Author Topic: Youtube Censorship Again  (Read 1864 times)


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Youtube Censorship Again
« on: September 09, 2020, 10:43:31 AM »
I got my second YouTube strike this year, and it was once again a video exposing Steven Anderson's railing and false doctrines. I cannot expose certain false teachers on YouTube without hitting their "Hate Speech" auto-filter; this is why some of you may have noticed that many content creators will censor their own words, even when just reading news and information.

One strike is a warning that lasts for a few months. Two strikes within a short time will prevent me from uploading for a number of weeks. Three strikes within a short time will shut down the channel. I have no idea what they will look for, when they will find something that violates their ridiculous policies, nor when I will be shut down.

I want everyone to understand that I could have my entire channel removed at any moment. I could still be on YouTube for another 10 years, or I could have it removed next week, so if anyone is reading this and relies on YouTube to listen to what I preach, you are walking on thin ice because I do not know how much longer I will be on there.

This is why I have encouraged everyone, many times, to go to the website to read or listen to anything. I re-upload some of my videos to internet archives, where they do not have retarded political censorship. Internet Archives allows me to embed the videos I upload, so they will still be available on the articles and books I produce.

For now, God has allowed me to continue unhindered on my website. However, that could also change in the future depending on future presidents and congressmen who may attempt to initiate general internet censorship for their so-called "hate speech." It will not just be certain words, but eventually, general concepts, and even the King James Bible, will be censored, so we should thank God for the time he has allowed us to be free to preach. I do not believe that time is coming very soon, but it could be for all we know.

I will continue to upload my teachings and other certain videos to YouTube, but I have a backlog of all the videos I have uploaded on my computer and a back-up drive, so I can re-upload things to another platform just in case. There are some videos I am no longer even attempting to bring to YouTube, so again, go to the website if you want all the teachings and other content that I produce.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Youtube Censorship Again
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2020, 03:58:47 AM »
I would like to take this opportunity to again remind people that all of the audio recordings, including the first half Bible teachings, are also available on Sound Cloud at:

I sometimes get a bit behind in uploading the teachings there, but as of this post, everything is up to date, and I will try to keep it that way in the future.