Author Topic: Good Question About Lucifer Does NOT Mean Satan  (Read 946 times)


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Good Question About Lucifer Does NOT Mean Satan
« on: September 21, 2023, 05:05:36 PM »
I recently made a post in the updates section that is a correction of a doctrine I previously taught that was wrong, and that is that "Lucifer" in Isa 14:12 is referring to Satan. That is incorrect, it is referring to the King of Babylon, likely Belshazzar, since he was the last King of Babylon. Sadly, I learned the wrong thing from Kent Hovind, since he was my first teacher, and I can't go back and change my old teachings on audio to fix that. I'll just make corrections in new teachings as I go, as well as correct old written teachings when I can, and that'll take time.

It's rare that I get good questions in email, but sometimes I do. I wanted to share this one because I thought it would be helpful to others:


Hi Chris - just a quick note to say that I saw your forum note and I agree with your comments regarding Isaiah 14 as a chapter that is specifically referring to the king of Babylon. Every verse in chapters 13 and 14 point to this.  I have wondered at this for a while, or at least I had the question as to where we get that it was Satan. But I was listening to what many false teachings were saying. So, In the past I just settled on a duel perspective, both Satan and Babylonian King. But after your comments I think it is the King of Babylon. So thanks for your thoughts. But I am wondering then does this mean that Lucifer is just a term used to describe the King as a “self enlightened” one? Not referring to Satan. And if so, this means that Lucifer is not another name or the prior name of Satan. Wondering if this is what you think as well.

People can call Satan "Lucifer" if they want, but it's simply a misunderstanding, and it became a sort of cultural "meme" that "Lucifer" now refers to Satan, simply because people wanted to interpret "falling from heaven" as literal, rather than metaphorical, representing the King of Babylon being greatest of all thrones in all kingdoms of the world, being lifted up high and falling far. A lot of memes have been created based on misinterpretations of things; I'm mean, case in point, lightning is worshiped as a god by pagans, so I don't see much difference.

The Luciferians simply worship a "god" who they think is a "lightbearer" (as the word 'lucifer' indicates), and thus, as we have confirmation in other Scriptures, they worship devils, meaning that they worship Satan anyway, whether knowingly or unknowningly.

But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.
-1Co 10:20


The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18