Author Topic: New Member  (Read 1644 times)


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New Member
« on: April 01, 2022, 07:56:20 AM »
     Hi, my name is James and I am a sinner.  This is the introduction I was given by the man who taught me who Jesus was and I hope it will be good enough for you all. 


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Re: New Member
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2022, 08:11:19 AM »
Hi James,

This link here explains what a proper introduction entails. For your convenience I'll quote a portion of it here:

Please don't just say "Hello." This forum is not an impersonal social media site. Keep in mind that we do not know who you are, and so writing a bit about yourself, your beliefs, how you found this site, why you joined, (if you are a Christian, include the testimony of your conversion of repentance and faith unto Christ), etc; all those types of details will help us get to know you a bit better, and we hope you enjoy conversing with born again Christians here.

Could you write about some of these highlighted topics so that we can understand more about who you are, your testimony of salvation if you have one, and why you are here?
"Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better." (Ecclesiastes 7:3)


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Re: New Member
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2022, 03:38:46 PM »
     "Please don't just say "Hello." This forum is not an impersonal social media site. Keep in mind that we do not know who you are, and so writing a bit about yourself, your beliefs, how you found this site, why you joined, (if you are a Christian, include the testimony of your conversion of repentance and faith unto Christ), etc; all those types of details will help us get to know you a bit better, and we hope you enjoy conversing with born again Christians here."

     The word, "please" insinuates that this is not mandatory.  I appreciate the request, but my conversion story is very personal to me and involves some embarrassing details that I don't feel like telling a bunch of strangers just yet.  Once I get to know you a bit better, I will surely elaborate.  So far though, I am glad I kept my conversion story to myself.  I am wondering if there are Christians here at all, or a bunch of people swelled up with their own pride.  It's my duty to test the spirits, and as much as you are testing me, I am testing you.   As soon as you repent for siding with Rowan over your own false interpretations, I will forgive you just as the Bible tells me to do, and we can move on as brothers and sisters.  Right now I am just trying to figure out if you are a sister or not.


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Re: New Member
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2022, 03:43:18 PM »
James, you went off to another thread and started having lengthy discussion. You completely ignored Ellie here, and then you kept making excuses, justifications, and smart remarks back to her on the other thread.

Here's the simple fact: We don't mind if you want to come here and have discussion, but you signed a registration agreement that you would abide by the rules of the forum, specifically to post a proper introduction in this thread upon joining. This is not a public square. This is a private forum (which is like a private home), and if you do not want to abide by its rules, you are encouraged to leave and go find another forum where you don't have to abide by any rules.

We set these standards in place for very good reasons. We all abide by them together in a friendly manner. If you want to join us by abiding by them in that friendly manner, then we welcome you, but if you do not, then there are consequences to lying (i.e. signing an agreement, and breaking your word).

It's your decision. I'll leave it you. Hope to hear back from you on this thread in the near future so we can continue in friendly discussions.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: New Member
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2022, 03:50:09 PM »
The word, "please" insinuates that this is not mandatory.  I appreciate the request, but my conversion story is very personal to me and involves some embarrassing details that I don't feel like telling a bunch of strangers just yet.  Once I get to know you a bit better, I will surely elaborate.  So far though, I am glad I kept my conversion story to myself.  I am wondering if there are Christians here at all, or a bunch of people swelled up with their own pride.  It's my duty to test the spirits, and as much as you are testing me, I am testing you.   As soon as you repent for siding with Rowan over your own false interpretations, I will forgive you just as the Bible tells me to do, and we can move on as brothers and sisters.  Right now I am just trying to figure out if you are a sister or not.
This is what I mean by your smart remarks, in which you think you're being sly, but you're not reading what is being said. "Please," is a kind way of approaching someone, and if that is something you do not yet understand, things will not go well for you on any forum or chatroom you join.

Here is what the agreement stated, since you obviously did not bother to read it carefully:
IMPORTANT NOTE: All new members are required to make a post in the "Introduce Yourself" section of the forum within 48 hours of registering. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS HERE) We only desire to have active members register an account. If you desire only to read the forum, you do not require an account to do so because threads are open for read-only to the public. If you make no posts on your account on the "Introduce Yourself" board within 48 hours of its creation, your account is subject to deletion.

You agreed to post this according to the instructions in the link, which is what Ellie quoted to you. You are refusing to do what you agreed to do.

If you are uncomfortable sharing your testimony of salvation in Jesus Christ with strangers, then I do not think you have an understanding of the Gospel of Salvation, nor do I think you have an understanding of our function as Christians in this world. No one else who actively participates on this forum has any problem sharing their testimonies publicly, but when someone claiming to represent Christ has a problem sharing it, that puts us on guard, and it indicates someone who (as you so aptly put it) is "swelled up with their own pride."

We are not in your house right now, you are in someone else's house who pays for this forum. Therefore, we do not abide by YOUR rules, but rather, you abide by ours. If that is disagreeable to you, then I bid you a great day, as you are welcome to leave to go pay for and start your own forum with your own rules, or I hope you find a place that is better suited for you elsewhere.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 03:55:14 PM by creationliberty »
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: New Member
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2022, 03:59:39 PM »
     I gave you my conversion story.  A man once told me he was a sinner.  He then went on to tell me about how Jesus Christ forgave him for his sins.  I began to read the New Testament, and little by little, my faith grew.  Whereas once upon a time, I was the son of a public teacher of Evolution, I now have faith in God that Jesus rose on the third day and conquered death.

     I have done what you guys have asked for a third time.  Is anyone here wanting to discuss doctrine?  Your members are totally botching Revelation.  No one has responded to my concerns.  I like how you break down snares of the world and allow people to see them for what they are.  Just like how you watched Hovind 50 times in a row, so did I.  I'm around 150-200 hours in on your teachings now.  I only came here to warn you guys.  If no one wants to discuss these important things with someone who opposes their interpretations, I need to move on.


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Re: New Member
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2022, 05:06:38 PM »
You lied when you said you have given your conversion testimony three times. You lied when you said you did what you agreed to do. It doesn't matter if you have listened to 10,000 hours of my teachings, there is no repentance of sin in your testimony, so it's meaningless.

However, I am glad you came clean and admitted that you did not come here for any kind of fellowship, but rather, you came here to have debates. That completely matches your prideful attitude, so it all makes sense now.

I'm glad you are moving on because I don't think you will fit in with us here because you are not like-minded with the rest of us in one accord.

Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
-Phil 2:2

I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for somewhere else. Have a great day.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: New Member
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2022, 05:13:26 PM »
After that's settled, I wanted to make a quick comment for everyone else that the hypocrisy from James was staggering. The reason for this is because, after listening to 150-200 hours of my audio teachings, why does he not yet have enough discernment to know whether or not I'm of Christ?

That is baffling. Maybe he's new; I don't know. He didn't give us that much detail so would could know, but the fact is that if he listened to my teachings for 8 hours a day, he would have been listening for almost a month, and he still can't make up his mind?

Something is really strange here. He has influence from something else he's not telling us, and if he is allegedly a "new Christian," then I am certain of that outside corrupt influence. So either he is not saved, or he has fallen prey to someone.

THE MAJOR POINT IS THIS: James finds it acceptable to listen to me for 150-200 hours, analyzing my testimony, and still cannot seem to figure out if I am a of Christ, but he does NOT find it acceptable that we should question ANYTHING about him to see if he is of Christ, and we should just assume it's true, while he gets to question and argue against everyone here until he is satisfied.

That hypocrisy blows my mind. I cannot comprehend that. I'm glad he left (assuming he keeps his word, and doesn't come back again to lie a third time). Personally, I don't think he's come to repentance at all and is just faking it, but that's just my suspicion.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 05:16:23 PM by creationliberty »
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: New Member
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2022, 05:30:34 PM »
You lied when you said you have given your conversion testimony three times. You lied when you said you did what you agreed to do.

James admitted in his previous post that he willingly chose not to give his "testimony" because he said it was personal, and he claimed he was glad he didn't give it. He knew that he never gave it, so I am not sure why he claimed in his next post that he gave it "three times."

I appreciate the request, but my conversion story is very personal to me and involves some embarrassing details that I don't feel like telling a bunch of strangers just yet.  Once I get to know you a bit better, I will surely elaborate.  So far though, I am glad I kept my conversion story to myself.

That is a huge contradiction and I'm glad that you pointed out the lie. Very odd. At least his true intentions were revealed quickly.

If he was trying to fake having repentance he didn't do a very good job when he basically demanded that we agree with him and then told me to repent for siding with Rowan on the doctrine. I actually didn't even say anything about the doctrine they were talking about, I just went on there to point out the blatant issues with what he was doing because I noticed he immediately falsely accused Rowan after ignoring my question about his testimony which was a red flag.
"Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better." (Ecclesiastes 7:3)


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Re: New Member
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2022, 08:38:21 PM »
I put a warning on his account, but it was high enough that it prevented him from posting (even though it shouldn't have done that; it's a possible bug in the forum software). But he reported on thread complaining because he wanted to post again. He said he needed to move on in his last post, but he wanted to come back again to cause more contention. I mean, I knew I was going to have to ban him on his next post because he wanted to keep fighting instead of just following the forum rules and abiding by his signed agreement with us, but now he's probably left altogether because he couldn't post, and that's probably a good thing. I readjusted it to allow him to post anyway. I'll try to keep that warning level bug in mind for next time. (i.e. It is supposed to allow him to make posts with moderator approval at those levels, but it either isn't working, or he just wouldn't do it--I can't tell yet.)
« Last Edit: April 02, 2022, 10:28:55 AM by creationliberty »
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18