Author Topic: Pushing False Information and Immediately Running Away  (Read 1039 times)


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Pushing False Information and Immediately Running Away
« on: February 16, 2022, 12:53:01 PM »


Hello - thank you for sharing your insight into the matter of symbols.  I had been feeling so uncomfortable about our friend crossing himself before meals, and my own child wearing a cross necklace that he bought with save up earnings along with many other queries about hidden in plain sight symbols and wondering if the 'Christian' ones were also a part of the enemy's plan to have us blaspheme the Lord.

You may have found (and perhaps even written - just found your site today) about these definitions already but I found it very helpful to explore the Greek for 'graven' and 'similitude' as it would seem to apply to carved, painted, etched, drawn etc. attempts to represent the Lord as well as symbols - and the aspect of similitude as it relates to creating allegories or stories (as used in scripting the Catholic sponsored series 'The Chosen' with the lead actor being a Knights Templar member) that have Jesus speaking words He never said in the scriptures.  As His thoughts are higher than any of ours and beyond our ability to grasp this is such presumption and in such error.

As a student of the word as we are all called to be, I have never encountered this until this week.  I believe the enemy has put in plain sight many things we haven't seen, but has also hidden many things we are to see.   While the artwork is pagan (orthodox) in the oldest bible yet found (Ethiopian dead language of Ge'es) its containing of the book of Enoch along with other things I believe God has shown me this season has led me to consider what is canonized (and more importantly why it is canonized and by whom) and having rejected apocryphal writings without ever reading one for all of my Christian life, I started reading the book of Enoch yesterday.   I do not profess to be any type of expert but have been praying for the leading of the Lord - all I can say is that it seems very possible He inspired its writing.  It is the encouragement to believers of the immutable character of holiness of the Lord, that vengeance is His and that His beloved will be set apart for and with Him.
 It so answers to the Christian inquiry of the fall of man and the sin in the world we see now.  There is nothing to challenges any other scriptural truth, but confirms it and readily answers to the Enoch references in in other Bible books.

If you feel led to consider reading it if you haven't as yet this may be of help.

[NOTE: I had to cut this link in order to get it to fit on the page in this post. You'll have to copy/paste the whole thing if you want to see her link, but I didn't bother looking at it because it's just a link to the book of Enoch, which you can tell from the URL, and she obviously believes, some odd reason, that I would not have capability to find it if I wanted to do so.]

May the Lord continue to show you the truths of His word.

I received a second email from her before I had read the first...

I sent you another email regarding symbols - sorry to send two.

Just a quick addendum.   I am not keen to assume anything but the calling out of false prophets is biblical and people are mired in deceit.  God has used, as He promises, the plans for harm to be for our good -  in my own case I was deeply convicted by a Billy Graham crusade.

Sadly, it is confirmed that the Masonic 'rumour' is a true thing (of course it would be unlikely that with the Illuminati controls in government that Graham would have otherwise been invited into the confidence of so many presidents and have been close friends of two).

Author Albert Mackey includes Graham in his book 'The History of Free Masonary' as a famous member.   He does not indicate the degree that Graham was at.  His fame and connections and tremendous wealth would suggest that  a high degree is very plausible, if not indeed likely.

Re: the author of this book - considered by Mason's as a true historian and fellow 'brother':

Freemason Albert Mackey | Masonic Dictionary | www ...
Search domain › mackey.html
Albert Mackey. The American Masonic historian. He was born at Charleston, South Carolina, March 12, 1807. This scholarly Brother lived to the age of seventy-four years. He died at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, June 20, 1881, and was buried at Washington, District of Columbia, Sunday, June 26, with all the solemnity of the Masonic Rites wherein he ...

There is no need to reply to this or my previous email  - they are simply for your own information.  It is unlikely you would attribute information to anyone publically but to be clear I do not want attribution if you use this information.

And now my response to both letters...

Hello - thank you for sharing your insight into the matter of symbols.  I had been feeling so uncomfortable about our friend crossing himself before meals, and my own child wearing a cross necklace that he bought with save up earnings along with many other queries about hidden in plain sight symbols and wondering if the 'Christian' ones were also a part of the enemy's plan to have us blaspheme the Lord.
I'm a little confused by that statement. How does making a cross symbol blaspheme God? What is your definition of "blaspheme"? I have always understood it to mean that one claims that the works of God are of the Devil, and with that understanding, I cannot make sense of how that is blaspheme. It has nothing to do with that, and everything to do with setting a bad example for Christians and misrepresenting who God is.

You may have found (and perhaps even written - just found your site today) about these definitions already but I found it very helpful to explore the Greek for 'graven' and 'similitude' as it would seem to apply to carved, painted, etched, drawn etc. attempts to represent the Lord as well as symbols - and the aspect of similitude as it relates to creating allegories or stories (as used in scripting the Catholic sponsored series 'The Chosen' with the lead actor being a Knights Templar member) that have Jesus speaking words He never said in the scriptures.  As His thoughts are higher than any of ours and beyond our ability to grasp this is such presumption and in such error.
Well... hmm... like you said, you just found the site, so you haven't had much time on it; I understand. There's a reason I don't do what you are suggesting, and I explain more here:
The 'Original Greek' Scam
Most people do not know Greek, and even fewer know Koine. Because of that, most people have to rely on Greek grammar dictionaries, and there are many problems there too:
The Dangers of Using Lexicons and Concordances

As a student of the word as we are all called to be, I have never encountered this until this week.  I believe the enemy has put in plain sight many things we haven't seen, but has also hidden many things we are to see.   While the artwork is pagan (orthodox) in the oldest bible yet found (Ethiopian dead language of Ge'es) its containing of the book of Enoch along with other things I believe God has shown me this season has led me to consider what is canonized (and more importantly why it is canonized and by whom) and having rejected apocryphal writings without ever reading one for all of my Christian life, I started reading the book of Enoch yesterday.   I do not profess to be any type of expert but have been praying for the leading of the Lord - all I can say is that it seems very possible He inspired its writing.  It is the encouragement to believers of the immutable character of holiness of the Lord, that vengeance is His and that His beloved will be set apart for and with Him. It so answers to the Christian inquiry of the fall of man and the sin in the world we see now.  There is nothing to challenges any other scriptural truth, but confirms it and readily answers to the Enoch references in in other Bible books.

Just a quick addendum.   I am not keen to assume anything but the calling out of false prophets is biblical and people are mired in deceit.  God has used, as He promises, the plans for harm to be for our good -  in my own case I was deeply convicted by a Billy Graham crusade.
Sadly, it is confirmed that the Masonic 'rumour' is a true thing (of course it would be unlikely that with the Illuminati controls in government that Graham would have otherwise been invited into the confidence of so many presidents and have been close friends of two).
Author Albert Mackey includes Graham in his book 'The History of Free Masonary' as a famous member.   He does not indicate the degree that Graham was at.  His fame and connections and tremendous wealth would suggest that  a high degree is very plausible, if not indeed likely.

If I am to accuse someone of something, I do not base it on "suggestions" or my opinions about how "likely" I think something might be. I have a responsibility to make sure what I am teaching is the truth based on evidence, not based on speculation. Neither Christ, nor His apostles said things based on speculation, and neither will I. I will stick with evidence. What you do is up to you, but I believe it is wildly irresponsible for authors to use speculation to create sensationalism (to turn a profit) instead of just going by the facts, because that is how people get deceived.

Re: the author of this book - considered by Mason's as a true historian and fellow 'brother': Albert Mackey. The American Masonic historian. He was born at Charleston, South Carolina, March 12, 1807. This scholarly Brother lived to the age of seventy-four years. He died at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, June 20, 1881, and was buried at Washington, District of Columbia, Sunday, June 26, with all the solemnity of the Masonic Rites wherein he

[SIDE NOTE: I did not cut off the email she sent me; that is how the paragraph ended.]

There is no need to reply to this or my previous email  - they are simply for your own information.  It is unlikely you would attribute information to anyone publically but to be clear I do not want attribution if you use this information.
Sadly, when people write to me saying, "there is no need to reply," it typically, actually means, "I don't want to discuss the matter" because, most often, they want to convince others they know what they're talking about, when in fact, they are not as learned on it as they try to get other people to believe. If you don't want to discuss something, then frankly, there is no point in writing an email because, as you might have noticed, on my website, my references do not read "A lady named Ms. Race emailed me and told me it was true."

Also concerning your comment on this email being "for me," ... well ... I'm not so sure that is the case. It depends.

So, for example, let's suppose you read my expose on Billy Graham, which is here:
Wolves in Costume: Billy Graham
You did not indicate whether or not you did, so it leaves me puzzled as to why you were putting so much emphasis on writing me this random letter talking about it. (i.e. You did not provide any context.) If you had not read it, it would be a very strange thing to receive a letter like this out of nowhere, kind of like if I had just written you a letter on the techniques of harvesting cabbage out of nowhere--you would be rather confused. However, let's assume you did read it, and that's why you are writing to me.

You might have read where I pointed out that there is no solid evidence that Graham was a member of the Freemasons, even though he worked with many of them, as I pointed out here:
Freemasonry: A Luciferian Beacon
Of course, my statements contradict the opinions of other authors you have read. So instead of considering what evidence exists, you instead turn to the opinion of an author (i.e. Chris Pinto, who I do not trust because I have caught him making manipulative videos in the past) who already agrees with your preconceived idea about Graham, and you want me to believe what you believe and teach, so that I will teach what you teach, or in other words, you like my other teachings, but you don't like it that I disagree with you on key points that you are very fervent about, so you want me to conform with what you believe, that way you feel more comfortable when reading my materials.

Thus, if you are writing to me for that reason, you wrote this letter for YOU, not for me. Copying an excerpt from a Masonic Dictionary website is not the equivalent of research.

Author Albert Mackey includes Graham in his book 'The History of Free Masonary' as a famous member.
Furthermore, you claim that Albert Mackey, who died in 1881, wrote about Billy Graham's involvement in the Freemasons, even though Graham wasn't born until 1918. ??? If you could explain more details on that claim, I would love to hear more about it. I'll wait for your response on that.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read some of the materials I've written. I appreciate it. Have a great day.


I had little doubt that she would refuse to respond, and it was likely that she never even read my response to her. I have received countless letters like this, and they are typically from women. They want me to believe what they have chosen to believe, and even though they cannot provide evidence for it, and then they tuck tail and run the second I ask them to answer for what they say.

However, I still would like to know how Albert Mackey was able to describe Billy Graham's involvement in the Freemasons 40 years before Billy Graham was born. Still waiting for a response.  ::)

I always found it very interesting that when I have spoken blessings of God on others in the sense of His giving us wisdom and understanding of His Word, I always say "I pray God would continue to show ME the truth of His Word," or "I pray God would continue to show US the truth of His Word," but it is VERY common that I have people write to me, "
May the Lord continue to show YOU the truths of His word," and I am just pointing that out because, so often, it's not about them learning more about God's Word, it's about me not agreeing with their opinions, and therefore, because we are in disagreement, they believe I need prayer so I would learn enough to agree with them. ??? ::)

Just food for thought.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18