Author Topic: Hello from a redeemed sinner!  (Read 9372 times)


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Re: Hello from a redeemed sinner!
« Reply #40 on: October 14, 2020, 12:04:23 AM »
Hi Ellie and Heather, i read and reread your messages. Im not sure what to say here, I think maybe you are overthinking this? If the Lord shows me I have unforgiveness rooting in my heart and he gives me the grace to forgive, whats the problem?

For if you forgive other people who sin against you, Your heavenly father will also forgive you matt 6:14

Bear with each other and forgive one another If anyone has a grievance against Someone.  Forgive as the Lord has forgiven you Colossians 313

There is so many more passages that tell us to forgive And have no requirement of the other person asking for forgiveness. I think its damaging us to hold onto resentment & unforgiveness. I know it was for me.

Im very impressed with your Bible knowledge. Thank you for your fellowship, it warms my heart.