Author Topic: Introducing Myself to You all  (Read 4418 times)


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Introducing Myself to You all
« on: April 26, 2020, 12:40:20 PM »
Hello. My name is Luke. I am 17 and am about to go to college. I live in Georgia. To start off, my parents come from a Christian background. They used the KJV when younger, but sadly have transitioned to ones used by pastors and other people in their lives, who have influenced them into questionable Laodicean-age practices. They and my three brothers have attended an ESV bible-using baptist church in our area. To be frank though, I am no longer in agreement with how a lot of things are done there. However, because of this congregation I "allowed Jesus into my heart", started to read the Bible, and grow in spiritual knowledge.
I believe you are already doubting if I was truly saved or not. I myself sometimes do, but now I am least different and have hopefully shown "works meet for repentance". Since the beginning of last year, the Lord has revealed himself to me in greater ways than I could have possibly imagined. It started when I got hold of a KJV bible within my house. I had known about the old book and was intrigued to know it didn't have titles, paragraphs, or arbitrary footnotes causing doubt of its purity. As soon as I started reading it, my love for the truth truly started to take hold of me. I couldn't get enough of it. I started to love reading my bible, and it saddened me to see other people who thought reading the Word was just a chore, another exercise requiring immense discipline. For me, however, I knew that the Bible is the only way we can speak any truth concerning the Godhead, and how to be saved from hell. Therefore, I sought to make sure I was reading the right version. To my surprise, I discovered the peculiarity of our Bible. How it is seemingly attacked by all these Catholics and Occultists desiring to taint the Scriptures, so that we would be lacking in Spiritual sustenance. When I talk about what I've learned, my family members put my thoughts aside, thinking that I'm ideologically possessed by something, and that I merely have an extreme preference for the KJV.
They also turn out to not think too hardly on the severity of the Catholic Church's heresies, which I had gotten aware of through researching on the Internet. Speaking of that, the Internet has allowed me to find many things about the world which nearly nobody else in my community seems to realize. I have gone down into some conspiracy theory rabbit holes, but my focus on the Lord keeps me from getting too disturbed and worried about the future. Nevertheless, I am thankful to God for choosing me to be someone knowledgeable in deeper matters.
I forgot how I came to this website, but it was fairly recent, probably only a month and a half. These articles have been a blessing. I haven't had so much truth dumped on to me in such a small time frame. I had heard of these more controversial beliefs against things like Christmas, Easter, Vaccines,and MLK; but your has research has led to undeniable conclusions, and now I am convinced of many things.
I am very inexperienced, and am not worthy to judge too many things, but I believe God uses you more than the average professing (truly born again) believer. I have had experienced stress upon certain realizations, but with God in heaven, how can I reject such obvious truths? I have more questions concerning my soul, and those of my family, as well  as friends who aren't on the same page. I am desperate for Christian brethren, and I seek to quiet my restless fear of hell. I want to know truth, and I believe I can find a good amount here.


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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2020, 09:10:23 PM »
I believe God uses you more than the average professing (truly born again) believer.
I do not know if that is true or not. I have never had someone tell me that before. It's encouraging, but who could really tell?

I am curious if you have read my book:
Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell

It's free-to-read on the website. I was wondering if you had time, would you be willing to read that and post your thoughts on it here? You don't have too; I'm just asking because, again, I'm curious.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2020, 11:30:56 PM »
Hi Luke, I'm glad you found us here. I hope you will continue to grow in the knowledge of the truth of God's Word.

I am a bit concerned, though, since you said you were about to go to college. This is pretty much opinion, but I believe college is a waste of time and money. Universities in America now are pretty much nothing more than indoctrination centres (just like the rest of the public schools) where they push agendas more than any type of real education. If you really want to pursue a degree, I think you could save a lot of money if you looked into taking some courses online.


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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2020, 08:28:21 AM »
Hi Luke, I'm glad you found us here. I hope you will continue to grow in the knowledge of the truth of God's Word.

I am a bit concerned, though, since you said you were about to go to college. This is pretty much opinion, but I believe college is a waste of time and money. Universities in America now are pretty much nothing more than indoctrination centres (just like the rest of the public schools) where they push agendas more than any type of real education. If you really want to pursue a degree, I think you could save a lot of money if you looked into taking some courses online.

I agree with Jeanne.  It really does depend on what you are going to do for a career.

Maybe I missed it, but what are your views on repentance? Chris sent you a wonderful book and I hope you read it.

Welcome. I enjoy people who come here because they are asking questions, especially questioning what they have been taught in church buildings.
But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Matthew 9:13

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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2020, 10:16:27 AM »
Luke, welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your testimony.  It's wonderful to have you here :-)

I want to know truth, and I believe I can find a good amount here.

yes, this really is a good place to be.  We seek to know the truth, and truly seek to follow the Lord God.  It can be difficult to find like-minded believers.  I am thankful to God that He has brought all of us together; I believe the Good Lord has brought you to us, too. 

We look forward to more conversations with you.  :-)


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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2020, 10:58:15 AM »
I thank everyone for the immediate replies. First off, I wanted to tell Chris that I read the book he recommended. The book is indeed a blessing as it highlights exactly what a lot of Christians are missing, and that is the doctrine of repentance. Anyone who reads the Bible and seeks the Lord, in my opinion, should think it a given that repentance is key; otherwise, what is the point of professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. If one doesn't feel conviction for their sin, think that they have wronged God, then how do they think that just faith (as in believing there's a God) means that they receive Jesus' gift? What I've noticed is that I have not obtained much perspective on the world up till now, especially how Christendom works. So far and in between do all things "Christian" seem weak, unconvicted, and unrepentant. Nevertheless, I do have questions for Chris pertaining to his thoughts on people who have attended churches of "denominations".
Every true Christian should understand that "denominations" don't matter as long as they get saved. I believe they cause nothing but confusion and are stumbling blocks to obtaining true salvation. However, if someone is wrong about a few things (sanctity of KJV, vaccines, false teachers, etc.) does that immediately compromise the validity of their faith, in the eyes of other brethren? Don't we have to talk to them about what they indeed believe about the death, burial, and resurrection before denouncing all familiarity we can have with them? If we are indeed saved by the cross, and God's grace seals us toward the day of redemption, shouldn't it be reasonable to conclude that the fundamental doctrines of faith annul these mistakes and still provide themselves a utility in the Body of Christ? Of course, as lovers of the truth we should always labor to condemn these things and perpetuate a strong faith, but is there not room for error in the grace and mercy of God?


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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2020, 11:01:36 AM »
I do not mean that we should be in abiding fellowship with those who disagree with these doctrinal issues. I'm just asking if we're on the same page that even though they got this stuff wrong, they are saved if they have repentance, faith, and all biblical understanding which involves the means to entering God's grace and ultimately heaven.


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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2020, 11:11:00 AM »
I thank everyone for the immediate replies. First off, I wanted to tell Chris that I read the book he recommended. The book is indeed a blessing as it highlights exactly what a lot of Christians are missing, and that is the doctrine of repentance. Anyone who reads the Bible and seeks the Lord, in my opinion, should think it a given that repentance is key; otherwise, what is the point of professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. If one doesn't feel conviction for their sin, think that they have wronged God, then how do they think that just faith (as in believing there's a God) means that they receive Jesus' gift? What I've noticed is that I have not obtained much perspective on the world up till now, especially how Christendom works. So far and in between do all things "Christian" seem weak, unconvicted, and unrepentant. Nevertheless, I do have questions for Chris pertaining to his thoughts on people who have attended churches of "denominations".
Every true Christian should understand that "denominations" don't matter as long as they get saved. I believe they cause nothing but confusion and are stumbling blocks to obtaining true salvation. However, if someone is wrong about a few things (sanctity of KJV, vaccines, false teachers, etc.) does that immediately compromise the validity of their faith, in the eyes of other brethren? Don't we have to talk to them about what they indeed believe about the death, burial, and resurrection before denouncing all familiarity we can have with them? If we are indeed saved by the cross, and God's grace seals us toward the day of redemption, shouldn't it be reasonable to conclude that the fundamental doctrines of faith annul these mistakes and still provide themselves a utility in the Body of Christ? Of course, as lovers of the truth we should always labor to condemn these things and perpetuate a strong faith, but is there not room for error in the grace and mercy of God?
I'm not sure why you are asking these questions. When reading your initial question, you began by saying "However," meaning that what follows is intended to be a contradictory argument to the agreements that you had previously written in the first half of your post, and therefore, your questions are based on the assumption that I have somewhere stated that if someone disagrees on the KJB, or on vaccinces, or on false teachers, that they are not saved. I do not ever recall teaching such a thing, so that's why your questions are confusing.

Thus, you would need to first provide evidence that I have, in some way, taught that there is "not room for error in the grace and mercy of God." I'll wait for you to provide that evidence before responding.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2020, 02:37:07 PM »
 I'm sorry. I did not mean to accuse you of any kind of teaching about "no room for error". I was just trying to relieve myself of some doubts. I did not intend to offend without any evidence. My mistake.


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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2020, 03:55:42 PM »
Relieve yourself of some doubts? What doubts do you mean?
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2020, 10:33:12 PM »
I didn't have actual proof regarding these doubts, such as thinking you thought people without these values weren't bearing enough fruit (i.e. evidence of faith) for you to think them saved (I say this with honesty and I understand that it may sound reproachful). I am realizing that I can dump a lot of words into a mess that confuses those who read it, and I myself sometimes have trouble cleaning these up. Therefore, I ask for forgiveness if I have come across as a double-minded person. My last comment was merely meant to explain that I had questions about deep doctrine, its implications, and how to be discreet with this knowledge (as in utilizing it properly). I said the word "doubts" because these questions originated in my mind, as a result of not completely trusting you or your platform too well. Now forgive me if that sounds hypocritical as I have now joined your forum in order to discuss things. I appreciate that you care about understanding what I'm trying to say, and seek to prove whether my intentions are honest. I will do my best to answer any question you have for me (as I am compelled not to swear by our Lord by saying I will answer them all), and from what I've seen so far, you seem to be willing to answer my questions as well. Thank you, and God bless. I hope I have explained things. If not, just ask again.


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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2020, 03:01:58 PM »
Hello and welcome

You said "I will do my best to answer any question you have for me (as I am compelled not to swear by our Lord by saying I will answer them all), and from what I've seen so far, you seem to be willing to answer my questions as well. Thank you, and God bless. I hope I have explained things. If not, just ask again."

So here is a question that was ask, what are your views on repentance?


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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2020, 07:51:33 PM »
It is absolutely necessary that one repents in order to receive Jesus' gift of salvation. In Acts 2:38, Peter told the people "pricked in their [hearts]" (i.e. having godly sorrow) to repent and be baptized. Repentance, belief, and baptism(not by water but by the Holy Ghost) all culminate in the salvation of a soul, now imbued with the Holy Ghost (Mark 16:16, Mark 1:8). (I want to mention that I agree one should profess themselves as a Christian before others by means of water immersion.) The humbling of one's self before God, them admitting their sins, and receiving Jesus, knowing he is the only way to heaven, has now repented. Chris is wise to emphasize the need for humility and godly sorrow that is required to repent. Repentance is that sorrow being effectual in having their faith properly placed onto the true Lord, Jesus Christ, rather than themselves. Repenting is the process through which someone ends up changed, now containing the Holy Ghost which will from here on out convict them of all sin. This is because they have allowed no one else but the Godhead to bring them to righteous redemption.


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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2020, 07:57:45 PM »
I'm sorry. Something weird happened with my typing. There should be a 16 where the emoji is.


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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2020, 07:58:40 PM »
I mean 8.


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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2020, 07:30:28 AM »
It sounds like you have learned what repentance is.

To answer your question, when one has repented in grief and godly sorrow, then of course there is room for error.  God knows that we "are dust" and we will do things we should not do. But, Praise God, we will not just live in our sin!  We will go to Him and repent of our sin and He gives us the Mercy we don't deserve. :)

Again, welcome.
But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Matthew 9:13


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Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2020, 04:28:29 PM »
Hi Luke

Welcome to the forum.  It has been good to see you answering questions that have been asked of you in a Godly manner and especially considering that you are 17 years old and so don't necessarily have the years of experience of being in difficult situations. 

I hope the forum here is a place where you continue to learn a whole lot and that it has a tremendous eternal value. 
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)