Author Topic: Hello Everyone!  (Read 5164 times)


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  • First Name: Shannon
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Hello Everyone!
« on: May 28, 2020, 02:23:26 AM »
Hello Everyone!

My name is Shannon. I am 31 years old born and raised in Southern California (Orange County) and have lived in Dallas, TX the past 4 years. I am writing this from Riverside County in CA, due to the virus, which has shifted my work responsibilities allowing me to work from anywhere at this current time.

I was raised in the Lutheran church through 8th grade and would occasionally go to a few different Christian churches with my mom while I was in high school. I came to repentance (grief and godly sorrow) during my senior year of college.

My parents separated when I was 5 years old (they were married for 10 years and neither of them remarried). Sadly the common interest they shared was drugs (specifically cocaine, but my mom also struggled greatly with prescription drugs and my dad alcohol... both of their addictions spanned over 35 years). My mom did drugs while pregnant with myself and my two brothers (older and younger). When my mom was 3 months pregnant with me, her and my dad consumed a large amount of cocaine, so much that my dad asked my mom to have an abortion (thankfully my mom decided against that).

The day I was born, I was healthy, but that same day my older brother Ryan (27 months old at that time) started having seizures. My parents believed it was from something in the soil of our yard and surrounding areas, as a neighbor also started having seizures. My brother was completely healthy before this happened and shortly after had to be put in the hospital to monitor his seizures. There was supposed to be a doctor available to administer a drug to my brother, if he went into Grand Mal seizure to avoid brain damage, but in the middle of the night he ended up having a Grand Mal seizure for 43 mins and no doctor was around to administer the drug. No one from the hospital reached out to my parents to tell them what happened, my mom went in that morning and told me years later that he looked like the life had been sucked out of him. A couple years later he was still having drop attack seizures and was having to wear a helmet. My parents decided to go through brain surgery, which helped a lot but did not fully relieve the seizures. Because of the brain damage he suffered early on he is developmentally delayed to this day to around that of a 6 year old. 

My mom entered her first rehab program when I was around 4 years old and ended up getting into a relationship with a woman in her program. My dad initially filed for a divorce at that point, but pulled out after my grandma talked to him. A year later it was still going on and my dad separated from her at that point. My mom dated other women throughout the time I was in elementary school and later felt convicted and stopped dating women.

When my dad separated from my mom he brought in his mom (my grandma) to help take care of me and my two brothers. My dad worked graveyard shifts for about 30 years at UPS and because of this we only really saw him at dinner and on the weekends. My grandma was a very negative person and it did not help with the situation my dad put her in. She instilled great fear into me and my brothers at a very young age telling us if anyone found out about our dad that we would all end up in foster care and likely all be separated. 

In the middle of my eighth grade year my mom took custody of me and my younger brother, Sean. We moved right down the street from where we were living, into a one bedroom apartment. At this same time my dad was going through a mandatory rehab program through his work, where he had to be clean for an entire year or he would lose his job.

On the other side of things the time Sean and I lived with my mom (1 year), was marked by a crack cocaine addiction my mom entered into. In such tight living arrangements it was very obvious when my mom was smoking crack. A memory that has stayed with me was when my mom left the apartment late one night and I heard her leave and chased her down right before she got to the parking lot. I knew where she was headed and begged her to come back inside (it was always in the back of my mind that something could have happened where I would never see her again... that she would die). She turned to me with a fiery look in her eyes and told me that she brought me into this world and that she could take me out of it, if I did not let her go. In that moment as much as I wanted to help her I had to let her go and my eyes filled with tears.

About a year living in this environment, my two aunts flew in (both from out of state) for an intervention with my mom that forced her into a rehab program. Sean and I ended up moving back in with Ryan and my dad, since he was clean at the time and things were going better than ever with him. My dad ended up having his mom move out and had a friend from his rehab program move in to help take care of us. He ended up finishing out one year clean, but started drinking which spiraled into him doing the most amount of cocaine he had done in his life, with him getting fired from his job about a year later. Over the next 4-5 years my dad was spending $400 a day on cocaine and over that timeframe spent $600k (spending everything he had worked so hard to save and a couple inheritances... it is an absolute miracle that he is still alive and I am so grateful for the Lord's longsuffering... 2 Peter 3:9). In those years my dad would only receive calls from his drug dealer stating that the drugs had been placed in one of two spots in our yard (the front yard or back yard). It was a fearful time, as even my dad knew if he got in a situation where he owed lots of money that there was a chance we could all be killed. 

Throughout my younger years my mom showed me and my younger brother how to steal and even though I knew it was wrong I still did it. My dad made promises all the time, but rarely came through on them, constantly telling me that life was not fair when he did not follow up on his word.

I was filled with such anger and rage toward my parents and held it all in not telling anyone until I was in college (truly out of a fear that my brothers and I would end up in foster care and all be split up). The only thing that got me through was sports. In middle school I played basketball and when I got to high school I did 4 years of cross country, basketball, and track. I am tremendously grateful for the coaches I had that did not know what was taking place in my home life and who saw more in me than I saw in myself (pushing me to get better and work harder). Sports gave me an outlet to channel my emotions and a reason to try hard in everything I did (school work, etc.). 

I cried a lot when I was younger and was so saddened during my high school years when my mom finished a rehab program (eight total) and would come back to live at my dad's house only to have her addiction to be triggered once again. From the outside I put up a front that everything was fine. I taught myself to be incredibly positive and to use humor to deflect the pain within me. None of my friends knew what was happening behind the scenes at my house and I constantly found myself having to lie to protect my secret lifestyle. None of my friends knew that I would cuss out my parents, that I kicked my foot straight through a wall at my house, or the countless struggles and fears I faced on a daily basis. They only saw the person that was upbeat, positive, and an extremely hard worker.   

Living in the environment that I was exposed to left me with hardened heart toward my parents. I never wanted to go down the same path that they took and was determined to make something of my life. I had no guidance from the time I lived with my mom throughout high school. There was not any rules I had to follow or be home by a certain time. My brother Ryan needed a lot of attention and instead was left playing video games and watching movies. He ended up getting kicked out of his high school for beating up a teacher, which left things even more crazy at my house. During my senior year of high school he would run away straight to the police station (which was half a mile within the same neighborhood we lived in). The police somehow did not see my dad was high every time they talked with him and probably felt sorry for my dad thinking the way he looked was likely caused by the stress of my brother running away everyday for two straight weeks. My dad ended up having to place Ryan in a group home that turned out to be a huge blessing for him and his development.

After high school I went to a community college and ran on the cross country and track teams. It was during my second year that I had a speech class where the professor showed the documentary, The Secret (which was heavily endorsed by Oprah and completely New Age philosophy). At that time the message in the documentary really resonated with me. The underlining message was that people are in charge of their own success and that the universe is limitless in what it can give. The only thing someone would have to do was channel what they wanted to the universe and the rest would take care of itself (if someone wanted to become a millionaire they could do so by visualizing money and eventually checks would start coming in the mail). At the time, this message showed me that I was fully in control of my life. It aligned with everything that I had already done up to that point (relying on myself to get things done, it truly was the belief in myself that I could accomplish anything I set my mind to).

I ran good enough at my community college to receive a scholarship to run at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas my junior and senior year. It was almost immediate that the belief in myself was crushed as I experienced a fracture in my left foot just a month into the school year. My season was done and for the first time I could not out run the pain of my past. I was no longer living with either of my parents, but had now reached an ultimate low in my life without running. My entire identity was wrapped up into running and I was done for the entire year based on the bone I had broken and my coach choosing to bring me back slowly.

During this time my mom had gotten pulled over for her third DUI (all for prescription drugs) and was serving jail time for it (second and final time in jail, both for DUI's). My dad was unreachable by phone as he was blowing through every bit of savings and retirement he saved. I did not have any one to talk to about the pain of my life.

The next year (my senior year), I was ready for a new start and experienced shooting pain down the right side of my leg. Just before the last cross country race of my college career I found out it was a bulged disk in my lower back. Based on the pain I was experiencing the doctor said I may not ever be able to run again at the college level.

At the end of the fall semester (during my senior year, December 2010), when my roommate and I were going around Las Vegas looking to give out homemade cookies to the homeless, we came across a homeless man who asked us if we were Christians. We both said yes and to my surprise the man ended up asking us if we knew the Ten Commandments. Between the two of us we might have named off 6 or so, but the Lord Jesus Christ used this moment to get my attention. After that I moment I opened up the only Bible I had (NIV) and started memorizing the Ten Commandments. It became very obvious to me that I had broken several commandments and it was the law that ultimately drew me to Christ (Galatians 3:24-25).

We ended up getting a new coach right at this same time and he flat out told me that injuries were all mental. I knew this was not true, but as a competitor this flipped a switch within me to do whatever amount of training and rehab needed to get back running (and that is what I did). A couple months later and I was leading the pack again in practices until one day in February 2011, I was out on the track and felt a pop in my right foot. At that moment the training room thought it was just tendonitis, but in my mind I was pretty certain I had gotten another break (this time in the other foot). This was my final breaking point that led me to walk into a church where I cried out to the Lord Jesus Christ. By this point in my life tears were hard to come by as I had cried so much as a child that really nothing would bring me to tears, but on this day I had tears pouring down my face. I knew I was a sinner and was greatly grieved that day as the Lord brought me to repentance and faith. 

I moved out to Birmingham, AL (January 2012) for school and eventually found a church that I loved. It was here that I got water baptized and started getting very involved. I ended up leaving that church and moving back to Southern California to be closer to my family since no job openings were coming my way in Birmingham.

When I moved back to California I did not feel anger toward my parents and had forgiven them for what they had done. A little before I got saved I had told a friend that I did not care if my parents were dead because they had never done anything for me, but that all changed after I was saved. What I did not realize was that I still would get angry for little things that came up that triggered me. I lived with my mom a little over a year in San Diego county (CA) and prayed a lot that the Lord Jesus Christ would help me with my anger and give me wisdom and understanding. God's timing was perfect as he began to mend my relationship with my mom and dad and opened up a job for me in Dallas, TX.

When I moved out to Dallas, I made the mistake of trusting my feelings over studying out whether the church I attended was biblically sound. After 1.5 years I left the church (Gateway) I was a member at in Dallas on August 13th, 2017 after 6 weeks of research and study. At that time the Lord Jesus Christ opened my eyes to the deception and false doctrines (tithing, prosperity gospel, Sabbath, pre-trib, tongues, etc.) that were being taught within the church I was at and so many others. The error I made was joining the church and trusting that everything was sound doctrine, instead of being like the Bereans and searching the scriptures to see whether those things were so. The last service I attended I prayed that the Lord would make it absolutely clear whether I should be at that church. I felt absolutely sickened by the end of the service in what I had gotten caught up in. From the songs that were sung that day (songs written by two incredibly deceptive churches: Hillsong and Bethel) to the message itself, I was certain an immediate departure at that time is what I needed to do. I was involved in the church and knew I had to reach out to a few of my friends and my small group leaders (a husband and wife). The two people I considered friends basically dismissed everything I told them, stating that no one is perfect (about the pastor) and that they felt God had planted them in that church for a reason because they believed their faith had grown so much there. I reached out to the wife of my small group that I had been apart of for a year to tell her everything that the Lord Jesus Christ had opened my eyes to. I even brought the book that the pastor wrote (The Blessed Life) about tithing and had areas bookmarked and highlighted to go over. Even more concerning for me was the speakers Robert Morris (pastor of the church) would bring into the church to share a message (Bill Johnson, Creflo Dollar, T.D. Jakes, Christine Caine, Todd White, etc.). His close association and approval of false teachers was a huge red flag that I shared with her. We talked for over an hour and she was concerned by what I had brought up and even discussed it with her husband. They later contacted me to say that they would be staying in the church and also told me that I should stay and just not tithe. I was a tither before my eyes were open to the false doctrine and knew the scriptures warned numerous times about false teachers being wolves in sheep's clothing (there was no turning back for me, even with the loss of every friend I had within the church).

I was so grieved at the state of the church system that claimed to be of Christ and devastated by the people that I told that remained in the church thinking everything was fine. Even more I was filled with sorrow toward the Lord in what I had gotten caught up in.

Shortly after I stepped away from that church I came across CLE (October 2017). I know I saw the teaching on birthdays, but outside of that cannot remember what else I may have looked at. What brought me back to the site was when my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in May 2018. I knew that chemo was not the way to go and after seeking out research on natural cures the article Chris wrote came up. I shared the article with my mom, got her apricot seeds and even a juicer to juice organic carrots and other veggies, but she ultimately decided to go through chemo and do the juicing and seeds on the side. She ended up passing on July 16th, 2019. I do believe my mom came to repentance before she passed and was able to spend the last two weeks of her life by her side.

CLE has been a tremendous blessing to me over the last couple years and I have read through many of the articles and listened to audio on both YouTube and the website. In my normal job I am on the road a lot traveling and would often listen to the teachings while I was driving. I have also given out a couple of books, Why Millions of Believers On Jesus Are Going to Hell, and plan on giving more out.

I started reading the KJB shortly after I left my last church at the end of 2017 and believe it is the preserved word of God. My favorite articles have been on repentance, false converts, tithing, charity, and the book Why Millions of Believers On Jesus Are Going to Hell. Throughout my time in the church system I had heard several times the parable of the sower of seed, but until I got the KJB and went through the teaching on false converts I did not have any understanding on it.

I look forward to being a part of this community of born again believers and growing in my faith and understanding.


  • Pillar of the Community (Forum LVL MAX)
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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2020, 07:50:50 AM »
Wow, Shannon, that was quite a story! You've really been through a lot in your life and I praise God that He brought you through it all and called you to Him. I'm glad you found us here and I look forward to getting to know you.


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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2020, 07:59:38 AM »
Yes, Shannon, I was just about to comment when Jeanne did.  Welcome!  I am so glad you found CLE and us and can continue learning the truth through God's Word!  I am looking forward to getting to know you.  I don't get on here everyday, but I do when I can.
But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Matthew 9:13


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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2020, 09:10:33 AM »
Shannon, there is so much in what you wrote that resonated with me that I don't even know where to start. I mean, obviously, you and I have had different experiences, but... I don't even know what to say now. It was a pleasure to read that, and I know you have left out a lot of details for various reasons. (e.g. We both ran track and cross country, and we both had to stop for medical reasons.)

I know it was not intended to be funny, but I laughed when you said their common interest was drugs. It seemed to be based on what I had taught last week about not marrying based on common interests, and there usually is not a check box for "drugs" listed on online dating profiles, so I laughed at bit at that.

I truly hope it is the case that your mom was saved before she passed. I wish she had not done the chemo, but she made her choice and God has made His decision too. I trust your testimony about her, as you know better than any of us, and I look forward to talking with her one day too, hopefully, to see her with Christ and bathed completely in His mercy.

I do not mean to say that to ignore your suffering and pain, but I also wanted to consider how much pain and suffering she had that led her to drugs in the first place. I could not imagine the weight of the guilt and shame she must have felt coming to repentance, but again, we are not any more worthy of Christ's grace than she was, and if it be the case, I'm thankful she got it in time.

I suppose I'm left with two questions I was curious about, if you don't mind me asking. The first is what you do for a living. I thought I read your post thoroughly, but maybe I missed it. If I did, I'm sorry about that.

The second question is: After these past few years, what triggered you to join the forum now? Please do not misunderstand, I'm glad you did, but I am simply asking for curiosity's sake.

Thanks for taking the time to write that. You will not know about this, but I have had a pretty rough week with what I've had to deal with; a lot of it is in letters, and some other stuff with neighbors. Things have gotten very burdensome and weighed heavy on me, and your testimony was a pleasant reminder that the Lord Jesus Christ is doing some good with my work that I just cannot see.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2020, 04:03:02 PM »
Like the others have written, it is so good that you have found CLE Shannon and especially that you have been learning from the materials for quite some time.  There is much you have written that I can relate to, especially the use of humour to try and hide or alleviate the anguish that is going on in one's life.

I too look forward to having you here with us.
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


  • Novice (Forum LVL 1)
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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2020, 09:54:51 PM »
Jeanne and Tonya: Thank you both for the kind welcoming!

Kevin: Thanks for sharing that. Hiding behind laughter and humor definitely was an easy way for me to temporarily mask the pain.

Chris: Running is a great sport and I'm sure you also learned a lot from running (mental toughness, hard work, etc.). God used running to bring me so much joy, but the injuries were what was a far greater blessing, as the Lord used them to break the pride of my own abilities and bring me to Him. I do not run much anymore, but still stay active.

Thank you for all your hard work to get your articles and audio teachings out! They have truly been a huge blessing to me.

Yes, the common interest was directly what I had heard in your teaching on marriage and it was so spot on that I had to include it. Not to make any excuses for my parents for the decisions they made, but they did face obstacles early on in their lives that I believe may have contributed to them getting into drugs. My mom lost her dad to cancer when she was 13 and then a month later one of her sisters died at a party, where she was injected with in a mixture of cocaine and heroin. Instead of her friends calling 911 when she became unresponsive they tried to take matters into their own hands and she ended up dying that night at the age of 19. My mom was the youngest of 6 children and when that happened nearly all of her siblings had moved out and had their own families. Her mom (my grandma) went through her own struggles through the loss and felt like she was not there for my mom in the years following. My dad lost his dad when he was 3 years old to a work accident and his mom never remarried.

For work, I am in the running industry working for a major running shoe brand. I cover a territory of North Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas (driving to those areas) and go into big box sporting goods stores and local running stores to educate them how to sell our products, set up events to drive sales, and promote the brand. The role is a mix of sales and marketing (I do not sell into stores but am responsible to get staff members knowledgeable enough to have confidence to sell and recommend our shoes/apparel). Because of the virus my team has been shifted to customer service work temporarily, but normally I'm on the road a good bit, which allowed me to listen to a good amount of your audio teachings.

The primary reason I joined the forum was to be able to converse with other born again believers and ultimately join the church. When I left my last church I was not sure if I would even find a church that taught sound doctrine. Thankfully the Lord brought me to CLE. I know it is not wise to walk this journey all by myself and that is why I need connection. I have probably put off writing my introduction for far too long, but had a lot of things going on.

I definitely could have provided more details, but didn't want it to be too lengthy. On October 23rd, 2018 the apartment complex I was living at in Dallas had a four alarm fire with 90+ firefighters on scene. The fire started right above my unit around 3:45pm and destroyed my whole building (in total 20+ units). I wasn't allowed to enter into my unit until 4 weeks later and between the smoke, water, mold, and fire damage nearly all of my things were destroyed. On top of that my personal laptops were stolen along with a few other valuable things, since the complex left my front door wide open in addition to my neighbors door (we both had theft). All other units were boarded up, but they may have left ours open because the fire started right above us. The fire investigators and independent investigators were unable to pinpoint a cause, but it was more than likely electrical due to the building being very old and some other things my neighbor and I discovered, but because there was not enough evidence they left it inconclusive (which is very rare that they are unable to find out the cause). As tough of a situation it put me in, I was beyond grateful that the fire happened during the day and not during the night. No one or any pets were hurt, but that could have been a far different situation if the fire started during the night. It was definitely a crazy experience to leave with the clothes on my back that day and to not have a place to live after that. Three weeks after that I was in a hotel for work in Oklahoma and ended up getting massively bit up by bed bugs (having over 80 bites that swelled on my face, hands, and legs). 

It was a pretty rough time for me at the end of 2018 and I ended up finding a room for rent at the beginning of December (2018) that got pretty chaotic. I decided that renting a furnished room would be far easier than replacing everything I would have needed to move into another apartment. Under two months of me living in the house my landlord (who lived in the house) could not keep her balance. She ended up having a cancerous brain tumor and after surgery her and the entire family moved into the house (at times there was 8 people in the house). I probably would have moved out if I wasn't traveling so much between work and going to CA to spend time with my mom. Over the last 2.5 months of my mom's life (End of April-July 2019) I was in CA four times (three of which I made the 20 hour drive each way). Because my mom's condition got very bad quickly I had to be able to get out to see her as fast as possible and with last minute flights being very pricey, driving straight through was my best option.

My landlord ended up passing late October 2019 and that's when the house went down to a normal level of people living there. It was a lot to process through as it was quite an emotional journey between everything that happened in that 12 month span. Probably the best thing for me was the time I have gotten to spend away from my house in Texas because of the virus.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2020, 11:37:48 PM »
Hello, Shannon and welcome! You have certainly been through more challenging/heartbreaking experiences than many will face in a lifetime. It is truly amazing to hear how God works and uses something bad to make something good. I have not been on the forum as much lately as I would like, but look forward to conversing more in the future. I used to hobby run in my twenties, so I can understand your enjoyment of running. Thank you for sharing your testimony with us.


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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2020, 11:43:15 PM »
Well, I don't think you travel far enough north to stay with us, unless you want to drive six hours out of your way, but I can see how having the church there for you can help. i guess the advantage is that we have a few members of our church spread across the country. I hope you will join us, and I'm looking forward to it. I will try to get Lorraine to read your testimony, but it might take some time because she is very busy this time of year with the garden, farmer's market, and now with the new chickens.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2020, 07:26:08 AM »
Oh my Shannon!  You have been through so much and God has kept you in such a beautiful way! 

Welcome again! I hope you have found a "home" with us here at CLE.  We all learn so much.
But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Matthew 9:13


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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2020, 04:47:57 PM »
Laura: Thank you for the welcome. Glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ for taking the bad and using it for His good.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
-2 Corinthians 5:17

Chris: I would love to join you all  :)

Dee Babbitt

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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2020, 11:17:15 AM »
Hi Shannon, and welcome :-)

Thank you for sharing your testimony.  You have been through so much, for someone so young. 
I am thanking the Lord, He has been with you through everything you went through. 

The primary reason I joined the forum was to be able to converse with other born again believers and ultimately join the church. When I left my last church I was not sure if I would even find a church that taught sound doctrine. Thankfully the Lord brought me to CLE. I know it is not wise to walk this journey all by myself and that is why I need connection.

And thanking the Lord that He brought you to repentance and salvation.  And i am thanking the Lord that He brought you here, to us :-)
It is good to be amongst like-minded brethren.  We look forward to more conversations with you.  :-)

p.s.  my son Joshua and i are in Riverside county, California (for the past 25 years) city of Lake Elsinore... you could come by and visit :-)

« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 11:21:05 AM by Dee Babbitt »


  • Novice (Forum LVL 1)
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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2020, 12:10:08 AM »
Hi Dee, thank you for the welcome! I will likely be in California through the end of June (possibly a little longer depending on when I need to head back to TX for my normal job responsibilities). I would love to come by and visit you and Joshua some time. We are very close, as I am in Menifee.

Dee Babbitt

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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2020, 12:57:24 PM »
Shannon, oh my... yes, you are so very close to us!  that would be wonderful to meet up with you in person :-)
We'd love that :-)

just let me know whenever you'd like to come visit us, whenever is good for you :-)
we are usually here at home, most of the time :-)

i can give you directions to our house (if you want to email me, or i can email you)


  • Novice (Forum LVL 1)
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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2020, 09:58:36 AM »
Hi Dee, thank you again for inviting me over. It was great joining in on the Saturday morning study and meeting a few members of the church  :)

Dee Babbitt

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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2020, 11:29:35 PM »
Shannon, we are so glad you were able to come visit with us.  :-)
It was a lovely day, and you are a lovely Christian.
We thank the Good Lord that He made it possible for us to meet you :-)