Author Topic: Hiya everybody  (Read 2869 times)


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Hiya everybody
« on: May 06, 2018, 10:52:49 AM »
Hello everybody,i'm David from Northern Ireland.I was adopted into a loving christian home as a baby as my biological parents were alcoholics.
When my mother and father forsake me,then the LORD will take me up.Psalms 27:10.
Seeds were planted as a child growing up but started taking drugs and smoking at 14 years old in high school.When left school i started to work in a meat factory and had alot more money to get high and party.I became a turntabelist(scratch DJ)@ 16 years old and DJED @ parties and entered the odd competition but never got anywhere as i was too busy partying and raving in early-mid 90's up to 6 years ago when i finally started to listen to the Lord.I had a few brushes with death in late 20's/early 30's in mid -late 2000's and stopped drinking,which i only started when diagnosed with polymicrogyria(epilepsy)in 1998 and became an alchoholic,praise the Lord Jesus Christ i was spared and little by little the Lord broke my pride down.I stopped taking drugs,drinking and smoking around 2011 after collapsing with a seizure going to do shopping with my wife and niece after drinking all night and my wife saying my head missed a car litterally by a couple of inches,again,Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for that!
My wife an i started going to an Apostolic/charasmatic church seeking signs and wonders,tongues and esp healing which never happened apparently because of lack of faith etc.I'd been saying "sinners prayers" for years before when partying thinking after to be saved,but it was all garbage and not once was repentance and or godly sorrow ever heard @ the apostolic church we attended.
There was a night an old work friend from years b4 who unfortunatly got into the charasmatic movement went to my house with a polish guy who was genuinely seeking the Lord Jesus Christ to pray for him to get healed of a sore leg and learn to speak in "tongues" which sadly is what i thought it took as proof to be born again,so the old friend(an elder @ the Apostolic church we attended prayed over the poor guy who kept saying his leg was still sore.That was eventually passed on but then came the learning to speak in gibberish part,the elder again laid hands and the polish guy kept trying but nothing was workin(@ least he was telling the truth)and the elder started to speak 'say LALA',the polish guy kept repeating it over and over but nothing happening so then he was told to 'SPEAK LIKE A TELETUBBY',which was a childrens tv program and @ that point,Praise the Lord Jesus Christ,the polish guy's wife who'd been saying all that stuff was a cult rang his phone,of course we said the devil caused it but i now know it wasn't.(i take full blame for everything that happened as it was my house".A week later we met the polish guy when shopping and he said he was avoiding church which breaks my heart now looking back and i hope and pray he heard the true gospel and is now saved.That night my eyes started to open and alot of research started from testimonies of ppl who'd left that movement and also hearing teachings esp fro Scott Johnson @ and through that started to compare everything to scripture altho i never sought after teachings on true salvation yet.Long story short i realised that whole movement was nothing but a cult and i learned the whole Bible version issue also.Alot started to happen then from my consultantchanging my medications and having heavy seizures constantly and being bedridden for a long time to nearly losding my wife through the effects it was having on her,but i now see the Lord was @ work through everything,praise God!
In August 2014 i heard a sermon by Paul Washer-The shocking youth message and for the 1st time heard about repentance and he was teaching from Matthew 7:13-23,altho not fro a KJV but i was convicted to the bone and listened to the sermon a few times after that and a huge spritual battle started to rage.There was a day in early September when myself and my wife were going to the shop about 100 metres away and for some reason i just knew i had to go back to the appartment,so i went back and no sooner had i reached the bedroom i was on the floor weeping,wailing and crying out to the Lord Jesus Christ for forgivness and being completely broken into a million pieces.i know now that was the godly sorrow which leadeth to repentance unto salvation 2 Corinthians 7:9-10 says.I have no idea how long it lasted but when my wife got home i grabbed her and cried out 'I'm free!
she thought it was a joke as i was so heavily after signs and wonders @ one point but for some reason the Lord saved me". ???
Anyhow,sorry for the length of this but i love telling how the Lord worked in my life,and still is,,Amen!
i'm praying without ceasing for ye,may the Lord Jesus Christ richly bless you all!
Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.Praise ye the LORD.Psalms 150:6


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Re: Hiya everybody
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2018, 12:35:00 PM »
Hi Dave, what a testimony! Glory be to God!
Welcome here, I pray you and your wife will strongly be rooted in Gods Truth and grow in faith. I pray this forum will be a help and blessing to you both. And I look forward to get to know you more.


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Re: Hiya everybody
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2018, 01:27:07 PM »
Hi Dave, it's good to see you back here! I don't remember if you posted your entire testimony like that when you were here before, but it was wonderful to read it.


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Re: Hiya everybody
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2018, 06:01:36 PM »
Hiya Jeane :)No i didn't go as in depth the last time and only gave parts here and there but was convicted to give more about myself this time.Been meaning to set up another account for a while now and have finally got round to it,praise God!
Thank you for the welcome everybody it really means alot". :) :)
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 07:34:01 PM by creationliberty »

Dee Babbitt

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Re: Hiya everybody
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2018, 01:06:31 AM »
Dave, good to have you here and thank you for sharing your testimony.  It is wonderful to hear how God brings people to Him, thanks be to God.  Praise God :-)


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Re: Hiya everybody
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2018, 02:44:13 PM »
Thanks for sharing that Dave!  Welcome!   :D