Author Topic: Just Downloaded and Installed "Brave" Browser and... Wow!  (Read 1869 times)


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Just Downloaded and Installed "Brave" Browser and... Wow!
« on: January 09, 2021, 01:16:28 PM »
For many years now I have been using Google Chrome, and I know that Google tracks and sells information. I just never cared because I serve the Lord Jesus Christ and He hides me from the eyes of my enemies. I used it because it was fast and efficient, but conservative, freedom-loving Americans have created a browser called "Brave," and I have got to tell you guys that it blew me away how impressive it was. Obviously, they named it after the phrase "The land of the free, and the home of the brave."

It runs FASTER than Google Chrome, and I tested this myself. They were not kidding. It runs MUCH FASTER than Google Chrome. My page loads are almost instantaneous on my end. Furthermore, when I tested out their option to get started and clicked to transfer all my info from Chrome to Brave, it was done in less than half a second. I'm not kidding; Lorraine was there when I did it and she was thoroughly impressed. It even runs on much less battery power so you can work longer on your laptops and phones, they have rewards systems to support individual content creators, and they have excellent firewalls and VPNs to protect your data and block ads.

So, I'm done with Google Chrome, and switching to Brave. If any of you are interested, try it for yourself. It took me less than five minutes to get everything set up to just the way I had it with Chrome, and now I will be doing writing and research on this new browser, which will save me a lot of time by how fast it works.

I'm not saying anyone needs to switch over; I just wanted to share how great it works for me, and hope that helps someone else. (Lorraine is excited about it too; she's using it for the first time right now and it is quite fast.)
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Re: Just Downloaded and Installed "Brave" Browser and... Wow!
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2021, 01:50:00 PM »
I've been using Brave for quite some time now, and my rewards have been piling up because I haven't found any sites that I really want to contribute to. So as soon as you get set up to receive rewards, I'll send what I have saved up to you.  ;D


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Re: Just Downloaded and Installed "Brave" Browser and... Wow!
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2021, 02:11:41 PM »
Jeanne, I think I remember you mentioning that some time ago about Brave, but I'm sorry I did not pay much attention to it at the time, and I appreciate your comments on it. I do not understand the rewards thing AT ALL, haha! That stuff confuses me. Maybe Lorraine can help me understand it later.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
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Re: Just Downloaded and Installed "Brave" Browser and... Wow!
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2021, 03:23:44 PM »
Here is a breakdown of how Brave rewards (tokens) work

Joshua JZB

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Re: Just Downloaded and Installed "Brave" Browser and... Wow!
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2021, 08:49:20 AM »
Wow indeed! I've been using Firefox for the past year or so because I've been more conscious of Google's ways, and Firefox is regarded as a pretty good browser in terms of privacy. But looks like Brave is even better in this department as well as in speed!

I am shocked at how much faster it is than Firefox, I was actually getting quite frustrated with how slow it would be on certain websites. I was also always concerned at how much memory Firefox used as well.
So I decided to take compare the two browsers, I had the same amount of tabs open on the same websites on both of them, and when I looked at how much RAM was being used, Brave was using 417.9 MB and Firefox was using 1,032. MB! (RAM/memory is the short term memory of a computer, I understand that it's kind of like the workspace for the CPU, the part of the computer that does most of the processing for those that might be curious.)
I tested again by playing a video on both browsers, and Brave was using around about 700, and Firefox around about double again!

Perhaps since I had some a few extensions on my Firefox, maybe that contributed to it being slower, but I don't think it would be that significant. So Brave is not only faster, but seems far more efficient too.

I've been using Brave for the past couple days now and I've been enjoying it a lot. Thanks a lot for sharing!

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Re: Just Downloaded and Installed "Brave" Browser and... Wow!
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2021, 02:47:00 PM »
Installed. I like it so far
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