Author Topic: Conspiracy Fanatic Believes His Mind is The Source of All Truth  (Read 2401 times)


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    • Creation Liberty Evangelism
  • First Name: Christopher
  • Belief: Christian
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Indiana


Ref Washington:
There are many paintings of Washington in full Masonic regalia, including laying the cornerstone of the Capitol. Washington city is full of statues of Washington in masonic regalia & symbolism. The main lodge also proclaims Washington to be a Mason. That's evidence beyond question.
You forget a main tenet of Masons is to deceive:"To deceive is glorious." Thus the word of a Mason is worthless. Masons say whatever is needed. Thus the letter you quote & rely on is not strong evidence like you believe.

Then go believe whatever you want. My job is to present the facts, not make you believe them. My study and research does not involve quoting the vague opinions of random people who email me, which is why you will notice that my website does not contain references that say, "-Eric from Canada said so." You are free to go get your information somewhere else. I hope you depart from our ministry in peace, and I wish you a pleasant evening. *insert detective emoji*


The reason I am posting this letter is to demonstrate how arrogant people tend to be, in combination with the fact that most people who write me do not the book/article in reference BEFORE they write me. The reference he was making was to my teaching called "Freemasonry: A Luciferian Beacon," which is my book exposing the Luciferian religion of Freemasonry.

If you read the book, specifically chapter 7, you will find that, not only do I point out that Washington was a member of a Masonic lodge, but I also published an image of Washington in the "Masonic regalia." So those of you who just read this letter, and have read chapter 7, are probably asking yourselves: "What was this guy's problem?'

The problem is that, the letters (i.e. letters PLURAL, which means it was not just one, as he claimed) that I was quoting was providing evidence that Washington did not care about being a Mason, and had only stepped foot inside a Masonic temple twice in 30 years. So the problem is that all the "conspiracy ministries" out there claim that Washington was this secret, super-high level Freemason that started a Masonic foundational conspiracy in the United States, when in reality, he just went along with their "photo" requests, as he did with many groups at that time, because he was the first president of the United States and had to do a lot of public work to help keep citizens confident in the early struggles of a baby nation.

Washington rarely attended church buildings, but that does not mean he believed on Christ. Washington also rarely attended Masonic meetings, but that does not mean he believed in the tenants of Freemasons, and later in his life, he confessed that there was Illuminati conspiracy behind the scenes in Freemasonry that he was previously unaware of, which he also said he despised.

The point is that you will always have conspiracy fanatics who will rant and rage like toddlers when their conspiracy paradigms do not match the actual research. The reason I keep getting crazy letters like these from so many of them is because most of them rely on blogs and dramatic YouTube videos as their source of information, and when someone comes along with well-documented research (which is normally foreign to their community), they expect that author to repeat the conspiracy community's mantras and ideology, otherwise, they throw a tantrum because, in their minds, the movement is more important than the truth.

Folks, please keep in mind that the people who are pulling the strings behind the curtain of media, government, religion, and secret societies, are most often not in the mainstream view. In other words, most of those who are in charge behind the scenes are faceless and nameless to the public because they remain hidden, and those who are in the mainstream light are most often just their puppets.

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
-Gal 4:16

The fact is that Eric did not find this ministry because he was looking for the truth of Jesus Christ and wanted to learn more of His doctrine, but rather, he found us because he spends all day, every day, working on conspiracies, and I could tell, not only because of the tone of his letter, but I could also tell after I looked him up online and found his email address connected to this website:
I'll let you all make of that what you will.

What was most fascinating to me, and I have seen this error coming from many of those who following the conspiracy so-called "ministries," is that he said:
"You forget a main tenet of Masons is to deceive: 'To deceive is glorious.' Thus the word of a Mason is worthless."
And yet, when it comes to the Masonic words about George Washington, and the paintings they made of him, he believes the Masonic words without question. Is that not contradictory, hypocritical, and fascinating all at the same time? What it proves is Eric's presuppositional bias, meaning that he wanted to believe what he wanted to believe and the truth does not matter to him, and therefore, his letter to me was nothing more than his attempt to justify what he already believed, and if what I wrote was not convincing, and if what I write is just the ramblings of a idiot, then why was he so offended?

In the end, what I wrote was convincing to him, and he was trying to deny it, but he had no way to back up his claims, which is why he did not include any references or quotes of his own. This is not the first letter like this I have received, and I am sure it will not be the last.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18