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Messages - ceere

Pages: [1]
So he's told he needs to introduce himself as per the forum rules in the link and his response is for us to start the conversation? That's just proof that he never wanted to have a legitimate discussion.

He's banned now.

now whether im legit or not that any person can tell with little intelligence after reading my post that whether it is credible or not.

so i do not require any certificate from you after giving my intro. ( for i am not very important at all )

You can tell he's giving a fake name and location too. I think I remember this guy now. This isn't the first time he's done this. Does he just stop by once a year or so to say "REEEEE!" and then get banned again?

come on, dont judge the book by its cover. and why do you want to know my personal details ? im nothing important at all.

now central point was purpose of human life that i do have explained, now if there is any fault in that than explain that. touch the real issues and prove it that you are real deal instead of making so much shows of being reasonable man.

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