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Messages - Caleb

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Introduce Yourself / Caleb's Introduction
« on: April 23, 2019, 04:12:19 PM »
Hi all, my name is Caleb Jenkins from Missouri.  I'm married and have two step daughters and one daughter.  I work at the Ozark Regional Juvenile Detention Center.  I try to witness to the kids as much as I can, even though there are times I get written warnings for teaching these kids what I know.  I don't really care because God has blessed me in this job from the time that I started working there.  I listen to Christopher almost on a daily basis at home and at work when I'm in the control room or I'm in the transport car transporting a juvenile.  I've had many revelations of the Word of God within the past year and have made many changes in my life to purge the leaven out of my life.  Of course, I'm still working on that.  One of the first things I had to do was find the pure and perfect Word of God, in which I used to think was the Geneva bible.  Through long study and listening to Christopher and many others I started to finally realize what was wrong with the Geneva bible.  I switched to the King James Bible when my mom, my sister, and I had a debate on the subject of Passover.  As soon as I proved to them that Passover and Easter are two completely separate days I switched to the KJB, it was obvious and I proved myself wrong on the Geneva.  But that was just the beginning.  I've always, even as a kid, had a problem with people "speaking in tongues."  I can remember whenever someone would be doing that I would listen closely to both the "speaking in tongues" and the interpretation to see the similarity between them.  Never could figure it out.  I've watched and listened to many people on the subject, including my own parents, and still wasn't convinced that it was from the Holy Spirit.  After listening to Christopher on the subject I finally found out why I felt like that as a kid.  It was perfectly clear to me now.  I took what I learned and managed to convince one person in my family, my twin brother Curtis.  Curtis used to be one that "spoke in tongues" and after realizing the he was speaking satanic gibberish he repented of that evil and told me that he couldn't believe he had been fooled this whole time.  Since then I've payed more attention to what I've always known, interpret the Bible logically and in it's context and don't let anyone tell me otherwise.  I've spent a lot of time learning about the Laws of Logic since before I even started to apply that to Christianity. After a time, I began to realize the amount of contradictions in my own father's church that I attended and that I was also a deacon of.  Realizing through scripture on what a Biblical deacon is suppose to do I felt that I was not longer able to be one.  I simply didn't meet the Biblical requirements.  So I had to finally tell my dad why and he didn't seem to be angry at that time.  As I was trying to meet those requirements I soon realized how much leaven my own father's church was involved in.  I began to have a distaste for the things that was being taught and soon had to make one of the most difficult decisions of my life.  I quit the church.  I explained to my father all the reasons that I was quitting and we had a big argument.  I pretty much called my father a false prophet.  He contradicted scripture continually and allowed things to happen in the church that was not suppose to be in the church.  My sister was an assistant pastor and my sister-in-law was the assistant youth pastor.  That's not all that was happening.  I just couldn't stand to be in my father's church anymore, because that's the thing, it was my father's church and not my Father God's church.  Well to make what's already been a long post shorter, Curtis, his wife, and I have been meeting once a week to do Bible study using Christopher's youtube channel and following along with the articles he provides.  An hour video can take us several hours because we tend to pause and talk about what's been said to help each other to better understand the Word of God and that's the point of our Bible study.  I will have to thank God for putting Christopher in my life to help me realize the things I should have already known and for his teachings that we use to strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ every week.

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