Author Topic: Honoring the Parents  (Read 2844 times)


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Honoring the Parents
« on: April 09, 2019, 03:47:50 AM »
I know that we are supposed to honor our parents.
However, are we supposed to submit under our parent's control for the whole of our earthly lives, or that we only do so when we live under them?
What if neither of the two parents I have do not agree on something and have contradictory comments that I can't figure out the intention of? Who should I  obey, or neither?(This is about authority)


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Re: Honoring the Parents
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2019, 12:23:31 AM »
I am aware my post hast been viewed for at least 17 times and not one reply has been given, perhaps what my real concern is that in some Asian traditions, the authority of the parents extends throughout the whole of your life(as far as I know of) and for example, in marriage, the husband is not the head of the family, but the head of the family is the grandparents(until they die as far as I know of - not an biblical principle) So does the Bible teach us to honor our parents as long as we live or only when we live as dependents?
And what about the dilemma if both parents are contradictory? Choosing not do follow either of them is still a choice after all.


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Re: Honoring the Parents
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2019, 07:02:43 AM »
Honouring your parents is not necessarily the same as obeying them, especially if they want you to go against God's word.

If your parents are contradicting each other, your father is still the head of the household and as long as what he expects does not go against the law of God, both you and your mother are under his authority.

As far as having to continue under his authority into adulthood, I really couldn't say about that. The culture I grew up in is very different from Asian cultures and that's probably why no one here has answered you. They don't know what to say and I don't really know what the Bible expects in that context, either.


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Re: Honoring the Parents
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2019, 11:42:37 AM »
I am aware my post hast been viewed for at least 17 times and not one reply has been given
If you want to start getting into numbers, every time you look at your posts, it also counts them as 1 view. Jeanne may have looked at this more than once, and I've looked at it more than once. Perhaps you should ask about it instead of assuming 17 other people have ignored you.

I've looked through some these posts you're making, and I agree with Jeanne's answers so far, and she's also told you the same things I have. In fact, one time, she told you the same thing I did concerning how you don't give everyone enough details to even know how to answer in most cases, so when you get a generalized answer, instead of saying, "Okay, that helps, I understand now," you come up with three more questions that still don't give enough detail for us to go on. What that means is that you're looking for us to tell you specifically what to do, as if we are your personal priest, instead of you wanting to understand the philosophy (way of thinking) of Christ. You're not really discussing philosophy (way of thinking) and Scripture to adjust your way of thinking, but rather, you're just asking to be told what to do, and we're not going to give you a list of things to do.

This time, instead of waiting half a day before complaining that no one had responded, you waited a little over a day, and then started complaining. Perhaps what you need to do instead of demanding, is start looking inward and see if there is a problem with your communication, meaning that your questions are either vague and asking for us to tell you what to do in an infinite number of scenarios, which no one here is going to do for you because not even God does that for us in His Word. We want to address the philosophy of Scripture, and God's wisdom gives us the understanding of what to do in an infinite number of scenarios. He gives us an understanding of how to think and how we should live, and the details are up to personal conviction, which I've already explained to you, but I guess you're ignoring me too.

In general, whenever someone comes to me and starts asking me question about every specific scenario that can arise, it shows me someone who has very little understanding of the basic principles of God's Word. It also shows me someone who doesn't study much in their own personal time; meaning that you might listen to some teachings that I do, but you're not studying on your own; looking to God first and foremost to answer these questions. We can help if you ask about Scripture, and sometimes there are tough situations that need to be discussed, but you want us to give you SPECIFIC instructions from VAGUE questions on how to proceed with every single decision that comes into your life, and we CANNOT do that for you. That is not what the church is here to do.

If you're seeing a lot of responses to other questions, let me show you the difference between what you're doing and what others are doing:
That's one of the members here, Chris from Tennessee, and he typically structures and asks pretty reasonable questions. You'll notice that when he wrote this, he provided Scripture on the subject matter, which shows he was searching God's Word on it first, and then asked specific questions about the details of where the line is on abstaining from blood concerning how well-cooked meat is, which is addressing both the technical and philosophical points. He wasn't asking us for what he should do for his next meal, but was curious about the getting the church together as a whole to discuss the philosophy of what we all ought to be doing.

He began by defining what Scripture said, both Old and New Testament on the matter, and then also provided his own understanding along with the question, and that struck up a larger conversation.

What you did on the other hand, was state vaguely that you knew one of God's laws, without ever telling us your understanding of it (meaning you never defined what "honor" means), and then start asking for exceptions to the law. You gave no Scripture, you never talked about what Jesus said about the matter; nothing.

Now, if you had come to the forum and said, "Hey everyone, I've had some inner confusion about honoring one's father and mother. Could you guys help give me some Scripture about that subject, or give me some general understanding about it?" That would have been far better because then everyone would be free to help provide understanding of the philosophy of Christ, rather than giving them the endless task of trying to answer every possible contingency you come up with. If you understand the philosophy of Christ, then you don't need to ask us the questions you posed, and even though many members here may not have understood it that way until they read this post I just made, that's probably the reason why they didn't say anything. (On top of the fact that you're flood the forum with these exact same type of posts, and I guarantee others are seeing all of them and getting overwhelmed.)

In short, it's false religion that attempts to rule over your life and give you instructions for every detail of every action you take. We live in liberty with Christ, and so if you want to understand the philosophy of that liberty, look to His Word, not to find priests to tell you what to do.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Honoring the Parents
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2019, 12:55:26 AM »
I see Mr. Johnson. What you wrote:
Hey everyone, I've had some inner confusion about honoring one's father and mother. Could you guys help give me some Scripture about that subject, or give me some general understanding about it?
is actually what I should have asked. Yes, I do my own research, but I assumed that others here knew what on "Honor" refers to.
Forgive me that I did not obey the rules of this forum. Thank you for those who answer my posts as they are helpful in the very least.

I still have confusion, on the topic whether
a. We ought to honor our parents for the whole of our lives, or only as dependents until we leave them?
b. If in the culture I am in the head of the household is of the grandfather or someone else, and not of the father, which does God recognize in his Word if he does?

I honestly haven't encountered much scripture on this matter yet, can anyone help me?


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Re: Honoring the Parents
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2019, 01:09:42 AM »
From my understanding, honoring my parents in accordance to the 10 commandments is to submit under them and reverence them[treating them as kings over you] though not as to the standard I would do for God.
These are scriptural examples I know of:
"Honour thy father and thy mother" [Exodus 20]
"Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." [Matthew 19]


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Re: Honoring the Parents
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2019, 05:26:59 AM »
You can honour your parents by showing them respect and not embarrassing them later in life by engaging in criminal activity and such or by adhering to the principles and guidelines they brought you up with (as long as they are in accordance with God's word.

This does not mean they have authority over you once you move out from under their roof. As long as you're living in their house, you would have to abide by their rules. I don't think they can force you to continue living with them once you become an adult and are able to support yourself, though, and at that point, you are no longer under their authority. As I said, though, you would continue to honour them by showing them respect and by being a respectable member of society yourself.

Your father would only be the head of your household if you continue to live with him. Cultural customs are just that; they are man's traditions, not God's laws.