Author Topic: I Tried To Tell People Not To Trust Wikipedia  (Read 1423 times)


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I Tried To Tell People Not To Trust Wikipedia
« on: July 17, 2021, 11:14:09 AM »
For many years now, I have told people not to trust Wikipedia. You will notice that on my website, I do not provide references linking to Wikipedia. I have, however, had people write me and do that, and I have told them that Wikipedia is not trustworthy. I have also had a number of them get very angry with me, and others who would not respond after I told them that.



Wikipedia is the lazy man's research website. These lazy people think they can keyword searching a topic and send me a Wikipedia article, and that they have accomplished their goal of proving wrong something I said/wrote. And because they are lazy, they don't realize that they are being scammed, and hate me for pointing it out to them.

The people who write for Wikipedia have a mainstream bias, and are FORCED to have a mainstream bias. I have attempted to correct things that were blatantly wrong on Wikipedia in years past, since they said it was user driven, but they will NOT correct errors on subjects of mainstream leftist bias. The only way to avoid that censorship is to create a new type of sub-section of Wikipedia (which gets much less traffic) to write something different, but the main Wikipedia website must follow mainstream guidelines on any subject, including religion, politics, science, economics, etc... which means you are getting TONS of false and biased information through the site.

Again, I have warned people about this for years, and look what's coming out now...

“Nobody Should Trust Wikipedia” – Co-founder of Wikipedia Larry Sanger

Of course, he's only coming out to say that because Wikipedia is cutting out large portions of conservative information right now, but what's ridiculous is that this has been happening for YEARS on a micro level. This site has been almost completely unreliable outside of getting VERY basic level information (like when someone lived and died) for many years, but only now is this starting to get made known because of the war that is going on right now against the deep state.

You cannot have any website that is built for education without bias. That's impossible because education in general implies morals, and moral standards have to come from faith. Someone has to run the site. Someone has to have the final say. Therefore, that someone WILL be biased, and public opinion is not education.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18