Author Topic: You Do and Do Not Need Repentance for Salvation - ???  (Read 1250 times)


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You Do and Do Not Need Repentance for Salvation - ???
« on: February 28, 2022, 01:09:35 PM »
There is a man named Nate who has been writing me for years. I've had a lot of back and forths from this guy, and what's been fascinating about his letters is that he keeps flip-flopping. In one letter, he would state that the KJB is the preserved Word of God, and then in another letter, he would condemn those who are pro-KJB. In one letter, he would state that repentance is godly sorrow, and then turn around in another letter, and condemn all those who believe repentance is godly sorrow. If you want to see some of his conversation, it's still documented on our forum, and here are some examples:

There are many more than just this. We tried to be patient with him, but he kept doing this to a point that we had to kick him off our forum just for his contention and railing alone. The following is another letter he sent me just last night, and he sent this from a new email address because I've block multiple email addresses that he has.


I just did a review of your teaching on MeWe. Here is the full article.
Christopher J. E. Johnson: the most subtle, dangerous, pseudo-King James Only jerk on planet earth.
Johnson teaches that God must give you repentance BEFORE you can get saved and teaches that repentance is godly sorrow when the guy obviously can't read 2 Corinthians 7:10 KJV which says "godly sorrow WORKETH repentance to salvation" not that it's repentance itself.
Johnson claims that you can believe and trust in Christ for salvation and still go to Hell if God didn't make you wallow in tears and grief over your sins first.
As I've said in the past, all truly saved people will repent and grieve over their sins, but the Bible doesn't teach that you have to go through a process of repentance that God must give you BEFORE you can be saved! That's heresy.
Christopher J. E. Johnson is basically a closet Calvinist crackhead who teaches that God must give every individual person repentance BEFORE they can be saved. Acts 11:18 disagrees and says God ALREADY has granted repentance to the Gentiles AS A WHOLE, but Johnson has given a false definition of repentance altogether based on a retards reading of 2 Corinthians 7:10!
Johnson is a Creationist, a professing King James Bible believer and a liar. Another smooth operator who looks convincing if you're not paying CLOSE attention!

From you, in 2019 on our forum:
You guys need to check yourselves! I thank God I'm saved and I don't have to take or appreciate the self righteous tone in which I was talked to either. I have no patience for this Pharisaical anti-501c3 churches snobbery either. Ugh please just delete my account

From you, later in 2019 in email:
I repent brother. I am sorry for every stupid, carnal thing I said!
Please tell everyone that I apologize to them as well.

From you, in 2020 in a Facebook PM:
Hi Mr. Johnson, I wanted to let you know that I'm exposing your false teachings on Twitter.

And now here you are again in 2022. I'm almost at a loss for words.

Doing my best to ignore the fact that you've lied about your name more than once, I cannot help you. You have had malicious intent against me for years now, and I have a lot of documentation of all your backbiting and hatred against me. Whatever revenge you want to take on me for whatever offense you believe I caused against you, that's your business. Go do what you think you need to do. I just do not have time for this, and I'm not doing this dance with you anymore.

As for your "review," I really could not care less. The reason for that is because, in the book, I answered every argument you made. So, anyone who is looking for the truth would only need to read your review, and then read my book, and the Holy Spirit will guide them to the truth of the matter. I trust in Him to do that. Thus, I hope you spread out that "review" as far as you can because it proves the point, and I appreciate your effort, and hope many people read it.

With that, I'm blocking your email address (again, as I have already done in the past with your other email addresses) because you need to move on somewhere else, and learn to let go of that animosity. This ministry is not the right place for you, and I do not want to waste my time anymore than I want you to waste yours. I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for, and may the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your family with as much mercy as He has given to me and mine.
Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.
-1Pe 3:9

Have a great day.

I read your whole book and you did NOT answer the points I bring up in the review. You teach a false definition of repentance and a false and dangerous twisting of Christ's plain Salvation. You make Salvation hard for the sinner CONTRARY to what the King James Bible says!

I only brought you up because of current discussions among real Christians about real Biblical repentance and I thought of you as being the most dangerous false repentance teacher in America, which you are!

You can't answer the charge because you twist the verses on repentance and what the word even  wants as I perfectly highlighted by your inability to read 2 Corinthians 7:10 correctly.

I have feelings against you the same way I do all false teachers who are enemies of the cross of Christ. You're a serpent and at least I call you out publicly.

Good day,


Of course, I had no interest in demonstrating Nate's errors for him because, first of all, he has proven time and time again that he will not listen to anyone except Nate. Secondly, if he keeps publishing his false statements, it will only prove my book is correct for those who spend the time to study out the matter. And finally, the only reason Nate sent me this letter is because he wants me to come onto his social media and start up debate with him, and I have no interest in that because we have already been through all the details with him on this forum, and I have done it multiple times with him over email.

For example, he said:

"the Bible doesn't teach that you have to go through a process of repentance that God must give you BEFORE you can be saved! That's heresy."

In my book, Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell (which is free-to-read on my website), it says:
If you are reading this message of repentance and faith in Christ, and the lessons of these parables, and you understand and believe it, you did not receive it because of your intellect, nor are you receiving it because of me. God has had mercy on you and prepared your heart to receive understanding, and so I would say to you the same thing Jesus said: Repent, and believe the gospel.
Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
-Mark 1:14-15

I did not teach that. Jesus Christ taught that, which is why I quoted Him in Mark 1. Heresy is defined as a doctrine or other ideology that goes against the standard teachings of a religious practice, and therefore, in this context, Nate is claiming that what I taught goes against what Jesus Christ taught, but if you read what Jesus taught, then Nate is the heretic.

That's just one example. I'll leave it to you all to decide for yourselves, but just read this VERY carefully, and you all tell me what you think. This is from the letter he sent me two days ago (quoted above):

"all truly saved people will repent and grieve over their sins, but the Bible doesn't teach that you have to go through a process of repentance"
 ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Bullet points on Nate's doctrine to consider:
-Anyone truly saved must have the godly sorrow of repentance.
-No one needs to have the godly sorrow of repentance to be saved.

Hmm. :-\
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: You Do and Do Not Need Repentance for Salvation - ???
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2022, 09:52:58 PM »
Wow. I have heard people claim that Christians will have grief of their sins at some point after being saved but that it isn't necessary to become saved. I think one reason why they believe that false doctrine is because after they started claiming to be a Christian, they never had true repentance but they may have had some semblance of shame for their sin over time. Not sorrow towards God, but perhaps worldly sorrow about not being a good churchgoer. I remember things like that before I was saved. I remember I was sinning while I was a churchgoer and I was aware that it was wrong, I knew I should stop doing it and I even felt bad about it, but I didn't have sorrow toward God for it. I think it was my conscience working to reveal my sin but I believe my pride was still getting in the way of me actually coming to repentance of it at that point.

Christopher J. E. Johnson is basically a closet Calvinist crackhead who teaches that God must give every individual person repentance BEFORE they can be saved. Acts 11:18 disagrees and says God ALREADY has granted repentance to the Gentiles AS A WHOLE, but Johnson has given a false definition of repentance altogether based on a retards reading of 2 Corinthians 7:10!

I cannot believe that he really sat there and typed out the words to call Chris a "Calvinist crackhead" and a retard, and in doing so, he truly believes he is doing God a service to "expose" him. But really, all he did is expose himself as an incredibly hateful railer and false accuser. I was initially disappointed to hear that he left a bad review that might steer readers away from the book, but after thinking more about it, if someone is going to truly take a review like his to heart and choose not to read the book because of it, then they likely shouldn't spend the money on it because they probably wouldn't want to read past the first few pages anyway.

There are so many contradictions here. This was just extremely confusing and it makes no sense. I found it odd that he believes God doesn’t have to “give every individual person repentance BEFORE they can be saved,” but the way he decided to “prove” his point was by claiming Acts 11:18 “disagrees and says God ALREADY has granted repentance to the Gentiles AS A WHOLE.” If someone doesn’t need to repent to be saved then why would God have even granted it to gentiles as a whole at all (as he claims)? And if he thinks that all gentiles have already been given repentance, then why would Christians be commanded to preach repentance and remission of sins to anyone? That is such an odd argument... just, wow.

Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures, And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. - Luke 24:45-47

Another thing I noticed here is that there is an incredibly stark difference in his text compared to Chris' response. You can hear the hatred and railing attitude from Nate in his writing, and in Chris' response you can see humility and possibly even sorrow and exhaustion at having to deal with someone like this repeatedly. I have encountered hateful people when speaking to them about doctrine before, but I imagine that it is much harder to deal with strangers harassing and sending multiple hateful emails for years, randomly deciding to write a bad review, creating new emails and lying about their name, all for the sake of railing and spreading false doctrine. Why can't they just let it go and move on with their lives?  ???
"Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better." (Ecclesiastes 7:3)


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Re: You Do and Do Not Need Repentance for Salvation - ???
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2022, 09:17:15 AM »
If someone doesn’t need to repent to be saved then why would God have even granted it to gentiles as a whole at all (as he claims)?
                    THIS. ^^^^^^^

There is only one of two options; he's either trying to justify himself, or he's trying to justify someone else. The reason he is so hell-bent on this issue with me is because what I taught hit him right between the eyes, and he has not found a way to deal with it yet.

So, it could be that he thought he was saved because he said the sinner's prayer, but then later found out what the Gospel was, and as Ellie pointed out, "felt bad" about some things. So he considered that repentance, and even though he never had it from the start, and instead of accepting that perhaps he might have been saved when he finally understood repentance (and that Jesus said that those who are saved are those who understand the Gospel, but for some reason (maybe to stand on pretense with those he already knows personally) does not want to admit that.

But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
-Mat 13:23

The other reason he might be doing this is to justify someone else. Often it is some very close, like a mother (or even a pastor, which is very common, but that is part of justifying themselves because they don't want to admit they are prideful and think they cannot be deceived) or something like that.
It's someone who claims to have been saved for decades, but has never had the humility of repentance. So he ignores James 4:6...

But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
-James 4:6

... and continues to try to attack me in order to satisfy himself and justify his loved one. By doing so, it is inevitable that he will contradict himself because one cannot hold a reasonable and unreasonable ideology at the same time without overt flip-flopping and goofy statements that don't make sense. It's just not possible, which is why it becomes easier to expose false preachers who have been teaching for a long time... the longer they have been at it, the more contradictions will appear.

I can't do anything to help Nate; none of us can. I just pray that God would be merciful on his household, as He has been with ours.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2022, 09:19:23 AM by creationliberty »
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18