Author Topic: Pastor and Found of "Christian Rock Festival" Sentenced to 18 Years  (Read 1650 times)


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David Buzulak sent this to me a few days ago. A pastor who founded the Christian Rock Festival was sentenced to 18 years in prison for multiple counts of sexual assault against minors. He's already 75 years old, so he will most likely serve out the rest of his life in jail because he was given no chance for parole.
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Re: Pastor and Found of "Christian Rock Festival" Sentenced to 18 Years
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2018, 02:11:17 PM »
I saw this on David's site. I'm not surprised. I've heard some pretty nasty stories about people like Kenneth Copeland and other high-level preachers being involved in satanic ritual abuse, too. Billy Graham was another one, though I couldn't tell you for certain whether any of these stories are true or not. Again, it wouldn't surprise me if they were. We know it's prevalent in the Catholic Church.