Author Topic: Youtube Censorship and Google Controversy  (Read 3898 times)


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Youtube Censorship and Google Controversy
« on: August 27, 2019, 07:34:56 PM »
I don't really want to get political on this, but there is a matter that I've had brought up to me many times, and I just want everyone to understand that it doesn't matter. The issue is people saying that I should not be using Youtube, namely because it's owned by Google. The thing is, it doesn't matter because I do not have a Youtube ministry. I get a lot of new viewers out of content when I publish to Youtube, but if Youtube decides to shut down my channel, which I do believe one day in the future they might do, I have no lost my ministry, and I will continue to do the same thing I've been doing every year.

I want to share the following video, and again, I do not endorse Steven Crowder because he claims to be a Christian when he is not; that's obvious just by listening to him for a little bit. (He's likely a Catholic.) However, recently, Youtube has been shutting down channels based on claims from large manufacturers, whether or not the claims are true; meaning that they're pandering to billion dollar companies. Also, Youtube has been demonetizing channels that do not report or teach the mainstream socialist paradigm.

I empathized with his position a bit at the end, and understood completely what he and the lawyer were both saying because I have actually accomplished what he talked about towards the end, namely, creating a channel that does not have click bait, is free for all to see, and that I spend a lot of my time reverse engineering sources. (i.e. Crowder's comments at the end about verifying sources, and using a wide variety of sources--I do all of that.) Few people understand how much time it takes, and what I do by myself on a daily basis is what other people hire teams of researchers to do.

Many people have suggested that I do a lot more mainstream style stuff in my videos (like live videos for example), but the way I have published on Youtube, I simply thought was the right way for me to do things Biblically, because I was looking for people to reason out doctrine rather than impress them with fancy videos. I have, recently, spent a bit more time in editing to make things look better and more polished, but for the most part, I simply post my teachings in audio, which lasts for about 60-90 minutes (for the YT video, my actual teachings are 90-120 min). Either people are going to listen, or they won't; that's it.

I don't have to fear being demonetized because I don't monetize my videos. All the donations I receive are by charity from my Christian brethren from around the world; we don't have very many who support what I'm doing, but we have enough that the Lord God has provided for Lorraine and I, and that's all we're looking for.

In addition, I'm not popular. Very few people listen to my teachings in their entirety, and there's only a few videos that have exploded in popularity recently. But the fact is that, because I'm not well-known, this allows me to operate freely without pressure or harassment from larger companies and organizations. I like it that way, and Jesus did the same thing when he told the people He healed not to go tell anyone what He had done for them. Why didn't he want the publicity? Because it's easier to get work done when you're not in the spotlight.

I want as many to hear as possible, but because I have a "boring video" that only has audio on it, most people click on it, but then immediately leave. If they were looking for some fancy entertaining video, then guess what? THEY WOULD NOT HAVE HEARD THE TRUTH ANYWAY because they're looking for entertainment, not sensible doctrine from Scripture.

The point is that because of the way I upload videos, and the fact that I didn't get greedy and monetize like many other ministries do, I'm not a target. The mainstream doesn't care that I exist. Like I've said many times before, I'm just some "young dumb kid who is some kooky religious nut"--that's not a bad thing because I get left alone to do my work. The Lord God has been merciful to me that I am disliked, and therefore, only those who truly want to hear will sit through the teachings.

Most people write me thinking they have a better way to do things. They are not discerning the difference between what is popular and what is edifying for the church. If people depart, that's good, let them depart; it keeps us invisible, so we are free to do evangelistic works without being halted by those with money and power, and if Youtube shuts down my channel, I will still be doing the same work I've always done, so long as the Lord God gives me the grace to do it.

God has made me invisible; Google does not care that I exist. One day, that might change, but for now, I thank God for His mercy and kindness on not just me, but all of us, so we can continue to work in peace and convert all who will hear the Gospel of repentance and faith.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Youtube Censorship and Google Controversy
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2019, 09:57:55 PM »
I really have no understanding for the claim that you should not be using YouTube because it's owned by Google. I know you don't have a YouTube ministry, but having one is just as valid as using the internet and any of its platforms as a ministry base. If someone was to use a building owned by an atheist to preach the Gospel, are they in the wrong for doing so?


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Re: Youtube Censorship and Google Controversy
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2019, 07:36:22 AM »
I think the idea is to boycott Google and all of their subsidiaries in protest against their censorship and manipulative search algorithms but I don't think you could ever get enough people to go along with it for it to make any difference.


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Re: Youtube Censorship and Google Controversy
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2019, 04:10:49 PM »
Despite their algorithms, about 90% of people who find our ministry were doing a Google search. I don't understand why people think that God is powerless in the face of algorithms.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Youtube Censorship and Google Controversy
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2019, 04:35:42 PM »
I think the idea is to boycott Google and all of their subsidiaries in protest against their censorship and manipulative search algorithms but I don't think you could ever get enough people to go along with it for it to make any difference.

I agree. The internet is way too powerful a tool to call for that kind of boycott anyway.


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Re: Youtube Censorship and Google Controversy
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2019, 07:09:06 PM »
Youtube is brilliant for exposing the false rubbish that is pushed via the normal media of television, radio, newspapers and magazines.  I send links to people I work with and others all the time in the hope that they might begin to understand the world they are living in.  (It seems they are usually too scared to look because it will mean a change in their lives and like me they might be ridiculed and shunned and excluded and they wouldn't like that.)

God uses people etc who are evil for His own purposes.  God used satan the devil for the purposes of the redemption of mankind, He used Pharaoh against himself to show His power and to free the Israelites from Egypt and then much later He used betraying and thieving Judas Iscariot for His purposes to get Himself crucified as the sacrificial lamb.

Due to Google, many more people will be exposed to the true gospel message than without it. (Unless they choose to be blind and deaf). 

I'm a part of this church and forum here because I happened to do a Google search one day looking for some correct Christian teachings. 
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)