Author Topic: Ignorance About the KJB and Italicized Words  (Read 2579 times)


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Ignorance About the KJB and Italicized Words
« on: October 28, 2019, 09:24:45 AM »
I know this is a very short email, but this is all he said.

JUDE FROM AMERICAN & INDIA (that's what he wrote):

The real Authorized King James Bible has italics, and should not be altered.

The real Authorized King James Bible originally had different font to indicate those added words. It was later "altered" to italics, and some today have brackets around the words (all of which are acceptable, despite your beliefs). So simply saying "the real King James Bible has italics" is just laziness or ignorance; I can't tell which. Also, I reject your accusation that I altered anything, and if others are looking up the Scriptures I teach on their own (as they should be), they can find those italicized words in their respective Bibles.
If you don't like that my articles have not included the italics, and you believe it is super important to understand the doctrine, then you start up your own ministry, teach the Word of God yourself, and make sure they are all included, so you can provide a better example for all of us to follow. Let me know when you get started on that. Have a great day.


The man was so lazy, he could not even be bothered to say, "While reading your site, I noticed that you did not include the italics in Scripture" to simply give a context of what he was talking about. I had to guess based on his implication, which I should not have to do.

The fact is that, if you take a look at an original KJB, you will notice that it is in Gothic font, and the added words are in Roman font. If he believes that should not be changed, then he should go back to reading Gothic font, but he won't do that because it's inconvenient for him; therefore, he's a hypocrite.

For the sake of other Christians, I acknowledge the added words, but do not include them on the website because it would take a lot more individual coding to get that done than you might realize, and even then, to go back and fix every article and book I have online would be a nightmare that would literally force me to stop developing teachings for an extended time to implement, and would slow down the process quite a bit, all for no reason at all.
What do I mean by, "for no reason?" I'll give an example:

He that hath the Son hath life; [and] he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
-1Jo 5:12

The word "and" was added to the Scripture, so now let's take the argument a step further and read it without that added word, and see if it changes the doctrine:
He that hath the Son hath life; he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
Did you see a drastic change? Was the Lord Jesus Christ denied through this? Was the Bible corrupted in any way? Is the Son of God no longer the giver of life because the "and" was not there?

The core of the argument Jude was making (even though he likely didn't realize it because he's just copying what he heard some false preacher say) was that by not including italics, people would not know what specific word was added in by the translators. Well, if that is the case, why not just read it without the added words? Would it be wrong to just remove them? No, but meaning is clearer with them; that's all.

Whether or not there is an "and" in between those two sentences does not make that much difference, as I can tell that both thoughts correlate to one another, and one cannot be true without the other. Therefore, the word 'and' clarifies it for simple-minded readers, gives us the intended contextual meaning from the Greek. That's it.
Therefore, is the Scripture changed because I do not have italics on those words? That's absurd, and this man is learning some strange doctrine from someone who is very superstitious. This is why I said I do not associate with the KJB-onlyist crowd, as many of them jump overboard off a perfectly sailing ship. As I said to him in the letter, if people are looking up and reading these Scriptures for themselves, they will find the italics or brackets on their own, and will be able to discern the matter for themselves, but to be frank, most of the time, I don't hardly ever pay attention to it when I'm studying Scripture because it's unnecessary.

We had a guy on our forum a long time ago that made a huge deal out of this before he left, and it was senseless. I would say to anyone else: If you have a problem with the italics issue, then depart in peace; find someone else to go study with and leave us be.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18