Author Topic: (UPDATE) The Cure for Cancer  (Read 1492 times)


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(UPDATE) The Cure for Cancer
« on: November 16, 2020, 03:24:05 PM »
I discovered some new information today that I added to the section about scam charities, and why we should be cautious about giving to charities in general. I am not saying it is wrong, but rather, I am saying that, for a true charity, they will more often want volunteers than money, meaning people who are personally involved in their giving and do not just throw money at a problem and expect everyone else to handle it.

Here is the new update:

During the 2020 election season in the United States, researchers were investigating Senator Joe Biden, a former U.S. vice-president who (as of 2020, when he ran for president) is being investigated for various criminal activities, and those researchers discovered that Biden had his own cancer research charity organization called The Biden Cancer Initiative. Even though Biden spent many millions of dollars of donations on salaries for employees, tax records show that he did not spend one dollar on cancer research, and he never gave out one grant:
"A cancer charity started by Joe Biden gave out no money to research, and spent most of its contributions on staff salaries, federal filings show. The Biden Cancer Initiative was founded in 2017 by the former vice president and his wife, Jill Biden, to 'develop and drive implementation of solutions to accelerate progress in cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, research and care and to reduce disparities in cancer outcomes,' according to its IRS mission statement. But it gave out no grants in its first two years, and spent millions on the salaries of former Washington, DC, aides it hired."
-Isabel Vincent, "Tax filings reveal Biden cancer charity spent millions on salaries, zero on research," New York Post, Nov 14, 2020, retrieved Nov 16, 2020, []

The article goes on to point out that Biden hired many of he personal friends and collegues, including Gregory Simon, a former Pfizer (pharmaceutical company) executive, and Danielle Carnival, Barack Obama's former chief of staff, just to name a couple. Biden's friends made anywhere from $250,000 to $430,000 in a single fiscal year, all paid for by the charitable donations of Americans looking to help their loved one, and any other money that left over went to pay for their meals, travel, hotel rooms, and to put on lavish conferences for their scam charity.

In fact, if you want to know how "charitable" Joe Biden is, reporters discovered that, as of 2008, Biden and his wife had only given an average of $369 a year to charity, meaning that he is more than happy to take millions from average middle class workers and give it to his friends, but not will to step up on his own dime to help others:
"Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and his wife gave an average of $369 a year to charity during the past decade, his tax records show. Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama's campaign today released 10 years' worth of tax returns for Biden, a senator from Delaware, and his wife Jill, a community college instructor. The Bidens reported earning $319,853 last year, including $71,000 in royalties for his memoir, Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics. The Bidens reported giving $995 in charitable donations last year - about 0.3% of their income and the highest amount in the past decade. The low was $120 in 1999, about 0.1% of yearly income. Over the decade, the Bidens reported a total of $3,690 in charitable donations, or 0.2% of their income."
-Matt Kelley, "Biden gave average of $369 to charity a year," USA Today, Sept 12, 2008, retrieved Nov 16, 2020, []

The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18