Author Topic: (BOOK) The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage  (Read 1847 times)


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(BOOK) The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage
« on: February 13, 2020, 01:51:36 PM »
The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage

I know I completely rewrote this book last year, but I have spent the past couple of months renovating it entirely all over again, and it is much longer than it was before, even though it is still seven chapters. I wanted to polish this as much as I could in preparation for an audio teaching on this subject, and so I hope some of you might be willing to read through it and tell me if you think I left out anything you think was important.

The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18