Author Topic: For any who have been silenced by YTube, Twitter, Fbook or others  (Read 1231 times)


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Of course it has not been reported in great detail on the media...but those who have faced censorship from those platforms, may have some recourse.

President Trump made a Presidential order to combat this a few months ago;
Section 2:30 of the Communication decency act
and the white house has launched a tech bias tool, in which to report these issues.
Those platforms getting federal dollars (from advertising), found to be censoring people, may get their advertisements from them pulled. They may be other repercussions as well. I feel not enough people know about this, but can use the citing of the order, to call out those doing the censoring.
God Bless,


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Re: For any who have been silenced by YTube, Twitter, Fbook or others
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2020, 07:36:53 PM »
You see Melissa, that's what I was concerned about when you came here to join the forum. So far, it seems like you are much more concerned about the things that the "conspiracy theory ministries" out there are concerned about, and much less concerned about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When I read your introduction post, I had a suspicion your first post was going to be something along these lines. I'm not really sure what you came here for, but I think you might have misunderstood somewhere along the line what our ministry is about because, once you understand what we believe and teach, I think you might be disappointed since our goals are not going to be aligned.

The things that you're posting about are going to come to pass eventually because they have to in order for the events of Revelation to unfold. If not now, then soon. We are all just praying for the times of peaceful preaching to continue as long as God will allow so we can teach the repentance and remission of sins that will save souls.

I hope you will go over to the introduction thread you started and read some of our concerns, and perhaps explain to us your beliefs so we can understand you better. (
« Last Edit: July 31, 2020, 10:49:14 AM by creationliberty »
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18