Author Topic: Alternate sites to youtube  (Read 2890 times)

Tristan David Smith

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Alternate sites to youtube
« on: August 21, 2018, 05:51:12 AM »
I wanted to post this because with facebook being pressured to verify content and youtube as well being involved in this, that mayhaps it would be wise to also post to other sites?,

for example bitchute , , etc,

mainly because if governments start deciding what is ok to pass off as truth we end up asking for permission like china, or the catholic church in older times, so eyeing alternatives might be wise?, i am also reminded that the internet is more like a collection of tyrannies who have the trappings of non-censorship by necessity for its continued function, i am referring to the utter disaster that would occur if every sysadmin took a lunch break at the same time, this may be news to some of you but put simply the internet as a whole is a patch job where something somewhere is breaking and someone somewhere is having sleepless nights trying to fix every sudden break of as in most cases patching things just before something breaks, hence why i say it's by necessity, i believe this to be the main reason that people who would be called hackers(i refer not to the boogeymen portrayed in media) generally hate censorship, i think that because of how necessary the ability to share information freely is to their work that it very quickly becomes ingrained in most of the people responsible for the upkeep of the internet as we know it, mind you this is off topic and doesnt address copyright but i digress,

so main point, alternatives, what do you think of them?,

Hakim Mohamad

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Re: Alternate sites to youtube
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2018, 02:29:35 PM »
I used to have a channel on but I deleted it, after I had convictions about a lot of sermons from Charles Lawson (who ist a dispensationalist and believes that the last tribulation ist just for the descendants of Israel) and other Videos that I posted there that were leavened. (I guess the CLE Forum played a Rolex in that, too.)  8)

The Thing is that I really think that could possibly be a good place to put out evangelistic material because there is even less christian content but also less of the pseudo-christian stuff than on YouTube. And the people there are mostly atheistic or new-age libertarians. Most of them are very individualistic. Many of them are involved  in paganism and witchcraft and looking for false spirituality. So this could be a Mission field. But I would not recommend going there unless you are firmly dedicated because of all the wicked stuff and false philosophies you will see there.

The Problem I See is that older Posts and Videos get totally burried. On the other hand there are possibilities to Push your content to random viewers. You get rewarded with some Crypto Tokens for your participation or If someone Likes your content and you can also buy These Tokens. One Token equals one Dollar and you get 1000 clicks for every Token. You can then use your Tokens to let your content Show up in other people's feeds. AS soon as AS many people AS you payed for clicked on the content that you boosted, the Booster will automatically stop.
The Problem is that you need popular content to get enough Tokens as a reward for spreading your Message effectively and giving people the law ist not popular. Otherwise you would have to pay Money for the views.  Also if you have uploaded or posted new content the older stuff doesn't get Views any more.
So basically you would probably have to pay to get your content into the feeds of other people. Also the search function is terrible.
The only possibility to get anyone to click on your content without paying for them ist to Take Part in the discussions in the comments. But that doesn't work too well, too because often it Happens that older comments are just cut off, so it is a waste of time. is not very much like facebook either because the social interaction ist very limited.
I found it very interesting when I first heard about it but I think that won't become very useful any time soon.
And then there is also a lot of inappropriate content there. Of course you have that in YouTube, too but at least the algorhithm learns what kind of content I do avoide and IT doesn't show up so much in my feed on YouTube.
I don't know, maybe If you dedicate yourself to the Matter, you might find a mission field on because you might get access to people there who you would normally not reach so easily. But I tried it and it didn't work for me and I probably did a lot of damage.


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Re: Alternate sites to youtube
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2018, 06:40:51 AM »
A lot of people have moved from YouTube to either Bitchute or The latter was created by Mike Adams, a.k.a. The Health Ranger as an alternative for people whose channels have been either deleted or shadow banned by YouTube. Most of these are political in nature, but they allow just about everything that YouTube has censored as long as it doesn't contain illegal material or promote violence.


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Re: Alternate sites to youtube
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2018, 08:30:00 PM »
I have a Beetchute (CLE censors the site name and URL) that simply mirrors what I post on YouTube, for the time being. I have Minds, Gab and other pages as well.

What exactly is the issue with Charles Lawson? I don't believe that the doctrine you cite is essential to salvation. Same thing with flat Earth versus round Earth, tribulation, etc. It can be frustrating to see almost every pastor on a "false prophet" sort of list.


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Re: Alternate sites to youtube
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2018, 03:01:15 AM »
Ah, I think I've figured out the problem with the website and URL that is being censored. It contains the word that is used for a female dog that rhymes with 'witch' and that's the part that keeps getting cut off...

Another forum I was on a long time ago didn't allow the Biblical term for 'donkey,' either, and that included trying to post Scripture that had place names with those three letters somewhere in the middle!

Alex, the point is not whether a doctrine is essential to salvation or not; it is that the doctrine contains LEAVEN. If any part of a person's teaching is found to be contrary to the Word of God or distracts from the gospel message and they refuse to accept correction on the matter, we are to sanctify ourselves from ALL of it because 'a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.'


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Re: Alternate sites to youtube
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2018, 12:04:39 AM »

i have youtube on my roku player hooked to my tv, I don't have satellite or cable tv , just an antenna to pick up the three or four stations 30 miles away and the only thing I watch is the local news and weather , the rest is nothing but rubbish. I have
Chris Johnson's channel on youtube and  I have been listening to his teachings just about every night before I retire, I am now on the JW teachings . I don't know of any other alternative sites.