Author Topic: A Few Social Media Website Updates  (Read 582 times)


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A Few Social Media Website Updates
« on: January 20, 2022, 09:48:53 AM »
Today, I made a few changes to the website.

1. There is a new search bar. This new bar should be a bit faster than the old one. Also, the site search will no longer use Google -- it will now search through DuckDuckGo.

2. There are now two Telegram buttons on the side. One will take you to the CLE Ministry Updates channel, which is a channel that does not have comments, and is purposed only to get information out about new ministry teachings and updates. The other button will take you to the CLE World News channel, where I post information on current events concerning what is going on in the current WW3 that we are in, which I created to make sure Christian families can stay up to date on what's happening, so they know best how to protect themselves and their homes.

3. This is not a change, but a notification. I have not fully decided what I am going to do yet, but there is one thing I know for certain--if it works well, and I suspect it will, then I will be joining Donald Trump's Truth Social media platform that is supposed to be coming out in about four weeks. (i.e. mid-Feb) There are many reasons I will be joining this, and I have heard that it will have a paid subscription, but that is fine with me; I'll pay the fee because it is going to be ad-free, completely secure from Deep State hacks, completely freedom of speech without censorship, and you all should be able to watch and listen without having to pay anything. Things could change in the future, so I'll update you all as I make decisions.

Also, I may be cutting out some social media I currently have on the site. There are some of them that are getting almost no traffic, so I may be dropping them to save myself time.

As it stands, I should be staying on Rumble, and the reason for that is because, as far as I understand it, Donald Trump's acquisition company purchased Rumble, and has been moving all of Rumble's servers from Canada to the U.S. in a secure location, which not only will mean Rumble will be faster and more secure, but it also means that it will be part of the Truth Social platform, and that should also mean that I will not have to do any video re-uploading, and that any of your Rumble subscriptions should be smoothly transferred in partnership with Truth Social.

We don't know how Truth Social is going to work yet, so all of this is subject to change. But I do hope you all like these new changes, and as far as I know, I will be sticking with Telegram, as it has become the first social media platform I actually like (it's fast, easy, uncensored, and the highest security social media platform out there right now), and I have been using it frequently, so if you want updates, download Telegram and join us.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18