Author Topic: "Know Your Enemy" video playlist by The Fuel Project  (Read 2912 times)


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"Know Your Enemy" video playlist by The Fuel Project
« on: March 14, 2021, 07:34:42 AM »
I was introduced to this video series several years ago. I found it to be a very compelling argument on how Satan has weaved a thread of lies throughout human history.

Many times we feel that we are experiencing something new in the time of history that we are living in. I think this video series does and excellent job of showing that our enemy has been at this a lot longer than that, and his strategies never really change.

This video compilation is easy to digest in individual 5 to 7 minutes sections, but don't be surprised if you find yourself binge watching.

Enjoy at your leisure...
« Last Edit: March 14, 2021, 07:45:51 AM by Vince »


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Re: "Know Your Enemy" video playlist by The Fuel Project
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2021, 04:23:12 PM »
I was introduced to this video series several years ago. I found it to be a very compelling argument on how Satan has weaved a thread of lies throughout human history.

Many times we feel that we are experiencing something new in the time of history that we are living in. I think this video series does and excellent job of showing that our enemy has been at this a lot longer than that, and his strategies never really change.

This video compilation is easy to digest in individual 5 to 7 minutes sections, but don't be surprised if you find yourself binge watching.

Enjoy at your leisure...

Hi Vince

Not getting at you in any way.

I'm not too sure that any of the videos could really add on a whole lot to what can be read and studied from the Bible. 

Sure it is good to have teachings but being grounded in the Word of God and along with humility and charity the things around us that are not correct and the consequences of not being correct and not seeking truth is already laid out for us.  When people write accounts of historical people I'm not sure how much can be accurate apart from what we have in the Word of God because I don't know the extent of the written material that was on the Ark.  I suspect that quite an amount is folklore and is of no greater value than what we have in the Old Testament and the gospels.  Jesus himself didn't make a whole lot of mention of much of the history because He knew that the Israelites already had enough documentation in their hands.

The best and most important studies are the ones like Chris has done on how we got our Bible and the trustworthiness of it and that we can trust God to get the most relevant and correct documentation in to our hands.  A good Bible teacher will continually emphasize that you MUST read and study the Bible for yourself because it is the Holy Spirit that teaches but I'm suspecting that the teachers you have encountered in the past didn't do that nor was it important in the churches you have been a part of.

Why I Use The King James Bible

All of the evil people like the illuminati and the rest of the evil doers were always going to come along  ...  there's nothing new under the sun.  With a good understanding of the Bible and being born again in to the kingdom of God the myriads of falsehoods out there will all become apparent.

If anything I have written here is inappropriate I happily stand to be rebuked. 
« Last Edit: March 14, 2021, 04:25:25 PM by anvilhauler »
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


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Re: "Know Your Enemy" video playlist by The Fuel Project
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2021, 07:01:54 PM »
When looking into "The Fuel Project," I initially could not find much that was disagreeable, but that was because if you simply look at the website, they give generalized, vague statements in most of what they say on the surface. Their statement of faith is very cookie cutter, and non-specific.

However, there are some initial problems I'm seeing, and I haven't even looked at any of the teachings yet:
"6. What Bible translation do you use?
Mostly the New Living Translation (NLT) or the English Standard Version (ESV). We also use BibleGateway to check multiple versions so you'll occasionally see others."

That's problem number one. It is very difficult to sanctify oneself from the leaven, when they are studying books that have leavened the Bible. I wanted to look into a few more details on that, but there is no search functionality on their website as far as I can tell, so I'm going to have to go about it another more complicated way.

Mark Fairley, the owner of The Fuel Project, has a teaching where he exposes the origins of Catholicism:
However, he ignores the fact that the Bible versions he is using were based on manuscripts that were approved by the Catholic Church. So he's happy to rebuke the Catholic Church, but doesn't want to let go of those things which help him appear to have intellectual credibility with the "theological community."

See Why I Use The King James Bible for more details.

That was just the first red flag to me. The second red flag is that the entire front page of his website is a list of "Buy Now" buttons to purchase books and DVDs.

The third red flag for me was his "About" page, which, once again, has nothing about the Lord Jesus Christ. Take a look for yourself:
The Fuel Project began around 2011 and exists to spread the gospel in creative, beautiful, and inspiring ways. Whether that be through books, videos, photography, music, or art, this ministry is to be a source of information, inspiration and most of all, a source of fuel that ignites real change.


I say "our", because as the ministry has grown over the years, volunteers from around the world have joined together to make this a truly team effort. Animators, musicians, artists and designers have offered their services to enhance the books and videos produced by Fuel. Indeed, the eventual aim is for The Fuel Project to become a creative hub for all kinds of gospel work, with around 4-5 full-time team members. 

Key to our vision is the "Fuel Network", which is continuing to expand in every continent. We are inviting churches and small groups around the world to join together to make a commitment to true discipleship. The Bible says we're not just to be hearers of the word, but doers also, so although we love that people are watching our material, we don't want it to stop there. We want to see Christian groups rise up in local communities to apply Biblical principles wherever they live. The Fuel Network acts as an online directory that allows Christians to connect with each other for this purpose.

You'll find out more about this ministry as you go, but if you have any questions, feel free to get in touch using the form at the bottom of this page. All video series to-date are accessible through the home page too!

Finally, if you'd like to support this ministry, you can do so at Donations are also possible using the button at the top right corner of this screen. If you'd like to volunteer your skills too, please do! There are positions available on the “Volunteer” section of this website. We'd' be happy to hear from you.

Well, I suppose that Mark Fairley does not believe that Christ or His disciples "spread the gospel in creative, beautiful, and inspiring ways." The way this is phrased, it certainly comes across to me that he has to come up with new ways to "spread the gospel." This not only is indicates that he has ways that are different than Christ's, but it indicates that new ways are necessary, and it indicates that the Holy Ghost is not the one responsible for converting people.

The problem with putting a number of how many people claimed to have been saved from your work in huge bold print on your "About" page, it creates a few problems. First of all, that depends on what Gospel Mark is preaching. I don't know that yet, I'm still looking into this as I go. Many church buildings have comment cards saying "check this if you were saved" and then they add them to numbers, put out bulletins claiming that they got 200 people saved at an event, and the entire purpose of publishing those numbers is to GET MORE RESPECT AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT. It creates prestige to which people respect him because he's got a fancy website with a 150 number.

You'll notice that I don't put such information on our site because it's irrelevant. Certainly, I've had quite a number of emails of people telling me they came to Christ because of what I preached to them, but in the end, they were saved by the Holy Ghost, not by me. Therefore, I don't need to impress people with a number count, so that set off another red flag for me.

The next red flag is this statement:
"We are inviting churches and small groups around the world to join together to make a commitment to true discipleship."
That's his stated goal. Not to bring people to Christ, but rather, he's trying to light a fire under churchgoers. He does not understand that the "fire" he is searching for in peoples' hearts is only given to them by God. He is not acknowledging false converts, and he is not trying to save people as he trying to get them to "make a commitment," and I think that's part of the problem with Vince, as I pointed out in his introduction thread just today.

I'll give you an example, and this comes directly from The Fuel Project website of what Mark believes is a "good example" of a 2-min testimony, from this page:
Here is the video:

All this man said was that he was into a lot of criminal activity, then some people preached to him in prison, he "responded to the gospel" (whatever that means), and now he preaches in prisons. That is not a conversion testimony of any kind; it did not testify of much of anything. He basically spent 90 second talking about all the crimes he committed, and then in the last 30 seconds, it was like he was good to go, but there was no repentance of wrongdoing, no guilt of sin, or the blood of Jesus Christ; nothing of the sort.

This is another red flag for me.

See Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell for more details.

So, that's just an introduction post concerning the subject of The Fuel Project, and I have not yet even touched on the doctrines Mark Fairley has taught yet. We have a problem already that Vince does not seem to know enough about Scripture to know if he is saved, but then assumes he has enough discernment to tell everyone to "enjoy" his suggestions without knowing what or who he is recommending to everyone. That's the danger I see in these kinds of posts from people who have just joined our forum; they do not do enough research and just heap unto themselves (i.e. pile up a bunch of) teachers without caution, thinking that everyone else should do the same.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
-2Ti 4:3
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: "Know Your Enemy" video playlist by The Fuel Project
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2021, 03:48:50 PM »
So looking into Mark Fairley's doctrine, I decided to go to some key points. The first being his doctrine on repentance. Now, the problem with Fairley is the same problem that I see with a lot of other leavened preachers is that he does not define what he means by what he says, and therefore, we have to infer what he means by the way he uses the words he writes.

For example, in a teaching he has called "DAVID HYPOCRISY VS. SAUL HYPOCRISY," Fairley makes many statements about Christians needed to "repent," but never defines what that means. However, we can infer that he believes that 'repent' means "to turn from sin" by the way he uses the word in the context of his sentences.

And yet here's the important thing: when David was confronted about them, he confessed and repented immediately saying, "I have sinned against the Lord." (2 Samuel 12:13) David then promptly recommitted to principles he believed in and he lived those principles out.

So you can see how he is defining repentance as "turning from sin" because he talks about how David was "recommitting" and "living principles out." This is not to say that we ought not to turn from sin, but again, Fairley is using the wrong definition of repentance than what Scripture uses.

We can see it again here:
David repented quickly of his sin; Saul didn't. That David was a better repenter than Saul is the only reason we think favourably about David and not of Saul.

The phrase "better repenter" implies a work of action. Do we say that a man is a "better laugher" than another? Do we say that a man is a "better crier" than another? No. We say that man is a "better worker" than another, and therefore, we can see Fairley hidden works-based philosophy; it's just that the average reader won't catch that without discernment from God's Word.
Is Repentance Part of Salvation?

He says other phrases like: "they are no longer "Davids" who confess and quickly repent of their attitude"
The problem is that repentance is a complete change of attitude itself, and so his phrase is redundant, unless he's defining repentance as "turning from sin."

I also find it amazing how he ends the article by saying that repentance is the key to the whole thing, but then when I search his site, he has almost nothing on repentance. He has 11 short paragraphs in which he doesn't define what he's talking about, and that's it. Something smells fishy here.

I tried looking up his position on a lot of different subjects, like tithe, Greek lexicons and concordances, speaking in tongues, and other various things. I cannot find any information on his site about any of this stuff, so it's very difficult to tell what this guy believes about a lot of things.
So now, because I cannot figure out what he believes about a bunch of doctrines, I have no choice but to go the playlist suggested, so I'm going to part 1, and all I can say in the first minute is that if Fairley is trying to "preach the gospel" in "creative and inspiring ways," he needs to learn volume control on his videos so I don't have to crank up the volume to hear him speak, and then get my ear drums blasted out when he starts playing rock music a few moments later.

Okay, after watching "part 1," it was a complete waste of time. It was a really terrible song put in front of a bunch of images and topical words. *sigh* Next... on to part 2...

The next thing I'm noticing is what I see in a lot of preachers who adhere to new-age corrupt bible versions, and those who deceive their listeners by telling them what the Bible says, rather than quoting the Bible. That's exactly what he does in his blog as well. I'm not saying he never quotes Scripture, but it seems to be a rare occurrence. Most of the time, he gives references to the Scripture, but does not quote it.

He's also using a lot of imagery to influence people, and I also get red flags in my mind when people do that as well.

Okay, so now he's going into the physical appearance of Lucifer, attempting to describe it to lay a foundation for his argument. The problem with what he's arguing is that Lucifer USED to be beautiful, meaning, past tense. Fairley is speaking present tense.

I think Fairley may not have studied enough on this topic before making his video. God made Satan a serpent in Genesis:
And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
-Gen 3:14-15

Of course, Satan can make himself to appear as other things, even an angel of light, unto the eyes of men...
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
-2Co 11:14

...but God took away Lucifer's natural beauty during the fall. If Lucifer was naturally an angel of light, then why would he have to transform himself into an angel of light? Read the past tense:
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
-Isa 14:12-13

Then Fairley brings us to what he says is "Ezekiel 28:12-13," but I think he referenced the wrong verses because he quotes verse 15 from his corrupt new-age version:
Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
-Eze 28:15

Again, past tense. So Fairly is taking what once was, and then applying it today as if Lucifer is still the same as he once was, which is incorrect. But worse still, he titles this series "Know Your Enemy." That's... I don't even know what to say to that. It's not wrong to misunderstand something or make a mistake. Certainly, I have done that many times, but when we have someone join the forum and immediately jump in to say, "Hey everyone, enjoy this" as if he has discernment on the matter, I have to point out the problems with such videos to try and protect the rest of the church from being deceived.

I'm sorry, I know I'm only 90 seconds into part 2, but I have no interest in going any further. To me, I see someone who studies new-age bible versions, and I suspect he relies on Greek grammar dictionaries (although I don't have the evidence of that yet), gives incorrect references at the beginning of his teaching, and then gives incorrect information when interpreting it. On top of that, I cannot find basic doctrines on many things, and the guy says he's been doing this for almost a decade.

I think "The Fuel Project" is leavened, and I think people are going to get a false gospel from it. I think Fairley's true motivation (based on his own words) is to try and artistically style the Bible because imagery, music, and video editing is his true passion, and he wants to be a part of the "conspiracy ministry" crowd. He thinks being a "conspiracy ministry" and making "cool vids" is what will make the gospel of Jesus more attractive (i.e. it gets him views, likes, and donations), and that is based on a lack of understanding about the Gospel and the workings of the Holy Spirit.

I hope that helps.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: "Know Your Enemy" video playlist by The Fuel Project
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2021, 12:36:18 PM »
Likely, this will be the last comment I will make on Mark Fairley and "The Fuel Project," but it occurred to me last night to look on his YouTube channel to see if I could find some of his doctrinal teachings, so we could find out what exactly he believes on some more foundational issues. He has almost nothing along those lines.

The Fuel Project is a prime example of a "conspiracy ministry," which typically consists of man who is (at the very least) leavened, if not a false teacher, who has little to no understanding of the doctrines and philosophy of Christ, who spends most of his time "interpreting" Revelation without understanding the principles of Scripture, and does so in the typical "conspiracy ministry" fashion; for example, saying that "fire and brimstone" in Revelation infers "nuclear weapons."

Don't take my word for it, get it from the horse's mouth:

This guy selects topics by popularity, (meaning that most of his videos are click bait), and then does his best to intrigue his listeners by using words and images that are hot topics. I guess you could call it "sensationalism," and it's a lot of fluff with no substance.

sensationalism: the use of shocking details to cause a lot of excitement or interest

It's a lot of nonsense spoken by a man with a fancy accent that is looking to get clicks, views, and likes by using shock value to trigger the emotional excitement of an unsuspecting audience. I'm not saying that everything he says or teaches is wrong, but I am saying that there is lot of error and leaven mixed into just the few videos I saw. I'm not interested in listening to him any further, and I would not recommend this guy to anyone who is looking for Biblical understanding.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2021, 12:43:25 PM by creationliberty »
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: "Know Your Enemy" video playlist by The Fuel Project
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2021, 02:03:24 PM »
Kevin & Christopher,

As I'm learning more and more from this forum, and teachings on the CLR site I can see that there are many aspects of various ministries that should be discerned through before posting on any public forum. I do apologize for my arrogance in thinking I was contributing something of value as well as creating more work in having to reveal some of the wrong doctrines in the fuel ministry.

I will say the work that you are putting into explaining these false ministries in not without bearing fruit. I can tell that it is correcting a lot of wrong thinking in myself.

Appreciate the efforts.