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Thank you for your response.
This informs me exactly who and what you believe.
There is no "conspiracy" nonsense in my article. It's all based on truth and facts which is founded upon the Lord's Word. We are not to be deceived by the wicked devices of fallen men.
I know I will be "banned" but that is the way these so-called "Christian" Forums work. They are all the same lead by men who do not walk in the Spirit of the Lord, nor the Spirit of His Word.

Lord bless you......
Did you read the forum rules? We don't ban people for arrogance. We ban people for spamming and causing disruption to conversation, but since you aren't capable of having a conversation with anyone (as you have demonstrated thus far), I guess there really is not reason for you to have come here. The problem is that if anyone questions the holy, sacred Cal, they are automatically not men who "walk in the Spirit of the Lord."

In short, Cal approach is: "If you question or disagree with me, you're not a Christian!"

That is the EXACT same attitude I see in false prophets, and all those who worship them. I am not being facetious in any manner by saying that. I mean, that is precisely what they do, almost word-for-word, and then end it by saying "God bless," which he does not mean at all (i.e. it's a lie), it's just a pretentious phrase he uses to make himself look righteous and faithful on the outside.

If he keeps his word and leaves, that's fine by me because this is starting to waste my time.
Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings to all....
« Last post by creationliberty on December 30, 2023, 09:28:05 AM »
I answered with the truth, there was no contradiction.
Oh. Okay. That tells me a lot about you; much more than anything else you've said so far.

The Lord's Word is very explanatory which I used to explain.
Indeed, because God's Word has words and it's godly.

You seem not to like me using Scripture which supports my testimony.
You seem to use a lot of strawman arguments and red herrings when you're held accountable to what you say.

The Love of God in His Mercy brought Holy Spirit conviction, which revealed my guilt of my sins, which means in His Grace, without condemnation, He sent the Holy Spirit to bring about Salvation.
You just used the same contradiction after telling me there was no contradiction, and did not bother to explain yourself. I can't have a conversation with people like that.
Who brought condemnation to the guilty? The Pharisees, the self-righteous.
No, the Word of God brought condemnation to the guilty. Jesus' purpose in coming to this world the first time was not to condemn the world because the written Word already does that. However, that does not mean that Jesus never condemned anyone; specifically, the Pharisees that you just mentioned. In fact, if Jesus hadn't condemned them, you would not know to talk about them in that way. To say that it was the "self-righteous Pharisees" alone that brought condemnation is ignorance of the Scripture. They condemned others while being hypocrites, which is why Jesus condemned them:
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
-Mat 23:25

I'm starting to wonder if you just ignored the definitions of the terms, and instead you keep using the terms under your own definition without telling us what you think those terms mean. Part of the reason I suspect this is because you have not once said anything about the fact that 'conviction' and 'condemnation' mean the same thing.

I know you don't want to hear any of this, and don't misunderstand; I'm doing this for others reading this because let's be straight-forward: you didn't come here to learn anything or fellowship with us. You came here to preach to us what you want us to believe; that's pretty clear based on what I have seen from you so far (especially in your other post), which means you have no intention of taking in any understanding from anyone else but yourself. I can't have a conversation with people like that.

Did Jesus condemn Mary Magdalene? Did Jesus condemn the man with the Legion of Demons? Did Jesus Condemn Paul for killing His Followers? He came with Mercy, in His Love He came to those who could not change themselves.
You still have not addressed the contradiction that I pointed out. No one here is arguing that you were condemned by Jesus when you claim you were saved. These questions you just posed are strawman arguments because you either refuse addressing what I said, or you don't understand what I said.

So yes, it was the Love of God in His Mercy to bring about conviction of my sins, it was His Goodness that lead me to Repentance.  That is all non-contradictory.
You still haven't answered anything yet. You're just repeating what you previously said to make it look like you answered my inquiry. In my experience, men who repeat themselves instead of answering or expounding on the question asked are dishonest men who end up as politicians. I hope that's not you, but you haven't given me any reason to believe otherwise yet.

The Lord's Word stands true, and so do I stand true.  He came, He convicted, I confessed, I ask forgiveness, He forgave, then I was cleansed, and sealed by His Holy Spirit. That is pretty much the Gospel.  No contradictions with the work of God within a sinner's soul.
That's just cotton candy fluff. You've trained yourself well over the years to repeat the lines you think others expect you to say, but I can't have a conversation with a broken record.

Thank you I've answered the questions, no "avoiding here", I reject your accusation.
In your mind, you declared it, so therefore, it is true by default. This is very similar phrasing I have seen when I talk to people who worship false prophets. I'm not saying you're one of those, but what you say is strikingly similar to them.
Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.
-1Co 10:12

Yes, I did add the other info, but not to "drown out so nobody notices that I did not answer it".
Well, you're still doing it... soooo...  ???

It seems you are trying to manipulate the situation into something it is not.
Pot, meet kettle.

The Lord states we are to provide all things honest to all,
Correct... and here comes the accusation to justify himself...

it seems you are the one who struggles with the truth according to the Lord's Word and the testimonies written within it.
And there it is. That's the man who does not judge himself. Because I dared to question the holy, sacred Cal, and point out where there was a contradiction in what he said, I have now received the accusation that I struggled to understand ANY AND ALL of Scripture.

For anyone else reading this, when you see this sort of thing, it's childishness. It's the same fussy attitude children have when they are told something they don't like, and so they react by saying "I know you are but what am I?" The problem is that Cal knows that if he said that, he would look childish, so he says it behind a bunch of words that he thinks makes him look sophisticated. This is what is meant when Paul said "by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple" in Romans 16:18.

The reason he is doing this is simply because, if he were to address the question I asked him, it would shake the foundation of what he has believed about his alleged salvation testimony for decades. I wasn't even trying to do that; I just wanted to understand why he used two words back to back, which mean the same thing, but declared opposite things about them. That's all I wanted to know, but now it has turned into this, which means there is a MUCH deeper philosophical problem in Cal's belief system. And now, it has turned into something so serious for him, he will condemn others to save himself from having to address it.

Lord bless you
And he ends his letter with pretense that he thinks will make him sound "holy." The passive aggressive attitude he has is a form of what the Bible calls "murmuring."
Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
-Phil 2:14

Cal, have you listened to anything I teach? Why did you come here? Because, after this post, it doesn't sound at all like you want to have any fellowship with us, and it certainly doesn't sound like you have much like-mindedness with us.
Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
-Phil 2:2
Thank you for your response.
This informs me exactly who and what you believe.
There is no "conspiracy" nonsense in my article. It's all based on truth and facts which is founded upon the Lord's Word. We are not to be deceived by the wicked devices of fallen men.
I know I will be "banned" but that is the way these so-called "Christian" Forums work. They are all the same lead by men who do not walk in the Spirit of the Lord, nor the Spirit of His Word.

Lord bless you......

You will only be banned if you do things against forum rules and regulations. Your original post does not break any rules but this one does with false accusations, refusing to reason out topics in contention, and committing uncharitable judgments.
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19

Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom. Proverbs 13:10

Now that you are leaving, I will say this: keep your word and depart from us in peace.
Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease. Proverbs 22:10
Thank you for your response.
This informs me exactly who and what you believe.
There is no "conspiracy" nonsense in my article. It's all based on truth and facts which is founded upon the Lord's Word. We are not to be deceived by the wicked devices of fallen men.
I know I will be "banned" but that is the way these so-called "Christian" Forums work. They are all the same lead by men who do not walk in the Spirit of the Lord, nor the Spirit of His Word.

Lord bless you......

Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings to all....
« Last post by Watchman4Lord on December 30, 2023, 03:19:36 AM »

Does this help you?
The story you just told me makes sense, and I'm not arguing against what you experienced, but you did not answer my inquiry. I pointed out to you that you used two contradictory statements, and you did not answer to that contradiction. If you had told me that you used one of the terms in error, then I would have understood that because we all make mistakes from time to time, but you didn't even bother to correct yourself when I pointed out to you the contradiction which I demonstrated. Telling me about your mom being a lesbian doesn't explain why you used contradictory phrases in the same sentence, as I pointed out here:

It seems like you're just avoiding what I said, and talking about a lot of other things to drown it out, so nobody notices that you didn't answer it.

I answered with the truth, there was no contradiction.  The Lord's Word is very explanatory which I used to explain.  You seem not to like me using Scripture which supports my testimony.  The Love of God in His Mercy brought Holy Spirit conviction, which revealed my guilt of my sins, which means in His Grace, without condemnation, He sent the Holy Spirit to bring about Salvation. 
Who brought condemnation to the guilty? The Pharisees, the self-righteous.  Did Jesus condemn Mary Magdalene?  Did Jesus condemn the man with the Legion of Demons? Did Jesus Condemn Paul for killing His Followers?  He came with Mercy, in His Love He came to those who could not change themselves.
So yes, it was the Love of God in His Mercy to bring about conviction of my sins, it was His Goodness that lead me to Repentance.  That is all non-contradictory.  The Lord's Word stands true, and so do I stand true.  He came, He convicted, I confessed, I ask forgiveness, He forgave, then I was cleansed, and sealed by His Holy Spirit. That is pretty much the Gospel.  No contradictions with the work of God within a sinner's soul.
Thank you I've answered the questions, no "avoiding here", I reject your accusation. Yes, I did add the other info, but not to "drown out so nobody notices that I did not answer it".  It seems you are trying to manipulate the situation into something it is not.  The Lord states we are to provide all things honest to all, it seems you are the one who struggles with the truth according to the Lord's Word and the testimonies written within it.

Lord bless you
Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings to all....
« Last post by creationliberty on December 29, 2023, 11:28:58 PM »
Yes, the Lord came in His Mercy, and opened my ears to hear, and eyes to see, that homosexuality was a sin, which I did not believe before.  So He came and informed me it was a sin, and that I was not "born" gay.  I was shocked at the reality that it was sin, and that I believed in the lies. Due to the Convicting Power of the Holy Spirit I knew it was true, I was guilty, which lead me to cry out to Him for forgiveness, weeping realizing He was revealing the truth to me, because I did not believe the truth prior, my aunt would inform me of this years prior, but I did not believe her. I was deceived due to unbelief. I was involved with that life without knowing what it was, starting at the age of 7 or 8.  But that was due to my mother's abuses against me at such an early age, I was not protected by them, which lead me into a life of perversity, identity crisis desiring to be a girl, so she would love me. My mother was in out of lesbianism most of her life into her 50's.

Does this help you?
The story you just told me makes sense, and I'm not arguing against what you experienced, but you did not answer my inquiry. I pointed out to you that you used two contradictory statements, and you did not answer to that contradiction. If you had told me that you used one of the terms in error, then I would have understood that because we all make mistakes from time to time, but you didn't even bother to correct yourself when I pointed out to you the contradiction which I demonstrated. Telling me about your mom being a lesbian doesn't explain why you used contradictory phrases in the same sentence, as I pointed out here:

It seems like you're just avoiding what I said, and talking about a lot of other things to drown it out, so nobody notices that you didn't answer it.
I want to reply to this because I want anyone reading this to understand that the idea that joining the military after becoming a Christian is not necessarily a sin, but I could not provide a Scriptural justification for it either. That being said, what Cal wrote here is NOT a good argument for a Christian not joining the military.

Illuminati, NGOs, New World Order... blah blah blah. This is the same garbage that comes out of "conspiracy ministries" that corrupts the minds of Christians. These types of posts/articles are a dime-a-dozen, and often offer the same tired lines that are flawed from a Scriptural perspective because, most often, those verses they use are taken out of context. I know because I sounded somewhat like this when I started writing, but I was still a young Christian at the time (i.e. I had only been saved about seven years) -- the above post came from a near 50-year veteran, and he should know better by now.

The second half where there was a Scriptural argument made peaked my interest, but I was quickly let down because all Cal is arguing is that there are bad people in the military, and there are bad people leading the military, therefore, we should not have anything to do with it. This is flawed and absurd logic because if we were to apply that philosophical reasoning, we could not be citizens of any country, nor could we be employed by almost any company (and that is the sense in which he quoted 2Co 6 at the end, which is NOT the contextual meaning of that passage), and that would make it impossible to just have a home and earn a living to support one's family.

Cal only joined this forum yesterday, and I don't know why he decided to jump into the deep end to start preaching this garbage. I know he's going to be angry that I call it garbage, but this is a bunch of copy/pasted quotes with peoples' feelings and opinions, nothing more, and all it will do is confuse people reading this. It does not address the core philosophical understanding that Christ would have us to know because it does not address sin of the individual, rather, Cal preferred to say that sin is in the world (obviously), and we should avoid sin (obviously, even children know this), therefore, we should avoid the world, which is contrary to the doctrine of Scripture... we should not love the world, but we must live in the world.

I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world.
-1Co 5:9-10

If anyone wants to properly address this subject, then do so from the perspective of slavery versus freedom. When you enroll in the military, you put yourself under a contract, and that contract limits what you can say and do fairly strictly. What this means is that if the Holy Spirit leads you and/or convicts you to do something, and the military says "No," then you cannot do that thing, which forces you to follow men instead of God.

However, Paul addressed this issue for those who were born again AFTER they had already joined the military:

Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called. Art thou called being a servant? care not for it: but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather. For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord's freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ's servant. Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men. Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God.
-1Co 7:20-24

Paul did not preach joining the military was sin because that does not address the core problem. If you were in the military when you were born again in Christ, then it was ordained for you to be there at that time for some specific reason God had in mind, so then serve in the military as if you were serving Christ Himself. Study Scripture and pray. Do a good job. Work hard. However, if you are presented with the opportunity to leave lawfully and peacefully, then you, by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit in this passage, ought to leave so you can be the Lord's freeman, and serve according to His will.

For this reason, I would urge Christians to not join the military, unless forced upon by the government to do so (like in a draft). If you are in it, then leave by lawful and peaceful means when the opportunity is presented. This is a simple a matter of a contractual agreement you will have to sign when you first join the military, in which you are signing away your freedom to serve under men as a soldier of the public. One cannot serve Christ in full liberty while under a military contract.

Once you understand it from that perspective, it makes Cal's post (and all the references he provided) completely unnecessary, and again, I would argue that superfluous information like that only confuses young Christians, which is why I so heavily and firmly objected to it.
Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings to all....
« Last post by Watchman4Lord on December 29, 2023, 10:57:15 PM »
I'm just trying to remove ambiguity.

Was there more than the sin of believing you were born gay that you felt convicted of when you believe you were born again?
If you stated earlier there was more than that I missed what it was.

Then I suggest you re-read the entries. There is no ambiguity present. It's all pretty clear and to the point.
Thank you......
Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings to all....
« Last post by Kenneth Winslow on December 29, 2023, 09:58:12 PM »
I'm just trying to remove ambiguity.

Was there more than the sin of believing you were born gay that you felt convicted of when you believe you were born again?
If you stated earlier there was more than that I missed what it was.
Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings to all....
« Last post by Watchman4Lord on December 29, 2023, 09:52:08 PM »
Allow me to state my question more clearly:

Would it me accurate to say that the only sin you felt ashamed of during your salvation experience was believing you were born gay?

Please,  I have clearly stated all above what I was convicted of, your question was clear enough, unless you are trying to hint at something else you are not being honest about.
Is this the Spirit of the Lord?
Thank you......
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