Author Topic: How can they do this?  (Read 4746 times)


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How can they do this?
« on: November 21, 2018, 03:31:43 AM »
i thought I'd open the first topic on this board with some absolutely horrifying things that I saw today, being up through the night since I have been unable to sleep well the past few days.

A 23-year-old Texas mom glued her 2-year-old daughter's hands to a wall because the mother was frustrated with potty training. The mother did drugs and drank during pregnancy, The child was badly hurt after being kicked in the stomach, hit in the head with a milk jug, and the removal of the child's hands from the wall ripped of the skin from her hands.
I don't say this often in response to something, but when the judge sentenced her to 99 years, I said, "Amen, and thank God Almighty for good judges."
How could she do that?

A Kentucky mom was sentenced for murdering her 2-year-old son because she left him in a super-heated car, locked into a car seat, for twelve hours while she went into her apartment to get high. The judge said, "You chose the drugs over the life of your child." The lawyer pointed out, based on the autopsy report, that he was left in that 130F (54.4C) car, tortured by the pain of having his skin seared by the buckle between his legs, while the plastic of the wet diaper he was wearing melded with his flesh. She was sentenced to 35 years.
How could she do that? The prosecuter was in tears after a year-long trial, and the mother walked out of the courtroom with no remorse or emotion whatsoever. I'll add in that I was in tears watching the video of what took place in the courtroom, and I didn't have any familiarity of the situation, but that wicked, heart-of-stone mother just sat and listened to all of it completely stoic.

The purpose of my article on False Doctrine: Unlimited Submission to Government was based on false, ecumenical preachers teaching that the government is to be obey no matter what under any circumstance, which is simply not true, since the Bible is filled with examples of prophets and evangelists disobey direct orders from magistrates and kings. However, in a recent letter I received, I want to make sure that no one thinks that I am in any way teaching that we should not care about being submissive to government in relation to the power of God putting them in authority for the punishment of evildoers because we still have some good law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and judges who do what is right so we can live in a country that is still relatively free, and I thank God for them.
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Re: How can they do this?
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2018, 05:17:16 AM »
I can't really tell anything about the first mother's state of mind during her trial, but the second one definitely sounds like a psychopath. These are people that are completely incapable of feeling any type of empathy for another person. They are totally focused on what THEY want and have no concept or concern about how their actions may affect others.


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Re: How can they do this?
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2018, 10:49:04 AM »
I can't even begin to say how much those stories break my heart!

Yes, Chris!  Praise God for good judges here on earth.

I can't even look at all of it!
But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Matthew 9:13


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Re: How can they do this?
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2018, 01:04:22 PM »
My son is almost 2 years old and he is so full of life and is so smart and sweet. I feel so awful and so heart broken for that child but that child is in a much better place than here on earth.


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Re: How can they do this?
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2018, 05:13:16 PM »
It seems the stories are the same world wide. Here the biggest problem is babies being thrown away. Why is it happen? When people turn from God and have been taught most of there lives they are nothing but an animal and who evolved from an animal, they become like the wild beast of the fields. But the difference is beast are not that dangerous. There is no light in them, gave it up for the darkness to fill there every desire.