Author Topic: Brainwashed Hebrew Roots Cultist Accuses Me of Worshiping Homosexual Gods  (Read 5953 times)


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  • First Name: Christopher
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I forgot to post this letter, which I received back in September, and I want to preface that I am very sharp with this man, as you will see. What he initially sent me was a neutral and vague letter, of which I have received many over the years from people who try to advertise themselves to me. It's basically an advertisement letter that they copy and paste to send to as many Christian (or seemingly Christian) websites so he can get more viewers. I never did that because I trusted the Holy Spirit to bring readers and listeners over time if I simply did the work; no special advertising necessary. I've never sent out letters begging for it, I've never paid for any advertising; I just ask that people share the materials if they find them helpful, and that's it. When someone writes me a personal letter, that is obviously directed towards me with personal conversation, I don't mind them sharing what they do in ministry, but the types of letters this Joshua guy sent me are only self-serving, and that's why I don't put up with him for very long.
I should also preface that he listed his name as "Joshua Blessed," and assuming his first name is Joshua (which I am now starting to question), I highly doubt his last name is "blessed." I believe Joshua Blessed is completely (or in part) a fake name he gave himself to hide his identity. To get an idea of who this guy is before you read these letters, on his website, he has a section for "Testimonies," but the authors are all listed as "Testimony," not revealing who these people are, and as you read them, you can clearly discern that it is the same person writing all these so-called "testimonies" because the writing style and errors are the same, so they're all coming from him, but he's not telling anyone that. Here's the first one I found at the top, which can be seen at the following link if you want to check it out:
"I have a dreadful encounter with > Mermaid/Siren which rose up from the toilet at night, as I urinated at toilet... and she would choke me by my throat to kill me. .. So, I learn from youtube, that the same encounter with Sirens / Demons has many godly men and you and yours may encounter also, be ready to resist and not be killed by Siren and dragged by her captive to Marine kingdom..... We have only one weapon to resist and defeat our enemy, that is > We must live a holy life by the power of the holy spirit, to become Yahweh's overcomers as in the book of Revelation, which will empower us to resist and overcoming Demons. The righteousness of the saints is: ' love righteousness and hate iniquity...'"

And for those of you who have the Holy Spirit and study the Word of God, that should tell you everything you need to know.
Here's the email exchange I had with him, and as you will read his letters, notice that you will see periods that look like this, with a space inbetween: ". .." -- what that indicates is that he is copying/pasting a portion of something else he has written, and then, after the period, he is putting two more dots to continue a thought, which is a pattern you will see in his letters. That's some of the evidence that points to a copy/paste email for advertising, especially since you will also notice that he does not respond to my initial letter at all; that is, he ignores what I write to him.


Shalom my brother My brother, you have an eternal soul that shall never die in heaven or in hell. Wise know this and therefore seek the face of our heavenly father Yahweh before they die, but fools live like a dog and then dies like a dog. .. You must be born from above by Him, to be His !

If you want to know why you cannot see clearly (and how I know that you cannot see clearly), the answers are here:
Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell
You have been deceived by the Hebrews roots cultists. Those who are a part of the Hebrew roots cult are not of Christ, and they are not my brethren because they believe in a different "christ" than we Christians believe in. I highly doubt your last name is "Blessed" which means that not only did you LIE in your letter to me when you gave your name, but also it makes what you say on your website a bunch of vain, hypocritical words when the very first thing you've said to me was deception.
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
-Pro 6:16-19

In addition, it's shameful that you had NO intention of communication of fellowship with your letter, because the fact is that you were just writing to advertise yourself. You should be embarrassed and ashamed, but I have encountered many people like this before, and all of them have lifted themselves up in their pride, none of them have accepted rebuke in humility and come to the grief and godly sorrow (i.e. repentance) of their wrongdoing.
But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
-James 4:6
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psalm 34:18

There are other problems with your letter and contradictions I could have pointed out, but I don't think you'll listen anyway. Nonetheless, despite your deceptions, I hope you and your family have a great day and that you depart in peace.

Shalom Christopher.
# 1 Are you a born from above by Jeus ? if yes, please share your heavenly testimony..
#2 Do you live by the Bible ( the books) or by His holy spirit ? Answer honestly ..

Shalom Christopher.
This is what we call "flattering lips," that is, you repeat it over and over in vanity. You learned that from the Hebrew roots cultists.
They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak.
-Psa 12:2

You also just provided me evidence to see that this is an email that you copy/paste to a bunch of websites. If you want to know how I figured that out, ask me, but again, you should be ashamed of yourself.

# 1 Are you a born from above by Jeus ? if yes, please share your heavenly testimony..
Yes. Is this "stage #2" of your misspelled, poorly contrived copy/paste quest? If you want the information, it's on the website. Why did you go to the website to contact me if you had concerns about that? Why did not you just go read? This is a link to the About page, which can also be found by going to our website and clicking "ABOUT"

#2 Do you live by the Bible ( the books) or by His holy spirit ? Answer honestly ..
That's a deceptive question. The Bible IS the Word of God sent by the Holy Spirit, and thus I live by both. What I don't appreciate is your "answer honestly" comment which presumes that I would lie. Again, you should be ashamed of yourself, but glory (i.e. boast) in your shame. (Phil 3:18-19)

Now, let's address the #3 you did not mention: Where is repentance (i.e. grief and godly sorrow) of sin? You won't read the teaching (that's obvious based on your vague response), but I'll give the link one more time just in case there is some hope:
Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
-Mat 7:21-23

Why did Jesus say that? Click the link and learn because you are not in a position to be teaching yet until you learn what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is.

Now, that's how you respond to a letter. You didn't respond to my letter, which means this is not a conversation; this you talking AT me (through copy/pasted notes) in your pride, not having a conversation WITH me. Again, this is exactly how almost every Hebrew roots cultist I've ever met has acted towards me (i.e. with a "holier than thou" attitude - Isa 65:5), and if you are brainwashed so heavily into the Hebrew roots cult that you cannot stop doing it, then I don't have any interest in continuing to write you back because it's wasting my time. (i.e. I spend a substantial amount of time on my letters to people, and you don't.) Depart in peace, and have a great day.

Shalom Chris.
Thanks for your honest replyed.
#1  Now I  read your testimony " about", and I praise God for His mercy on you that finally you Repenteted...
Yet , I saw nothing of being baptized with the holy spirit  as > Act 2:4  And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Did you receive the baptism of the holy spirit since you Repent?  Yes or No ? ( Do not lie..OK?)
#2 At your website I read your carnal doctrine of Inspire only KJV Bible,  God word.... But, I understand you as a babe in Christ you speak as a foolish child. .., for I was a Bible worshiper as you in 1994.
#3 Hear me, I am not here to fight with you but to help you grow spiritually, that you may be a man of God and not a foolish babe .. Ok?
Therefore, put aside your fleshly babe pride and be humble and hear what I have to say to you > Go to my website and eat the spiritual food that you may grow and became the real man of God.

Yeah, you're part of the Hebrew roots cult. We are not brethren. Go back to them if that is your choice. You have not understood the doctrine of repentance and remission of sins, nor will you hear. There's nothing more I can do; have a great day.

Shalom Chris.
#1 Why you did not answer #1 Q . ?
 I know why, for you have not received the baptism of the holy spirit as in > Act 2:4.
If you will humbly acknowledge it and then seek it by fasting and prayers, maybe you will get it .. OK?
#2 Shame on you idol worshiper of UK , KJV Bile.  Is your Jesus a Hebrew Messiah and he spoke a Hebrew or he is UK Messiah and spoke English?
 Does he has a Hebrew name >  Yahshua or  Greek > Iasus, or UK > Jesus?
#3 Today I visited your Facebook page and I saw your abominable worship of the gods of LGBTQ > pets; Dog, cat, pig, mice, rat,..
Can your idol KJV  deliver you or make you free from your Pagan idol > dog. ?
Repent means > Stop !  No more ! Quit !
Will you repent/stop worship the god of this world Devil ? No?
Do not die in your sins, but seek Repentance.   
Learn from my Facebook page >

You teach false doctrine; you are not of Christ. You cannot control yourself either, so since you will not depart on your own in peace, I will have to block your email address. Have a great day.

END OF EXCHANGE (because I blocked his email address)

In order to understand the last letter he sent me, you need to know that he sent me a list of images. He went onto my Facebook profile and saw that I had a picture of me and my wife with our dog when he was a puppy. He then concluded by saying, "I saw your abominable worship of the gods of LGBTQ" He took the picture of Lorraine and I with the puppy, and he put it next to an sodomite parade where they were walking around with dog collars on in sexual leather outfits. I'm not kidding; that's what he sent me. Now do you understand why I blocked him?
Though I pointed him to my "About" page, if you go look at his website, you cannot find hardly any information on him at all. It's also very difficult to figure out what he teaches because there is little-to-no organization on his site, but the one key thing I noticed about his site is that he almost never defines the terms he uses, and as I've said many times before, beware any so-called "ministry" in which a man does not define the words he uses. (Oh, and by the way, my position on baptism is on the About page, and I have been baptized, but he's so obsessed with works-doctrine, that was his first objection.)
Again, this guy is a part of the works-based Hebrew-roots cult. He teaches the same things they do, like if you do not keep the Sabbath, you go to hell. I just checked his Facebook account, and he has an image on it that reads:
"The real 'Repentance' or BORN-AGAIN experience is when all your heavy burdens (transgressions/sins) have fall off your back at the cross of the Messiah YAHWEH/YASHua."
However, in his letter, he says it means to "turn from sin." Not only does he not understand repentance, but then he contradicts himself by claiming it is multiple things that it is not.
Of course, we understand the Word of God and know that is not what repentance is. Repentance is grief and godly sorrow of wrongdoing (CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE), but he is describing it on his Facebook profile as forgiveness, and I have heard that said before by other people who did not understand the doctrine of Christ. The reason he does not understand is because he has only changed the outward man, but not the inward man (as can only be done by Christ), and I wanted to post this as an example, to show Christians how dangerous the Hebrew-roots cult is, and why you should stay away from them; if you fellowship with them, you will soon find yourself leavened and repeating the same nonsense.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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#3 Hear me, I am not here to fight with you but to help you grow spiritually, that you may be a man of God and not a foolish babe .. Ok? 
Therefore, put aside your fleshly babe pride and be humble and hear what I have to say to you > Go to my website and eat the spiritual food that you may grow and became the real man of God.  

 he said "help you grow spiritually" or " go to MY website and eat the spiritual food" and yet it is him who apparently has some devil coming out of his toilet choking him as he is peeing.

  Is your Jesus a Hebrew Messiah and he spoke a Hebrew or he is UK Messiah and spoke English? 
 Does he has a Hebrew name >  Yahshua or  Greek > Iasus, or UK > Jesus? 
His questions here shows he has no idea what he is talking about or is just blind. If jesus spoke in Hebrew then why is the new testament written in greek? What is the best language to have the word of god in, one that is a dead dieing one or o e that the most of the world can speak and understand. I would of ask him how powerful is your god can not he be able to put his words in to English? And the final question on this topic is who made the languages?  .... if I was the one who got this letter I probably would of said less then what Chris had to him. Do not know how to talk to a man who has mermaids living in his toilet.


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  • First Name: Christopher
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he said "help you grow spiritually" or " go to MY website and eat the spiritual food" and yet it is him who apparently has some devil coming out of his toilet choking him as he is peeing.

Do not know how to talk to a man who has mermaids living in his toilet.
Hahaha! I know, that's what I was thinking.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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  • First Name: Jeanne
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It's obvious English is not this man's first language and based on how he (mis)uses it, I thought he might be Asian so I was surprised when I went to his FB page and saw that he looks European. That is, if it's actually his own picture he's using, of course. Anyone who puts up fake 'testimonies' on his website could just as easily put up a fake photo on FB.


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You know this guy sounds just like me many years ago. If you were to send this letter to a old friends I once had they probably would say it has billy written all over it. I am a real bad speller so when I right and spell check can't figure out what I am saying I write around the word and try to explain what I want with simple words. I am just guessing this is what he is also is doing


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It was actually him saying 'OK' after every sentence that had me thinking he was Asian.


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Evil demon mermaid Marine Kingdom living in his toilet? Should he call Ghost Busters or Aquaman? I don't think Rid-X is gonna cut it.


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Evil demon mermaid Marine Kingdom living in his toilet? Should he call Ghost Busters or Aquaman? I don't think Rid-X is gonna cut it.

I was already completely stunned at the saddening foolishness of this man's letter to Chris.  Then I saw what Tim said and nearly busted a gut laughing!  Thank you for the good laugh.
But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Matthew 9:13