Author Topic: Blinded by Trusting in Pastors Rather Than God's Word  (Read 3830 times)


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Blinded by Trusting in Pastors Rather Than God's Word
« on: September 09, 2019, 04:13:57 PM »


My name is Mike and I came upon some information that I spent most of my walk as a believer trying my best to avoid. The KJV topic.
I now know it's not only important but rather more complicated than I once thought. It's to do with the real authorized 1611 kjv in contrast to most other bibles. This is not the ONLY faithful rendering. There are a few others. The Bishops bible, the Coverdale, the Great bible, etc.. (if I'm not in error)
So, I'm somewhat new to this. But I promise, when I heard it I was stuck with the truth.
Reg Block has used your excellent work on "The dangers of Lexicons" I praise the Lord for your efforts there.
So Reg Block is a brother.
He was one I found myself listening to a while until God brought John Doerr into the picture not long afterwards.
John is from not only an old Roman Catholic family but also one steeped in Jesuitism.
I pray you are pressed to look.
Here is a series of interviews between both Reg and John. Please listen through.
May God bless you in the truth my brother.

I remember your name vaguely, but can't recall anything else off the top of my head. However, I am glad you got to the KJB, or at least, I hope you get to the 1769 edition since the original 1611 printing had 400 printing press errors (i.e. errors by the printing press putting the movable type in the wrong place on a few words) that were later identified and corrected over a few decades, and the apochrypha books were removed from inbetween the Old and New Testaments since they contain false doctrines. (i.e. The 1611 had those extra books put inbetween the OT and NT by tradition, not because they belong in the Bible.)

So first of all. Thank you for your response. God bless you for it.
So, based on some of the things you said I'd like to ask you, Lord willing, please sit through those interviews. The Apocrypha wasn't removed because doctrines didn't line up.. it was because it identified Antichrist. God put it between the testaments for our reproof skills. So we could see who mystery Babylon is and the stark contrast between the word of God and the message of Rome. There is too much to type here. But please. And to add, John Doerr is the co-producer of three films
- A lamp in the Dark
- Tares among the Wheat
- A bridge to Babylon
He has a very Roman rich history. Not to mention Jesuitical. His family line was one of the oldest Roman Catholic families in the U.S. and helped to establish it in America.
Anyways, he's a brother and is always open for an open and gracious discussion at any point.
God bless you Christopher. You, and your family and the congregation you're apart of.

Frankly, I don't care who these guys are, or who they were; it doesn't matter to me. I don't respect a man's person; I look to what they teach.
But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
-James 2:9

The apocrypha was removed because there are clear false doctrines in them, things I have seen for myself, and I don't need a Roman Jesuit to tell me otherwise. Did it ever occur to you that if he was a Jesuit, that he may still be one undercover? You do know that's how they operate, right? Have you seen the oath they take? We don't judge a man based on where he's been and what he's done; we judge a man based on the doctrine:
Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees... Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
-Mat 16:6-12

The apocrypha contradicts the rest of the Bible, which means it cannot be God's Word. If you want to stick to the 1611, and follow those men on the Youtube channel, go for it; that's none of my business. I wasn't impressed with their channel, nor their videos when I looked over them briefly, and something was off about them that I couldn't put my finger on yet; nonetheless, if you want to listen to them, that's your business, but if you wrote me because you thought that I should join with them in teaching people to follow false doctrines, and I'm going to be frank with you, you came to the wrong place for that.

You said you were new to this topic, but now you think you've understood enough in this short time in your study to start telling others what they need to believe about it? That sounds very foolish Mike. Don't rush things. I pray God keeps you safe in your travels down that road.
Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.
-1Co 10:12

The best thing to do is wait a while. Keep listening to them. They have very few videos on their channel yet, and they have covered very few topics. They're not covering doctrine, they're covering conspiracies. It's a conspiracy so-called "ministry." If they ever get to covering actual Bible doctrine, it will be much easier for those of us with discernment to see the deception.

that's kind of a lot.. you've assumed a lot about my motives and jumped to a good handful of conclusions.
Did I ever mention that they both have independent work. I was listening to Reg for some time before God brought John into the picture only recently.
Reg's channel is Called "Rescuing the church"
And I'll leave Johns site here for your consideration.
Do you do open discussions at all? John would probably be happy to have a profitable discussion.


I thought I'd quickly address just a few things.
I wasn't intending to bolster up mans reputation by giving a little background on John. It was just something that would come up anyways and for the sake of the topic.
Neither of them would set out to try and take any glory from the Lord.
They aren't that way.
Maybe I didn't come across very well.

John himself wasn't a Jesuit. I didn't say that. Yes I am familiar with the Jesuit oath. The Apocrypha is not Gods word. (I agree) I messaged you to join them in teaching false doctrines? That's a confusing statement. That's not my motivation here... I'm not telling people what to believe, (rushing?) I'm honestly only trying to point to this topic. It's important.
People can look, or not look. I can't force anyone.
If you want doctrine, please visit their respective YouTube channels.
Or sites.

Reg Block -
John Doerr -
And this mans name is Garth. A former homosexual saved by God and set on the right path. His testimony is of Gods goodness. The gospel saves.

Okay, let's start this over. I should have been more charitable from the start by spending some more time on this for your sake, but it usually takes me a couple of hours to respond to a letter like this, and it was already late into the night when I got this email. Now I'm up until almost 2AM responding to this. I have enough work on my plate that I do not have time to pour over hours upon hours of other peoples' teachings unless it pertains specifically to the research I'm currently doing. This is not what I'm working on right now, and so no, I likely will not go through and listen to all these different teachings.

That being said, the channel that you sent me is NOT teaching Bible doctrine. They are teaching about conspiracies. That's clear just from the titles. Just a couple of examples:
-Ascended Masters. Splitting the Logos. Obelisks
-Catholic Church, Aliens, Evolution, MK Ultra

You see, what I did in my ministry is lay a foundation of doctrine, and on that, I then went into other topics. However, this guy is going straight to these topics before he's laid the foundation on Scriptural understanding. To see that point further, I'll show you another example from one of the other links you gave me, namely, the guy John you mentioned. I went to his website and found his doctrine on repentance. After going over the EXTREMELY confusing article he posts that doesn't make much sense, flipping around bible versions back and forth, in the end, I found that he does not believe repentance is grief and godly sorrow, even though he offers a definition that says that it is. I'm not kidding, check it out for yourself:
Instead, he offers multiple doctrines on repentance, as if he's confused. It's bizarre. In one section he says that repentance is:
"Trusting in God for salvation through Jesus Christ alone."
Mike, that's not repentance. Have you seen the teaching I did on repentance? I'll leave a link to the video, so at least you can see an example of how someone should be teaching the doctrine of Scripture, just as Paul, Peter, and John did in the New Testament:
Is Repentance Part of Salvation?
Then, he changes it by calling repentance "works:"
"God will examine your works of repentance and faith and send the holy Ghost if you are a true believer."
Repentance is not works, it is godly sorrow that is a gift from God:
In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
-2Ti 2:25

He then changes it again at the end:
"Repentance is turning to God and trusting by faith in His righteousness because we have acknowledged our sin problem."
He is teaching that repent means "to turn." Again, he does not understand the basic doctrines of salvation. He still has parts missing. (If you don't understand that, click the link above I provided on the repentance teaching.) Now I understand why I sensed something was not right when I was listening to this guy.

John's channel is half videos of other people, he hasn't uploaded anything in 3 years, there are very few videos on the channel, and it's mostly conspiracy stuff; not hardly anything on Bible doctrine (which is how we are supposed to test a true preacher from a false one). It's just like first channel you sent me. Reg's channel has more videos and he's more active, but he's the same as the others, and I just scanned through the titles of all his videos; almost NO Bible doctrine, mostly conspiracies, which, by the way, is a reflection of your thinking and philosophy as well (i.e. that's why you listen to them so much), so let's not stand on pretense and just be open with each other.

So, since you have said I have drawn... no wait, let me go back and quote you... that I "assumed a lot about [your] motives," I want to point out that I have talked about some conspiracies in my ministry too; please don't misunderstand, but I have also laid a lot of foundation in Bible doctrine, and continue to do so every week. (i.e. Listen to the full audio teachings that you can download off the website; Youtube only has the second half.) If they do not have the spiritual matters of doctrine correct, then we cannot trust anything else their teaching concerning spiritual matters.
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
-1Co 2:14

I'm also writing out my notes on the New Testament as I go through it, so others can see clearly the doctrine I'm teaching. Because I do that, you can look into Scripture, compare the doctrine I'm teaching to the Bible, and know that what I teach is the truth of Christ's doctrine, but with these men, it's very difficult to get at the heart of what they believe because, as I demonstrated to you, they don't have their Bible doctrine listed anywhere on their channel (i.e. because they're not teaching it, which means they're not really teaching the Gospel of Christ and think it's unimportant), making it very difficult to find, and they are also contradicting themselves, as I demonstrated in the example of the repentance teaching above.

Btw, I noticed the video that you attached at the end, and took a look at it; a new-age church building with their lights and sound shows and rock band. Why would you even send this to me? I wouldn't send that to anyone because it sets a bad example. I couldn't find what I was looking for in the guy's channel (Mike Wooten, is it?), because he wasn't clearly defining what he was talking about on a few of the subjects I looked at, so I hunted down his church building website. He tries to tell people he's a non-typical pastor, but he does the same wickedness as all the others. He still scams and extorts people by teaching the false doctrine on storehouse tithing (And btw, so does John Doerr), he excludes the godly sorrow (i.e. repentance) from his salvation message, and he still goes by the "repeat this prayer after me" generic "salvation" that every other church building teaches. They do many other typical church-ianity stuff that I didn't even mention in this email. (I was also unable to determine if they're 501c3 incorporated; though they seem to be by the fact that donations are made to the church name, but again, I can't verify it at this time.)
Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement
Why would you still be going to these people to get education on the Word of God when they follow the traditions of men? It only took me about 20 minutes to find that much information in Wooten's ministry, how have you not seen this stuff yet? You can always ask me if you're having trouble finding those things, and I can help you out, or you can register an account on our forum and ask others Christians to help you out, but that was not the purpose of your email to me.

My problem with your letter was that you were writing me as if you had something important to inform me about, as if you were coming to teach me something that you wanted me to believe, but in reality, you are lacking discernment in what seems to be a lot of areas. You didn't write me saying, "Hey Chris, can we discuss these things for bit?" You letter did not indicate anything about you wanting to have a personal discussion with me, or ask any questions; you wanted me to view these videos, and then convert to believing what you believe. So don't act like I falsely assumed something about your motives; I'm just going by your words, and it's not rocket science because what a man says is a reflection of what's in his heart.
But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
-Mat 15:18

Again, if you want to follow those, that's your business. I would rather you didn't because of the spiritual danger in what these men teach, but in the end, it's not my business. I'm not going to harp on you about it or chase you around and give you a hard time, but when you write me trying to get me to trust these men as you have, it's not going to work. You don't fellowship with me or with our church, and then you just show up out of the blue and want me to turn my attention to their conspiracies? No thank you sir. Even if some of the things they teach might be correct, I will have nothing to do with those men because I don't trust them, and that's because they are leavened, believing and teaching false doctrines.

If you want to know what I believe and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ is, then you can look over this:
Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell

I pray the Lord God would give them all the mercy and longsuffering that He has shown me, and hope that you are given many wonderful blessings of prosperity in your family's life this upcoming week. Have a great day, and I hope that helped to clarify my position.

I just believe Gods word is still here and... they do to.
I really didn't mean to waste your time.
I was excited to share.

So all you going to do is spend five seconds sending me excuses? When I sent you that email, I did not think I had wasted my time at all... that is, until I saw your indifferent response this morning. You completely ignored all that time and effort I put into showing you that these men are leavened, and you simply do not care.
Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees... Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
-Mat 16:6-12
A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.
-Gal 5:9
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
-Luke 12:51

See: The Biblical Understanding of Sanctification

It's hypocritical of you to tell me that you are looking so desperately for God's Word, and then when I show you His doctrine in comparison to what those leavened men teach, showing you all the evidence in detail, you simply do not care.
Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
-Jeremiah 17:5
This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
-Mat 15:8
And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.
-John 10:4-5
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
-Col 2:8

Having the right Bible is meaningless if you don't care about what it teaches. You have overlooked that in Psalm 12 (i.e. the passage where God promises to preserve His Word), it starts out explaining WHY He preserved it, namely, that we would be able to see through such leavened teachers, and be protected from them:
Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak.
-Psa 12:1-2

I do care, I just don't want a fight. And to have to untangle and reexplain everything you want addressed without having the willingness to sit through at least those interviews.
It's really just a bunch of wild conspiracies. You'd only know that if you watched them though. That's all. They are not leavened as you have accused them.

You seem angry to me. I'm not really sure why. John is open for open discussion on these matters.
Maybe try asking them a question on YouTube. It would be good since then they would be able to defend themselves against your personal accusations against them. They'll answer you.

I never asked you to "fight," I just wanted to show you the truth, thinking that perhaps you wanted a discussion with me (which apparently you don't) and now I think you're lying to me. Based on your avoidance of the subject, I think it's that you don't understand the information that you sent to me, which is why you can't talk about it yourself, and you keep pointing to them as your authority. When I directly showed you that they teach and believe false doctrines, which is LEAVEN by Biblical definition, and then you ignore that and generically say "They are not leavened," I cannot help someone like that. I can't continue this with you anymore because you don't want to hear. You've turned your ears away from the truth. Go and follow them if that is your choice; I will have no part with them. I hope you depart in peace, and have a great day.


I have no problem admitting I was irritated by the fact that not only did I know there was something wrong in his first letter because of how he approached the issue, but that he completely ignored me, as if I had no part in this conversation. I decided it was best if I took the time to explain to him the problem in detail because he could not see it. After I stayed up late to do all that for him, he just ignored it. That's ridiculous, and comes from the mouth of a man who does not care; thus, I believe he's lying to me to save face and justify himself. I have had many conversations with people like this before, especially churchgoers, who, when they are presented with facts, say, "Well, just talk with my pastor; then you'll understand!" That's an excuse, and are blind to the fact that it demonstrates that they put their trust in men. It's not wrong to share someone else's teaching, but if you don't know enough to explain it yourself, you haven't put in the work you need to put in to be talking about it in the first place. That's like someone going out to preach the Gospel when he doesn't understand the Gospel; he should not be teaching it when he does not understand it yet, and likewise, that goes for just about anything else.

I looked up this guy's last name in my archives because it's very unique, but I could not find it anywhere. I still can't remember where I have seen this guy's name before... there's something about it that keeps my mind on it.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Blinded by Trusting in Pastors Rather Than God's Word
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2019, 02:00:04 AM »
All of those that he alludes to, if they were to come in to the forum they would have their doctrines totally shredded and also be notified that they are not of Christ and are false teachers, extortioners, liars and thieves.  Not exactly the news they would like to hear.

I'm sure they would all quickly "do a runner" like he will no doubt now do also.
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


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Re: Blinded by Trusting in Pastors Rather Than God's Word
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2019, 11:15:55 AM »
He kept asking you to talk to John. Why should you have to go and seek him out? If John wanted to talk to you he would contact you. It's sad when I see people presented with the truth and just don't get it. I pray that their hearts would be softened to accept the truth of God's word. 


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Re: Blinded by Trusting in Pastors Rather Than God's Word
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2019, 11:35:00 AM »
He kept asking you to talk to John. Why should you have to go and seek him out? If John wanted to talk to you he would contact you. It's sad when I see people presented with the truth and just don't get it. I pray that their hearts would be softened to accept the truth of God's word.
If you saw the part where I told him that I thought he was lying to me, I somewhat explained that point. Let's say I were to go to him, that is, I contacted him first, asked him about these things, and he told me I should talk to John about the matter; that's perfectly normal. That's simply offering the advice and instruction from a man who may have more to offer than Mike had to offer me when I has sought out the information in the first place. However, it was Mike who contacted me, when I was not looking for this information, and then when I explained to him the leaven and error, he did not (and I believe COULD NOT) explain anything about the topic, which means he didn't know much about the topic when contacting me (i.e. he's ignorant of the matter and shouldn't be spreading it out when he does not understand it), and THEN he said "go talk to this guy." What that means is that Mike is trying to create converts unto those men, not unto the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word, and the real mystery is why Mike wanted me to join them; that's the strange part, but I don't believe Mike is honest enough with himself to understand that point, and therefore, I wouldn't trust that he would be honest with me either.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2019, 07:00:54 PM by creationliberty »
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Blinded by Trusting in Pastors Rather Than God's Word
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2019, 06:16:54 PM »
This sounds familiar. Maybe you just get this a lot or this is a repeat from the old furom before it was reset. But I remember there was a guy who came on to try to promote his teachers almost as if he is paid to do so.  I could be wrong as well