Author Topic: How many times must we contend?  (Read 1387 times)


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How many times must we contend?
« on: February 01, 2020, 11:03:11 AM »
When it comes to those we interact with whether friends or co-workers, how long do we have to contend with them in regards to their non scriptural belifs before we just walk away and not bother anymore?
When Christ interacted with people and they did not believe I don't see him running after them to try to convince them, the rich young man comes to mind.


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Re: How many times must we contend?
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2020, 03:18:44 AM »
If I am not wrong, the duty of a Christian is simply to deliver the message to them.

I don't remember anything about any obligation to contend with them continually - if I'm not wrong, Jesus himself simply told his disciples when encountering a city whose people would not want to hear them to shake the dust off their feet and leave in peace(See Matthew 10)
It seems to be just personal choice if you want to continue contending with them.

Keep in mind, that Christians should not assemble together in friendly terms to those who claim to be Christian but are actually fakes.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2020, 03:22:20 AM by A »


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Re: How many times must we contend?
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2020, 03:41:28 AM »
By the way Mr. Samuel, from your introduction that I just read a while ago, it still seems unclear about what your beliefs actually are.
The answer that I gave above is meant for Christians who have correct understanding and faith in God's word. Are you sure that you have correct understanding of scripture first of all? If you don't have that, that answer I gave might not apply to you.