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Messages - Angel_Stewart

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Christian Death Metal
« on: February 21, 2020, 05:29:00 PM »
I am not spamming just asking for help from other Christians but it seems you guys do not want to help me out. Just disregard the post. I thought Christians help one another.  :'(
Go ahead and give me negatives in the Edification. Thanks a lot for your help.

General Discussion / Christian Death Metal
« on: February 21, 2020, 04:46:52 PM »
What is wrong with this category? Please see link:

I have am defending the Word on there. Impending Doom singer is making fun of me. He created the repentagram and it is not of God. I would love some help from you guys. This sounds like a special movement somewhat like a cult following and admiring their leader. This is all about spreading rage not love!! If you would like to add to my thread in this you tube link, I would love the support, here it is Lightseekers Art and Angelic Presence I have over 100 comments under my thread and most are my advice

Why are these fans justifying anger as a way to preach? If I heard someone growling in the dark with anger in his tone calling out to me in Bible verses, will I stop and listen? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

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