and am no better than Christians that play bloody video games? I use to watch a lot of horrible movies and play horrible video games when I was young. I know the subliminal messages very well and actually don't have to do a lot of research. I go to IMDB
and get ideas from movies that will come out in the future and know what the film will be about and just put the documentaries together. I do this to wake up young people who think these movies are cool, and wake them up to the truth of the Lies of the Devil. I tell people who are more mature in Christ, like yourself, that our ministry is not for you. It is for the young people that are trying to figure out the world. When the kids wake up they will then filter through the bad content and get to more mature content so they can Grow in discipleship. I don't ask for money, I don't make money from this ministry, and I have no time to maintain our website. I'm not in this for anything but to lead young people to Christ who are lost (because I was wondering around the wilderness myself when I was young). I'm trying to save people from hardship and pain. I say this in multiple videos. I will make this more clear so people like yourself dont' get confused as to what we are doing.

There was other stuff I was going to hit on but I don't have the time and honestly, I don't think it will change your mind - and that is okay - you go your way, I go mine.

I am going to delete this email account so there is no point in responding back to me.

If you want to talk to me, you can call me 520-***-****



One more thing.

About the comment where I say Kent should be a good dog and go in the corner and pee on himself.

You say I was "nervous" about the comment and tried to empathize with me.

I was not nervous. I was red-hot mad and were my statements rough, you bet it was rough. He tried to destroy us financially, then destroy my business and falsely accused me for months - I turned the other cheek multiple times - but when he wouldn't stop harassing us and had someone spy on us for weeks.... I was red-hot mad and you would be too.

Were my comments evil? I don't think so, not at the least.

Evil is immoral and wickedness. I don't believe what I said was immoral. I believe Kent is a dog and I meant it at the time and still do, especially when he is doing what he doing.

I pray God forgives me if I am in the wrong.

Like you, I am not perfect, don't claim to be, and may say things that are rough but God knows my heart and I don't mean any evil or falsely accuse.

If I have a strong conviction about something, it may be too strong for some but that's how it is, I don't put on an act like most pastors and Christians. You get what you get with me.


"Kent Hovind Wolf in Sheeps Clothing" is a documentary I did that has more detail you are wanting. I may make part 2 now that all this new information is coming out, we will see. I don't want to get in an argument with you via email. You left a comment on one the kent videos about an ex-construction worker exposing Kent - you insinuated that the ex-construction worker's definition of repent was mine and that I was teaching something false.
I went back to that video some weeks ago and double checked it, and I added in a comment that publicly apologized for my error in that regard. I'm not sure why you are bringing this back up; maybe you did not see my added comment. If that is the case, that is one of the reasons I do not like YouTube comments; it is not a place designed for thorough discussion and communication.

I've always taught that repentance is a deep sorrow of your sin(s) and that it renews your mind toward Christ and believing the Gospel, the burial and resurrection of Christ and to live for Him. I made that clear in my reply to you. I figured you misheard the video so I overlooked it. Then you made a 2nd comment in a video and said I was making railing accusations about Kent, and that I was lying about stuff and about taxes (that you actually agree with me on - to pay them so we do not offend the government).
Then you wrote an article saying things about me that weren't true (you will read about that in the paragraphs below).
I do not intend to make this email long but just want to hit on a couple points and maybe you may reconsider your thoughts about me and some things you have written about me (and if you don't, that is okay, I'm not upset, I was disappointed about it but I am over it - I have run across a lot of Christians who don't call me and just insinuate things about me - and that's fine, God is in control of everything and God knows my heart.)
I have several people calling me to do interviews about Kent. Many lived at DAL for months and are confirming everything I have said about him regarding his ministry. It is even worst that I could imagine and shows how evil the man is.
I was doing some research for background video/evidence for the interviews and saw your article about Kent and found my name was used. I skimmed down to the bottom where you say some things that are not true (again, wish you would have called me).
I know Kent way better than you and most people. Kent is a psychopath. I know his mannerisms, how his mind works, etc. Only because God showed me these things. I have been through a lot of rough stuff in my life and can pin-point these people and read them very clearly (not I, but Christ in me showing me these things and getting me through the rough stuff).

Okay, I wanted to hear you out completely first, but before you even continue, there are some problems, and I need to address these things before this gets too complex. You said that you do not want to get into an email discussion with me on these matters, but you have proceeded to write a very lengthy argument over email. Do you see the contradiction? Which is it? Did you just expect that you would send me your letter, and that I would say nothing? Did you want to meet with me over another form of communication? That does not make sense to me, and so if you do not want to discuss these things with me, I'll likely just share them on our forum so I don't waste my time writing this to someone who will not hear/see, and the church can benefit from it.

Furthermore, there is (currently, at the time of this letter) a note at the top of the book which says I am still working on this project. I am not done yet, and have not even advertised this to our listeners yet. The Google spider probably picked it up anyway and put it in their search engine. I transformed my old teaching and rewrote this into a full-length book, and just yesterday, I did updates on the last chapter that talks about you.

You claim that I said things about you that were not true, which means you are accusing me of lying about you, which I do not appreciate, especially since, after looking briefly over your letter, you have done nothing to prove your case. The advantage I have in this matter is that I have listened to many things you have taught, but you have seen almost nothing I teach. Therefore, I am able to provide all the references with time stamps, quotes, and Scripture (as I did in my expose on Kent), so if you have something you want to point out that you believe is not true, then I hope you will make it clear what specifically you mean because it is obvious you did not make much effort in this email.

Next, before I continue, you have done a lot of wrong in the process of exposing Kent, and you have handled things in a very unbiblical manner in a lot of your videos. If you don't want to believe that, then you are welcome to go somewhere else. You are free to do whatever you please, as I am free to call you out on your wrongdoing, even if you will not repent. I stopped making comments on your YouTube videos because I did not want to become a troll that was harassing you about everything that was wrong (because there is a lot that I did not even mention in that last chapter of my expose), but Christians need to understand that in the process of telling the truth, you're setting a terrible example as a teacher, and you need rebuke and encouragement to do what is right Biblically. That's what I was updating yesterday, and I made sure I was very specific about what you have said and done. You are doing what is right by revealing the truth, but you are copying Kent's exact secular methods of attack, and it is only going to hurt you and other young Christians who follow your example. I hope that, one day, the Lord will show you this, as He also showed it to me.

I have many reasons why I did not contact you personally before writing these things. The first reason is because you have said and done these things publicly, and you are not a member of our church, so I have no obligation to come to you in private before writing these things. It's interesting that I did not go to Kent Hovind to address him privately before writing this expose, and you seem to have no problem with that. Hmm.

Another reason I did not contact you personally is because you don't communicate over email. You told me that the first time. I sent you a letter a month ago, and you are only now responding to me because you're angry at what I wrote. In fact, in your first letter, you had no intention of keeping your word to me (in your PM on Facebook) that you would get back with me over email, but you were only reminded of it a week later because I commented on your YouTube channel. (If I had not done that, you probably would have not kept your word, or in other words, it would have become a lie, and it does not seem like you care about that.) All those things combined, it communicated to me that you don't care about your word, and that you do not care to have discussion with me on the topic, so, I do what I always do: I gather facts, and tell the truth through the medium that God has provided me, and if you do not like that, then you should change what you're saying and doing to be in accordance with Scripture, and then I won't have to rebuke you, but I am not going to let new Christians be deceived by Kent, nor by you.

(As a side note, the term "pyschopath," which you so commonly use, has to do with psychology, which is of the devil, not of Christ. I have an entire book on that subject, free-to-read on our website, which explains that the term "psychopath" is a fake "mental illness" that does not exist, and covers up the true problem, which is sin, and the more you use that term, the more you promote the deception of the devil you claim to be exposing.)
Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil

I couldn't pin-point Kent right away because he is the worst of the worst and because he is spiritually manipulative it is an extra layer of deception.
I understand, but others have given a clear, comprehensive story and timeline in a fairly concise, chronological way. Deborah did it. Sierra did it. I've done it before. Why can't you? The "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing" you did on Kent Hovind provided useful information, but it did NOT give a comprehensive, chronological testimony, and much of what is in the second half of the video is of no use from a research standpoint because you seemed to spend more time playing movie clips than providing information. I have watched it more than once. It was scattered, and it was difficult to piece together. If God convicted you to expose Kent and share all this information, then just release the information. The texts, emails, audio recordings... just release them to the public so we can read and hear for ourselves. I know you're still hiding stuff, but why? Redact what needs redacting, and just release the files and audio clips; stop wasting time and do (as you claim) what God called you to do.

1 - Kent is a Jesuit? Baal Worshipper? - I never said I believe Kent is a jesuit. I don't believe that. I made it out to be questions because the information needs to get out to the "conspiracy" people Kent attracts. I know his audience and I need them to see the information. In fact, I got calls from people who saw it and called me to thank me for the info and that they were no longer going to visit his place. Its about the information getting out there where Kent says he took a vow of poverty, yet wants all of "his stuff" back. And that Ernest Land, Kent's CEO, admits he uses Baal's money to build the Kingdom of God. It's to show their hypocrisy.
Theodore, first of all, the information that you provided in the second half of that video (i.e. statements from Ernie Land) was fine. The problem was with your false accusations in the first half, and your comment here boils down to one thing, if I may interpret it for you more simply: "Chris, the end justifies the means." That is NOT Biblical Theodore, and I believe you already know that, so why you are trying to justify yourself to me is odd.
You also knew FULL WELL that putting a question mark at the end of those statements in the title was nothing more than a bit of insurance that you thought would keep you out of trouble, and you knew FULL WELL that was click bait that people would eat up because you're part of the "conspiracy ministry" crowd that is full of corruption. That's why you HEAVILY implied about Kent being a Jesuit by saying:
"'Creation Science Evangelism was to organize and operate CSE as an ECUMENICAL and nondenominational outreach ministry.' Well, let's look at--let's look at who created the ecumenical movement. The Jesuits!"
That is the deception Theodore, and I believe you know that it is. From a Biblical perspective, you KNOW it is wrong to accuse without evidence, but you did it anyway. I do not care whether or not you directly accused Kent of being a Jesuit, you implied it so heavily, you might as well have done it, and since you will not listen to me, maybe you will hear out your listeners. These are comments from YOUR video:
--If you try to argue and stick up for Kent hovind you can't argue. it's not a debate because the evidence is right there in his old article he does worship the god Baal.
--I think it is possible Hovind is an agent provacateur, specifically a Jesuit pro tempore.

So Theodore, do not waste my time trying to justify yourself to me. That video alone I have listened to three times, so I know very well what you said. You should be ashamed of yourself, but it's odd to see you try to justify yourself instead. What's interesting is that there is another commenter in your video who called you out on the same thing I did. I will repeat back to you the same thing you have commonly said in your videos exposing Kent: "I'm not the only one." I asked another man in our church to analyze your video, and he reacted the same way I did; that you falsely accused Kent of being a Jesuit for click bait. Anyone can see that I did not "insinuate" anything, but rather, you need to start taking responsibility for the things you say. (Just as I took responsibility for the things I said when I had erroneously mixed up your testimony with the construction workers testimony, and I publicly apologized for it.)

2 - Kent's Dad Taught Him How to be a Thief. Kent remembers what his dad did to his brother for a reason.... And he is using the same tactics on Christians..... You even admit what Kent's dad did to his brother was strange....... Enough said.
No, not "enough said," because you LIED Theodore. The end does not justify the means; that is not a Biblical position to take, and that is exactly what you have done. The concern I had that his father might have done something odd is not a justification for you to falsely accuse. (And if you read carefully, you would have seen where I pointed out that there are circumstances we do not know about in that story, so it does not allow us to be able to judge the matter fully.) Being saved in Christ does NOT mean you get a free pass to do whatever you feel like and say whatever you please, and you certainly do not get to rebuke Kent for lying and deceiving when you do the same thing in hypocrisy. I'm really glad you sent me this email though, because this is actually confirming what I wrote, and I think I may use a few of these quotes in my article to help other Christians see the deception. Yesterday, I tried to do as much editing to be as gentle in my rebuke as I could, but what you are saying here is shameful.
But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
-Mat 12:36

3 - Railing Accusations? The witnesses that are coming out are confirming what I have been saying for years is true. I am not accusing Kent of anything false. I'm not viciously accusing Kent. I dont' have to respect a thief who acts like a Christian to make merchandise of people and to tear their skin from off their bones Micah 3:2
Did you not read what railing accusation is in my expose? If I remember correctly, I discussed it three times, and one of those was in the last chapter. Did you just skip down to your name and that was all you read? Railing accusation does not mean you are a false witness. Railing accusation means you are coming from a position of hatred and animosity (i.e. the kind of thing Steven Anderson and Kent Hovind do), and by the words in your videos, you are guilty of doing that. I don't respect a thief either, but the difference between you and me is that I do not respect a man (especially one who tells me he is of Christ) who will falsely accuse a thief's dad just to make a click bait video. It is NOT Biblical to stoop to Kent's level to expose Kent.

4 - I watch a lot of movies and am no better than Christians that play bloody video games? I use to watch a lot of horrible movies and play horrible video games when I was young. I know the subliminal messages very well and actually don't have to do a lot of research. I go to IMDB and get ideas from movies that will come out in the future and know what the film will be about and just put the documentaries together. I do this to wake up young people who think these movies are cool, and wake them up to the truth of the Lies of the Devil. I tell people who are more mature in Christ, like yourself, that our ministry is not for you. It is for the young people that are trying to figure out the world. When the kids wake up they will then filter through the bad content and get to more mature content so they can Grow in discipleship. I don't ask for money, I don't make money from this ministry, and I have no time to maintain our website. I'm not in this for anything but to lead young people to Christ who are lost (because I was wondering around the wilderness myself when I was young). I'm trying to save people from hardship and pain. I say this in multiple videos. I will make this more clear so people like yourself dont' get confused as to what we are doing.
I agree with most of that. You are trying to reach people who are of the world, and trying to reach people who are not mature in Christ, which is the point of ministry, that is, to service those in need. So, I would ask you: Where in Scripture did you get the idea that theories about (for example) the Illuminati will bring people to understanding of the Gospel? If you could show me the Scripture where you got that from (for instance, examples of Christ and His apostles doing that), I would be interested in seeing it.

There was other stuff I was going to hit on but I don't have the time and honestly, I don't think it will change your mind - and that is okay - you go your way, I go mine.
Then why write this in the first place? That does not make any sense.

I am going to delete this email account so there is no point in responding back to me.
So, let me get this straight: You knew you were going to delete the account, so you wrote me from that email account anyway? What is it that Kent used to call that? Slap-n-run?

If you want to talk to me, you can call me 520-***-****
First of all, it is so irritating when people do that; that is, when they say "If you want to talk to me" after they contact me to try to justify their wrongdoing. I first contacted you (through the means you preferred) about Kent's email to me, you gave me the information I asked for, and that was good enough. Now, concerning your false and railing accusations, you contacted me about this Theodore, so you are the one who wants to talk to me, not the other way around, so if you want to talk to me, I don't do phone calls anymore. If you want to get with me on Skype, I'm fine with that, and I have no problem talking with you about these matters if that is what you wish to do, but you have to understand that the conversation will involve Scripture, and you will have to be accountable for the things you have said and written. (I just wanted to warn you about that ahead of time because, based on this letter, it seems like you are not used to being held accountable for what you say.) The following is a link where there is more details, and there is a link to download Skype in there as well, in case you don't already have it. If you get back with me with the time/date, I'll do my best to get in touch with you.
Next letter...

One more thing.
You just said you were deleting the account, so why are you writing me again?

About the comment where I say Kent should be a good dog and go in the
corner and pee on himself. You say I was "nervous" about the comment and tried to empathize with me. I was not nervous.

I don't believe you. I saw it in your face and body language. I'll stick with the evidence. I'm not talking about nervousness concerning exposing Kent; I know you had no problem doing that. You and I do not fear him. I'm talking about nervousness knowing the kind of blowback you knew was coming and what you were going to have to deal with, and that was also evident in your words just in the first 3 minutes. If you want to convince yourself that you were not even a little nervous, and then tell that story to everyone else, that's your business, but I have watched that video multiple times, so you are not convincing me.

I was red-hot mad and were my statements rough, you bet it was rough. He tried to destroy us financially, then destroy my business and falsely accused me for months - I turned the other cheek multiple times - but when he wouldn't stop harassing us and had someone spy on us for weeks.... I was red-hot mad and you would be too.
As I said in my book (as I was updating it yesterday), I have been through that with other people. I have experienced it. That's why I said I completely understood where you were coming from, and you were right to be angry. Even if I had never experienced such things for myself, I would still have thought you were right to be angry. HOWEVER, that does not automatically make your words justified, and that is what you do not seem to understand. Your feelings are not the equivalent of the Holy Spirit, despite what many false church-ianity institutions teach. You are not speaking as if you are going to be held accountable for even the idle words you speak, let alone the words spoken in times of seriousness. You were not in the right to sin with railing accusations in your malice, and the fact that you are not repentant of it is very concerning to me (and even more concerning that other Christians have not rebuked you for it), which is one of the primary reasons I would encourage Christians to stay away from your ministry, at least until you get that fixed, especially new Christians, because they do not need to pick up those bad habits from you.

Were my comments evil? I don't think so, not at the least.
Yes, they were, because you let the sun go down on your wrath, and if you read the Scriptures I provided in my expose carefully, you would see the wrongdoing. I'll quote them again in case you did not read them:
But ye have not so learned Christ; If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil. Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
-Eph 4:20-32

If you want to argue further, then go to God and tell Him that He's wrong about you. Trying to convince me of it is not going to help you on this one.

Evil is immoral and wickedness. I don't believe what I said was immoral. I believe Kent is a dog and I meant it at the time and still do, especially when he is doing what he doing.
I'm just going to Webster's 1828 dictionary to make sure we're on the same page:
evil: having bad qualities of a natural kind; mischievous; having qualities which tend to injury, or to produce mischief
The things you are saying and writing, meaning the things I pointed out which were wrong, I guarantee Jesus would never have done, nor would he have approved of. He did not go around calling the scribes "Phari-cant-sees," and he also did not falsely accuse them of being a part of secret societies (even though they may have been). He called them things like whited sepulchers, and when He did that, He also explained what it meant:
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
-Mat 23:27

Jesus would not have preached today by calling Kent "Kult Hovind" in the malice which you do it. So yes, your railing accusations in your malice is evil, and your lying is evil. Do you want to tell me you think God justifies your false accusations, and how you manipulate and deceive to try and click bait people?
God Does Not Justify Lies
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
-Pro 6:16-19

I pray God forgives me if I am in the wrong.
I hope that is the case too, as I have prayed that for myself many times, but when I pointed out your wrongs directly, showing you the Scripture that contradicts it, and you just make excuses, your statement seems less than genuine.

Like you, I am not perfect, don't claim to be, and may say things that are rough but God knows my heart and I don't mean any evil or falsely accuse.
I will say that I am not flawless. However, Jesus said:
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
-Mat 5:48

This means that we are to be as Christ intended us to be, and the fact that you will not even try for perfection, and instead use that as an excuse: That is EXACTLY what Kent does! Kent justifies himself the same way you just justified yourself to me! Can you not see it? I have listened to Kent regurgitate almost the exact same lines you just wrote to me in order to justify his wicked words and deeds. Intentions are irrelevant in the face of the facts. Kent Hovind talks about his good intentions all the time, but the evidence weighs against him, and likewise, your intentions are meaningless when analyzing what you say and do. I don't care about your intentions because the road to hell is paved with those things. I want the truth because Jesus put a love of the truth in me, as he will with anyone.
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
-2Th 2:10

The Holy Spirit opens the eyes and ears of the people, not you or me, and therefore, it is not up to you to deceive and create gimmicks to bait in an audience like Kent does. The job of the Christian is to adhere to Scriptural philosophy and New Testament commandments as much as we are able, and I expect much more from you than I do from Kent, because he is not of Christ.
And the "God knows my heart" excuse... Theodore, I hear that same thing from leavened churchgoers all the time. Start putting your trust in the Word of God, and stop trusting in your own heart.
Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts.
-Pro 21:2
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
-Jer 17:9
He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered.
-Pro 28:26

If I have a strong conviction about something, it may be too strong for some but that's how it is, I don't put on an act like most pastors and Christians. You get what you get with me.
I know you are not putting on an act; I can tell the difference. However, you are also not putting a bridle (i.e. reigns) on your tongue:
If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
-James 1:26

Again, I'm glad you sent me these things because I believe these quotes will help to prove the point I was making in the last chapter of that expose. I hope that, one day, you will see the Scripture I'm trying to share with you, and you will repent of the wrongdoing so you can expose Kent the Biblical way. If you ever do repent of that stuff, or make a video on it, send it to me, and if it is sound, I will add it to that last chapter so Christians can see the change, and also point them to turn from sin and do what's right.


There are many more things wrong with Theodore's videos than I talked about in the book. Dedrick and I have gone over some of those videos together, and though Theodore does provide some solid evidence, his interpretation of that evidence is really scattered (meaning that his thoughts often go far out of the context), and many times what he says is wrong. I am tempted to make a video about some of those things, but it would take me so much time, and I have so many other things to do, I don't think it's worth it right now. I'll have to think about it. Let me know your thoughts below, and if anyone in our church wants to talk about it in more detail the next time we meet up on Skype, just let me know.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Theodore Valentine Does NOT Have a Free Ticket to Sin
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2020, 05:47:13 PM »

(See Theodore Valentine, "Kent Hovind Exposed by His Former Assistant: Theodore (Pt1)," Science Enthusiast, Apr 21, 2017, retrieved May 28, 2020, [])
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Theodore Valentine Does NOT Have a Free Ticket to Sin
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2020, 08:58:15 PM »
I could only stand to watch a few minutes of this video. The hatred he has for Kent is apparent in his speech. There were several trying to rebuke him in the comments.

I find myself reflecting on my own words reading this as I was one to get wrapped up in the conspiracy train too. As hard as I know it is on you to get these letters, these really do help to set an example.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.


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Re: Theodore Valentine Does NOT Have a Free Ticket to Sin
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2020, 09:54:40 AM »
I know this isn't getting much attention right now, but I suspect it will in the future. Dedrick and I have been going over some of the videos coming out back and forth between Kent and Theodore, and we have caught Kent in a number of false accusations, as well as we have caught Theodore in a number of false accusations.

I do not follow either of their channels, but Dedrick keeps an eye on Kent from time to time, and last night, he informed me that Kent came out with a 45 minute video exposing Theodore. Of course, I know there were lies in what Kent and his group were saying. There are too many eye witnesses that have come out against certain things, and Kent is only covering his tracks.

However, there were a number of things Kent included in his video that called Theodore out on his false accusations, and they were some of the SAME THINGS I called him out on. So whereas Kent is a liar, and he still uses railing and false accusations, Theodore has ALSO used railing and false accusations in his videos, which gave Kent all the ammunition he needed to make a video on Theodore, and convince thousands of people that Theodore is deceptive.

It's Theodore's own fault, and I tried to warn him, but he does not want to listen to me.

There are a number of things that Theodore releases on his channel that I do not talk about in my book exposing Kent Hovind. The reason for this is because either the information was bad, or there was not enough collaborating evidence to support what some of the eye witnesses were saying.

This is why Jesus taught us:
But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
-Matthew 18:16

Even in the Old Testament, crimes were not punished unless there were two or three witnesses that could verify what was happening. There are a number of things that have been said by some of the eye witnesses Theodore is interviewing who are the only ones saying those things. Do not misunderstand, it is not wrong to interview those people, nor to provide quotes from them, because I do the same thing in my teachings, but the difference between myself and Theodore is that I do not jump to conclusions about the matter, nor do I lie and falsely accuse others in order to get clicks and subscribers.

For example, there are some things I am tempted to cover in a video later on that will demonstrate how Theodore deceived everyone in a video he called, "Kent Lied About Jeffrey Dahmer to Make Money," and in it, he claims that Jeffrey Dahmer was not saved as he claimed to be on in a television interview. Theodore claims that Kent lied about it to deceive everyone into supporting his ministry.

The part that is believable is that Kent used that situation to help him get more donations and sell more DVDs; I have no doubts about that. However, when Dedrick and I analyzed the video, we looked up the references that Theodore was using in that video, and in summary, what Theodore did was take testimonies and reports about Dahmer two years prior to when he said he was saved, and used that against Dahmer to say that he was never saved.

If all of us were judged by the things we said and did before we were saved, none of us would be saved. Why Theodore thought it was good and responsible to judge a man's actions before he claimed to be convert, I don't know, but he is just making the entire problem worse, he is ruining his own ministry, and he's making my job harder.

It is possible that Dahmer was not saved, and that the entire thing was a media stunt. However, it is true that Dahmer watched Kent's videos because Dahmer's dad contacted Kent and told him it was Kent's seminar series. So Kent did not lie about that. On top of that, Theodore put more trust in the testimony of the man who killed Dahmer, and not only did that man kill Dahmer, he killed other people too. Theodore put all his eggs into one basket, or rather, he put all his trust into the testimony of one man who kills people on a whim. (I'm not saying that the murderer is lying, and perhaps his testimony was true, but we do not have the evidence to prove anything one way or another, and there were no other eye witnesses.)

Theodore does these things deceptively for click bait, and frankly, it's sickening. I want to believe that Theodore is saved Christian, but he is not acting like it, and I'm staying away from him as much as I stay away from Kent. Again, when there is leaven, we should depart. Theodore is leavened, he makes excuses for it, and will not repent.

I'm not sure what I will do yet, but I'm considering making a special video on that later to prove the point. I hope that it might lead Theodore to repentance because he is acting out of malice more than anything else because he let the sun go down on his anger.

Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil.
-Eph 4:25-27
« Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 10:08:40 AM by creationliberty »
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Theodore Valentine Does NOT Have a Free Ticket to Sin
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2020, 11:46:23 PM »
It is is easy to see the anger and hatred Theodore has for Kent after only watching a few minutes of the video []. Like Megan mentioned, several commenters rebuke Theodore.

It makes no sense to write an email, but then say at the end "I am going to delete this email account so there is no point in responding back to me" (Theodore) and then follow up with a second email (only to delete his email account shortly after).

I did some research about Jeffery Dahmer's materials that he was reading on Creation Science while in prison and found an interview on Larry King with Lionel and Shari Dahmer (Interview: June 17th, 2004).

Full King Interview Dahmer parents Lionel and Shari [] from 37:26-39:20 Lionel talks about the materials Jeffery got while in prison.

Lionel Dahmer: At first it was extremely hard, but then he -- sent away for thirteen books. It


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Re: Theodore Valentine Does NOT Have a Free Ticket to Sin
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2020, 11:48:24 PM »
Last part got cut off:

Lionel Dahmer: It's down in Alcahone, California, Institute for Creation Research. I told him about the place. And he bought thirteen books and turned him from an evolutionist into a creationist and from there into a Christian. And he started handing out pamphlets and talking with other prisoners and so forth, trying to


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Re: Theodore Valentine Does NOT Have a Free Ticket to Sin
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2020, 12:33:09 AM »
I used to be friends with a lady who worked for ICR when I lived in Nacogdoches. She lived very close to me and whenever she and her husband had to travel, I would stay at her house to take care of her dog.

And by the way, Shannon, the last part of your post got cut off again...


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Re: Theodore Valentine Does NOT Have a Free Ticket to Sin
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2020, 12:49:10 AM »
Thanks Jeanne! I had three periods after the last word (to).

I wasn't able to find evidence of Lionel or Jeffrey stating anything about Kent Hovind's materials, but it would appear from the Larry King Interview that Jeffery had books outside of Kent Hovind's.