Author Topic: Analysis of Brian Moonan's Repentance Teaaching  (Read 2457 times)


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Analysis of Brian Moonan's Repentance Teaaching
« on: February 18, 2020, 05:50:04 PM »
This is coming from Brian's radio blog on the subject of repentance which can be found here:

Once again, I would highly recommend for anyone reading this to check out the doctrine I have available on repentance. It will clear up any confusion on the matter.
Is Repentance Part of Salvation?

As the audio begins, it is the typical radio intro he does. I don't personally care for it, but that's not a big deal. I just want to emphasize that he emphasizes an importance on the truth over all else.

@2:30 - Brian says that if something is not in the Word of God, then it will not be approved by God, and I agree with that. I'm just waiting for him to begin presenting his definitions for repentance, which is something he said he would discuss in this broadcast.

@2:40 - I think he made an error there because I believe he was trying to quote from 1Th 5:21, which says "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." However, he said "test all things," which is what new-age bible versions teach. There can be a big difference between testing something and proving something. It was probably just a slip of the tongue back from when he might have learned from a new-age version before he switched to the King James, so I just wanted to clarify.

@3:50 - If you listen carefully, Brian starts out by correctly pointing out the false doctrines of various preachers, including Steven Anderson, who teach that you do not need to repent of your sins. Brian then continues on to say that those men teach that "you don't need to turn from your sin."
First of all, you guys know I have my teaching on Wolves in Costume: Steven L. Anderson, in which I demonstrate that Anderson is not of Christ, but in Anderson's defense, he does NOT teach that people do not need to turn from their sin. He teaches that people do not need to turn from their sin to be saved, and on that point, I actually agree with Anderson because to teach that a man must turn from sin to be saved is to teach WORKS-salvation doctrine.
Secondly, Brian has, through the slip of his tongue again, stated what he believes the word 'repent' means before he has given his listeners a clear definition of it and backed it up. So, in my mind, it is misleading to state things in that way, because it begins to IMPLY (not prove) that repentance means "turn from sin."

@4:30 - This is where things start to get really confusing because Brian does seem to believe that people should have godly sorrow of their wrongdoing, which is repentance, but then as he continues to talk about it, he does not seem to believe that repentance itself is grief and godly sorrow. I mean, he states clearly that he believes people should look at their sin and grieve. I agree with that, but that itself is repentance, and so I have, for a long time, thought Brian to be in the camp of those that are confused about it based on things he has been taught in the past, rather than just too-quickly labeling and accusing him of being a false teacher.

@6:40 - I'm not sure that Brian understands what sanctification is. I can't tell from this. He says that sanctification is God "molding and shaping us," but sanctification is to set something apart for a holy use. There is difference between internal and external sanctification, I understand, but defining sanctification as "God shaping us" is rather vague and I am not sure I can agree with him on that. This is not to say that God does not shape or mold us, don't misunderstand what I mean; I am simply addressing the definition of the word 'sanctify'.

@7:40 - This is confusing me again because now Brian is teaching not turning away from sin, and forsaking sin, which he started to teach, but now is teaching "being WILLING to turn from sin." I can't tell what position he is taking yet.

@8:15 - Brian says that repentance and conversion go together, and I strongly agree with that. However, that is making me wonder what Brian thinks the word 'covert' means in Scripture. The word 'convert' means "to turn" or "to change," so if he thinks that repent means "to turn" what does he think conversion means? He can't believe that the word convert also means to turn because that would make his statement nonsensical. You can't say that 'repent' and 'convert' go together if you believe they mean the same thing because that redundant. It would be like saying clouds and water go together; that's redundant nonsense that no one would normally say because clouds are water. Therefore, if he thought 'repent' and 'convert' meant the same thing, he would not say "they go together."

@10:20 - I think Brian believes that 'convert' means "to believe." So here's a breakdown so far of Brian's definitions:
convert = to believe
repent   = to turn
sanctify = to shape

In reality, here are the definitions found in Scripture:
convert = to turn, to change
repent   = to grieve
sanctify = to set apart

@11:50 - Brian just used the word 'repent' and the definition "to change" interchangeably in the same sentence. So, it seems that Brian has fallen in the trap that many preachers have fallen into, which is confusing 'conversion' with 'repentance', and because of that, they will end up leading many people down a false road of works doctrine.

@12:20 - Wait a second... Brian just defined 'convert' as "to turn from sin." I agree with that, but that's how he defines 'repent' as well. Is Brian really blinded to all this? I didn't think he would use such words redundantly as he does, or at least, I didn't think he would believe the Bible was using those words redundantly. There are places where the Bible defines words by using them together in the same sentence, but the verses Brian has quoted so far are not the places where the Bible is defining the terms.

@13:30 - Brian still says you can't have one without the other, meaning that you cannot repentance without conversion, or conversion without repentance. I agree, but for completely different reasons because what Brian is saying, according to his own definitions, does not make sense. Ultimately, Brian is saying: "You can't have turning from sin without turning from sin." That's nonsense, and I'm not sure that hardly any of his listeners are catching this.

@15:00 - Okay, there is a problem here, and I'm trying to figure out what's going on, so I'm not sure I can write this out very clearly right now. He's saying on the one hand that you have to turn from sin to be saved, but then on the other hand, saying that God is the one who does it for you. Well, if God does it for you, then if you aren't turning from sin, that would be God's fault, not yours. Brian, if you ever read this, your doctrine makes no sense, and I hope you would be willing to hear what I'm teaching on this. Feel free to analyze what I'm teaching in the same way I am analyzing what you are teaching.

@16:20 - Wait, what?! Did he just say that "they turned God's grace into lasciviousness?" Maybe I misunderstood him, but I don't think Brian knows what lasciviousness is either. Lasciviousness is an unregulated indulgence in lust of the flesh, and although Jack Hyles was a fornicator, that had no contextual relevance to what Brian was talking about. I cannot make sense of that.

@17:10 - I will not say 'Amen' along with Brian on that because he is still teaching that men must turn from the sin to be saved. He and I both fervently preach that repentance is necessary for salvation, but because we both believe they mean two different things, that means he and I are teaching two different gospels, and which gospel is the truth, I'll leave that for all of you to decide, but I will not stand in agreement with Brian until he comes to correction on his error.

@17:45 - Brian is saying that we should not go out and scream "repent or perish!" to people, but the sad part about that is that Brian had to say that to his listening audience, and it's because he does not understand what repentance means, just as those who scream and rail don't understand what it means either. Once you understand that repentance is grief and godly sorrow of sin, then you don't have to tell them not to rail and scream because the message of repentance is a gentle message automatically. Rebuking sin itself can sometimes be very sharp, but godly sorrow is a calm message.

I made it to his commercial break, and I think I'm going to stop there. If our church wants to discuss this on our Thursday meetup, we can do so.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Analysis of Brian Moonan's Repentance Teaaching
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2021, 10:09:59 PM »
Question for you Chris how did you find out repentance meant grief and Godly sorrow for sin?


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Re: Analysis of Brian Moonan's Repentance Teaaching
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2021, 12:10:40 AM »
I'm not sure I remember anymore.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18