Author Topic: There's such a thing as "long flu" now.  (Read 1316 times)

Rowan M.

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There's such a thing as "long flu" now.
« on: September 29, 2021, 06:58:08 AM »
I have just come across this rather interesting article on the BBC News site, which reveals that a study has shown there is such a thing as "long flu", similar to "long COVID":

The study does say that persistent symptoms are more common for COVID than flu, but still, that's pretty intriguing. And the article led me to another interesting article from six days ago:

This article talks about how common colds in the UK have become worse this year because people's immune systems have been messed up by all the lockdowns. People are getting severe colds with symptoms that are similar to flu, but not quite as bad, supposedly.

What also caught my eye in this second article was this quote:

"ZOE, the world's largest ongoing study into the virus, states through their millions of health reports, many of the symptoms of Covid-19 are now the same as a regular cold, especially for people who have received two doses of the vaccine. That makes it harder to tell the difference." (Emphasis mine) Is it the vaccine (wait, wasn't that supposed to give you immunity from COVID?), or is it just attenuation, where the virus is becoming more infectious but less deadly?

So yeah, just thought I'd share that. Although the BBC is as bad as any other mainstream media for propaganda, they can still manage to be somewhat informative about things on occasion.
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Re: There's such a thing as "long flu" now.
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2022, 01:09:01 PM »
That was one of the first things I looked up in early to mid 2020, when the C19 symptoms were described as basically being identical to having influenza...the statistics said that influenza cases had dropped by 99.9%. I wish I'd saved the article but even others I asked about it would come up with all kinds of excuses including "oh, it's thanks to the lockdowns, social distancing, masks and sanitizer that it's gone down so much."

I mean, they didn't even TRY fudging the figures to make it look legitimate, if it was a drop of 50 to 70% then that could be explained away but to have it almost eradicated? Nup, I smell something super fishy.

There was a banner going around facebook, and I think it's quite accurate. "You didn't trust the science, you trusted the TV." And too many people did.  :(
Romans: {11:3} Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life. {11:4} But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to [the image of] Baal.


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Re: There's such a thing as "long flu" now.
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2022, 03:35:19 PM »
That was one of the first things I looked up in early to mid 2020, when the C19 symptoms were described as basically being identical to having influenza...the statistics said that influenza cases had dropped by 99.9%. I wish I'd saved the article but even others I asked about it would come up with all kinds of excuses including "oh, it's thanks to the lockdowns, social distancing, masks and sanitizer that it's gone down so much."

I mean, they didn't even TRY fudging the figures to make it look legitimate, if it was a drop of 50 to 70% then that could be explained away but to have it almost eradicated? Nup, I smell something super fishy.

There was a banner going around facebook, and I think it's quite accurate. "You didn't trust the science, you trusted the TV." And too many people did.  :( 

Yes, you are correct about everything there.  The other thing about influenza is that no "virus" has ever been isolated and proven to exist and the same is true for all other "viruses".  In the 1918 - 1920's period they did a lot of studies on influenza and one of the things they proved is that influenza can not be passed from one person to another.  Over the decades the politicians and the medical establishment and the media have conveniently failed to pay any attention to those findings.  No "vaccine" has ever protected anybody from anything either and it is all a great big scam.

I tried to put in an image I have of trusted TV not the science but I can't see how to insert an image that is stored on my hard drive.  Will be good if you do get on Telegram.
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Re: There's such a thing as "long flu" now.
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2022, 05:22:14 AM »
I'm grabbing a desktop version of Telegram, should be on soon.

Also, Chris wasn't wrong about the whole thing being politically motivated, after all most of the pro-mask pro-vax pro-lockdown crowd seemed to be mostly comprised of left wing zealots, but over a year in, a lot of people started picking up on the concept that it was becoming a cult mentality. Didn't exactly disprove that when Fauci openly stated that questioning him was like questioning science...I mean, I've heard rumours he was Jesuit trained but I'm pretty sure I've heard popes make the same claim "questioning me is like questioning god."...and people still didn't pick up that they were being conned.

I have a hard time seeing much difference between the mentality of the Covid Cultists and the people who followed Jim Jones in The People's Temple, Mormons "baring their testimony" (weirdly enough the mormons love buzz words too), or the followers of Bagwan Rajneesh and Rajneeshparhum that was set up in Oregon a few decades ago.

Speaking of Rajneesh, looking at the doe eyed glazed look his followers had when they were interviewed (it's almost like they were hypnotized or sky high on some sort of substance), I've seen that same look in a different bunch of people lately...those who support and advocate the multiple gender garbage and try to push hormone replacement therapy on children. Exact same look, like the old expression "the lights are on but no one's home".
Romans: {11:3} Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life. {11:4} But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to [the image of] Baal.