Author Topic: I Am Accused of Something Called "Modalism" (Edwardpf123)  (Read 11186 times)


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Re: I Am Accused of Something Called "Modalism"
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2019, 06:26:13 PM »
Did he lie? Because once I read the post I am seeing he came back to reply


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Re: I Am Accused of Something Called "Modalism"
« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2019, 01:43:16 AM »
Where did you see him post again after he left? I didn't...

Reed Scott

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Re: I Am Accused of Something Called "Modalism"
« Reply #22 on: July 02, 2019, 10:00:35 AM »
I am curious: Do you know of any Christians who also teach this. (Brian Moonan? Nate Marino?)
Tim addressed Joop very thoroughly, and so I don't believe I need to say much here, especially since Joop skipped over most of Tim's argument. I just want to make one comment: Joop's question here is invoking ad populem, that is, majority opinion as as argument. I have no idea who Nate Marino is (I don't really care either because it's not relevant), but Brian Moonan doesn't teach everything right either. Brian's still stuck in the false doctrine that "repent" means "to turn and change," and that is wrong. (i.e. 'Convert' means to turn and change; repent means having grief and sorrow of wrongdoing.) So to act like I, and Brian, and Nate all have to be in agreement on doctrine for it to be correct is calling for a majority opinion, which is a logical fallacy, not to mention, that in most cases throughout Scripture, the majority was wrong.

That's like when Jeremiah was preaching before Babylon besieged the city. Almost no one listened to him. All the other so-called "prophets" denounced him. Yet, he spoke the truth, even though very few would hear. Joop's argument to Jeremiah would be, "Have any of the other prophets taught what you're teaching?" That's exactly the argument the false prophets made if you read the book of Jeremiah; they claimed that Jeremiah was false, and gave the fluffy feel-good message to everyone else, and the majority turned to the false prophets.

Perhaps we need to ask ourselves, if Nate or Brian are not teaching these things correctly, then why has God blinded their eyes that they cannot see? I would not just say that here; I would be fine saying that directly to either of them because I stand confident on the doctrine of Scripture, as should you all. It does not matter if 99.99% of all preachers disagree with a doctrine, the Word of God proves itself, and does not need to rely on me, or anyone else, for confirmation of truth.
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
-1Jo 2:27

This points up what Chris has taught in many of his lessons.  There is nothing new under the sun.  The Bible on one level is one long continuous story pointing up just what man is.  How he behaves and how he thinks.  We all go round in the same repetitive cycle over and over unless we come to repentance and even then we must ever strive to STAY in that revelation and blessing through prayer and immersion in the Word of God.

Our contemporaries have in their minds the idea that modern mankind has somehow reached a great new level of understanding and knowledge.  That we are advanced.  Enlightened.  Chris teaches this very effectively.  The truth is we are no different than those who challenged Moses in Kora's rebellion.  Or those who troubled Jeremiah.  Or even those who crucified our Lord.  I still have not reached a resolution on the question of original sin.  Is there really nothing in a man that can decide to turn towards the Lord?  I just cannot be a calvinist.  But then again I 'feel' or apprehend that something not me, drew me to godliness out of my old man.  I have no sure answer to the timeless question,  "Why me?"

And on majority opinion:  I vaguely recall an old saw about two trillion flies and manure.


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Re: I Am Accused of Something Called "Modalism"
« Reply #23 on: July 02, 2019, 10:22:20 AM »
I've been accused of being a Calvinist too. I keep forgetting what it is, then I ask our church, then they explain it to me, then I tell them, "Oh, yeah, I remember now; that's foolish and I don't believe that." This has happened a number of times. In fact, I'm not sure I remember what it is now; all I remember is that it is connected to this:
Predestination VS Free Will
I titled my teaching that, but people should not judge the teaching by the title. The Bible actually teaches both (i.e. we have a choice and we're predestined at the same time), and the Bible not only explains why both are correct, but also why most people don't understand it.

I can't make people hear; Edward will not hear, and that's because he's convinced me he does not have the Spirit of God in him. That's why, in his videos, he puts loads of verses compact all over his back wall behind his camera, because he's trying to put on an outward appearance for his audience in the same way the Pharisees used phylacteries for show.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18