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General Discussion / Re: Roe v. Wade: Why Now?
« Last post by Pilgrim Mike on April 06, 2024, 10:15:58 PM »
There's too many weak and gutless cowards in the US to fight another " civil war" although I would personally not mind participating if it were to happen again. The more I read and study God's word the more I realize the words of Christ when He says, My Kingdom is not of this world. I do my best to have that mindset every day with all that's going on. The furtherance of God's Kingdom is worth more than all the world could give and more.
General Discussion / Re: Someone has accused Chris
« Last post by Pilgrim Mike on April 06, 2024, 10:07:53 PM »
Thank you. That clears up the misunderstanding I had.
What's New @ CLE / (OTHER VIDEO) Is Easter Pagan? Argument Analysis
« Last post by creationliberty on April 05, 2024, 12:23:14 PM »
General Discussion / Re: Someone has accused Chris
« Last post by Kenneth Winslow on April 04, 2024, 09:03:03 AM »
That dude was banned a long time ago and hasn't been able to make any posts since.
General Discussion / Official street preacher
« Last post by Pilgrim Mike on April 02, 2024, 03:00:38 PM »
Have any of you ever heard of Rich Penoski ( I think I spelled his last name wrong ) and his " ministry " official street preachers? It used to be called " warriors for Christ ". He was heavily influenced by Reuben Israel, that I know for sure. Something just doesn't seem right about that whole thing and I was just wanting to know what anyone thought about it. Thanks
General Discussion / Claiming To Serve God
« Last post by Pilgrim Mike on April 02, 2024, 02:56:43 PM »
Other than several replies on this forum that I've made, it's been a while since I've been on this forum and to be honest I was actually expecting to be banned for whatever reason which thank God I haven't been. I've changed jobs and I'm now on a new schedule with my current job. I used to meet up with some people a while back and at one point we were going to start a " church ". That didn't go over well and me and a few others broke off from that guy because of misuse of funds. All this was before I even knew this ministry existed. One of the guys I continued to meet on a regular basis and go give out tracts, along with another fellow. We'd meet at his house and sometimes near Vanderbilt on west end in Nashville to do the same as well as Centennial park. The last time I checked he's been working with a local " church " and doing things for it in what he calls serving God. Him along with several other people who I thought would like to take part in street preaching, put in different words, came up with some type of reason/excuse as to why that's not the best way to reach people or that I am doing it wrong. He's part of a 501c3 church by the way and I told him the truth behind it and I'm pretty that's why him and the other guy pretty much want nothing to do with me anymore which is fine because as God's word says " there's a reason for everything under the Sun ". Although It'd be nice to have a partner in ministry who thinks the same. I personally wouldn't break fellowship with someone over trivial/minor subjects because I believe it's good to have certain discussions. What are some thoughts on this? If I need to clarify more on this feel free to let me know, you won't hurt my feelings :). Thank you.
General Discussion / Re: Negative Amazon Review
« Last post by Pilgrim Mike on April 02, 2024, 02:30:58 PM »
Chris is right when he says truth is not based on majority opinion so it doesn't matter what anyone says against his book. I've read his book and purchased several to give to people who are willing to read it. Chris is obviously not God and just a man like many of us and I'm sure he'll admit that. He has put in a whole lot of time and effort into writing that book and many others and I'm very sure he'll continue to do so. God has used his writings to help me grow in my faith even to the point where my blood relatives don't like to hang around me and people who say they're my friends have pretty much abandoned me because of my growth in Christ. The person and people like that person who posted the negative review is a false convert, a wolf in sheep's clothing. I highly encourage anyone to read his books and articles. I recommend his articles to people at work and especially to people that I talk to while preaching on street corners.
I just read your responses to cal and I can honestly say that you handled it better than most people I know would have. That and your last reply was pretty funny, at least to me being as I have a big sense of humor. People like him refuse correction and I know there's a verse somewhere that talks about that and if I recall correctly it calls people like him fools.
General Discussion / Disagreements
« Last post by Pilgrim Mike on April 02, 2024, 02:02:27 PM »
I know God's word says something about followers of Christ being of one mind but I do not recall, at the moment, where that particular verse is. I personally believe  that if someone distances themself from someone they have a disagreement with, by that I mean a non essential/minor subject, is an act of cowardice because they didn't talk to that person as to why they feel the way they do and hide behind their screen in their own safe place. What are some other views on this? Thank you and God bless you all.
General Discussion / Re: Someone has accused Chris
« Last post by Pilgrim Mike on April 02, 2024, 01:56:32 PM »
I'm just curious as to why on someones profile name it says banned but they're still able to make replies and so forth.....? Thanks in advance.
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